CORPORATE DROPBOXESFTA, GoAnywhere MFT, and MOVEit Transfer are corporate versions of file sharing programs consumers use all the time, like Dropbox or WeTransfer.
MFT software often promises the ability to automate the movement of data, transfer documents at scale and provide fine-grained control over who can access what.
MFT PROGRAMS CAN BE TEMPTING TARGETSRunning an extortion operation against a well-defended corporation is reasonably difficult, said Recorded Future analyst Allan Liska.
"If you can get to one of these file transfer points, all the data is right there.
HACKER TACTICS ARE SHIFTINGScooping up data that way is becoming an increasingly important part of the way hackers operate.
Ransom, GoAnywhere MFT, James Lewis, WeTransfer, Allan Liska, Bam, Liska, Joe Slowik, Huntress, Raphael Satter, Grant McCool
Software, GoAnywhere, Thomson