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A devastated newlywed couple is among the many who lost everything to the Franklin Fire that ravaged communities in Malibu. On Monday, Michelle and Blake Geffen quickly grabbed their cat, passports and other important items before jumping in their car to drive out of Malibu. NBC Los AngelesThe newlyweds recently moved into their pink home in the Serra Retreat Community and found out by watching the news that their rental home and all their belongings were destroyed in the out-of-control wildfire. Geffen house after the fire in Malibu, Calif. NBC Los Angeles“I just want to say thank you so much to all the really, really brave men and women out there who are doing their best to fight, you know, just really, really, they’re real heroes. Geffen house after the fire in Malibu, Calif. NBC Los Angeles“It makes me cry.
Persons: Michelle, Blake Geffen, , , ” Michelle, Alec Gellis, Gellis, It’s Organizations: Franklin, NBC Los, Serra Retreat, Franklin Fire, Geffen, NBC Locations: Malibu ., Malibu, Serra, Malibu , Calif, NBC Los
"I was irritated they didn't give me more of a reason," Seligson told BI. A few weeks later, the article's editor told Seligson the decision was made by Elle's editor-in-chief, Nina Garcia. But at the 11th hour, Garcia expressed concern that the story would be a "takedown," Seligson's editor told the writer. The Daily Beast story was similar to the draft Seligson had filed to Elle, which Business Insider reviewed. In taking the helm at Elle, Garcia said she was "looking to amplify the DNA of the brand.
Persons: Hannah Seligson, Tanya Zuckerbrot, Elle, Seligson, Zuckerbrot, Emily Gellis Lande, Lande, Hearst, Andrea Butler, It's, Nina Garcia, Garcia, Gellis Lande, Tracy Connor, , haven't, it's, Robbie Myers, E, Jean Carroll, Donald Trump, Carroll, Bryan Singer, She's, she's Organizations: Elle, Business, New York Times, Stone, Daily, The New York Times, Hearst, Hollywood, Hamas, BI Locations: New York City, Israel
Peru"Peruvians are welcoming travelers back with open arms," says travel one travel expert. And perhaps most importantly, the city offers excellent value, in part because it will be the winter/low season there during the Northern Hemisphere’s summer. It’s home to three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including megalithic temples that date to the 4th millennium BC. Although summer is the rainy season, Gellis says showers are often brief and intermittent. AlbaniaAlbania is a Mediterranean gem that’s likely to be less crowded this summer than Greece and Croatia, says Joao Donadel, another EMBARK Beyond travel advisor.
Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent (CJI) a lansat vineri, 25 iunie 2021, cea de-a șaptea ediţie a Hackathonului media „Puterea a cincea”, care se va desfăşura în perioada 25 - 27 iunie 2021 în format online. Timp de trei zile, opt echipe înscrise în concurs îşi vor testa creativitatea pentru a dezvolta instrumente online, prin care să interacționeze eficient cu consumatorii de media. La evenimentul de lansare, transmis live de la MediaHub, au participat reprezentanţi ai Centrului pentru Jurnalism Independent, Internews Moldova, membrii echipelor înscrise în concurs, jurnalişti şi mentori conectaţi online la eveniment. Aplicaţiile şi instrumentele create în cadrul hackathonului vor fi oferite gratuit pentru utilizare. A șaptea ediţie a hackathonului media Puterea a cincea este organizată de Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent în cadrul proiectului „Presa în sprijinul democraţiei, incluziunii și responsabilităţii în Moldova (MEDIA-M)”, finanţat de USAID şi UK şi implementat de Internews în Moldova.
Persons: îşi, Nadine Gogu, Chris Perkins, Alex, Vitalie, participanţii îşi Organizations: Jurnalism Independent, Jurnalism Locations: Moldova, Republica Moldova, Marii Britanii, Chișinău, Kazahstan, Elnara, Sankt - Petersburg, Rusia, România, UK
Total: 4