There, I Said It,” by Pamela Paul (column, Jan. 26):Ms. Paul has no sense of humor.
It is a slight that Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie did not get Oscar nominations for best director and best actress.
“Barbie” is not a “bad” movie, but you need a sense of humor to appreciate it.
Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie deserved to be nominated.
Felicia CarparelliChicagoTo the Editor:Thank you to Pamela Paul for her finely barbed Barbie breakdown, and for making it OK not to love-Love-LOVE!!
Barbie, Pamela Paul, Paul, Greta Gerwig, Margot Robbie, “ Barbie ”, Felicia Carparelli
Hollywood, Felicia Carparelli Chicago