The company's "Customer Loyalty Index" evaluated Fortune 100 companies across a series of six metrics, excluding 40 companies that lacked sufficient data or didn't interact directly with customers.
3 company, semiconductor giant Intel, featured "some of the lowest volumes of customer service and complaint-related searches," said the report.
4, has long been known for having a cult-like fanbase, but "surprisingly" suffered in the customer service department, the report said.
That means people searched online more for Apple-related support questions than most other Fortune 100 companies, DesignRush added.
Coca-Cola "has some of the most satisfied customers, with some of the fewest customer service and complaint-related searches," said the report.
Johnson, DesignRush, Warren Buffett
Google, Lowe's Intel Corporation Apple, Cola Company PepsiCo, Allstate Corporation Microsoft Johnson, Home Depot, Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Cola, PepsiCo