They’ve identified previously unknown complexity in whale communication by analyzing thousands of recorded sequences of sperm whale clicks with artificial intelligence.
What sperm whales are saying with their clicks remains a mystery to human ears.
“This work builds on a lot of prior work focused on understanding the calls of sperm whales.
For the new study, the researchers used machine learning to detect patterns in audio data collected by The Dominica Sperm Whale Project, a repository for observations of sperm whales that inhabit the Caribbean Sea.
The study authors defined four features in codas: rhythm, tempo, rubato and ornamentation.
They’ve, ”, Daniela Rus, ” Rus, Luke Rendell, Andrews, Rendell, “, it’s, Rus, ” Rendell, Brenda McCowan, McCowan, ” McCowan, ” Mindy Weisberger
CNN —, Nature Communications, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, MIT, University of St, University of California Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Scientific
United Kingdom, Dominica, Eastern, Caribbean, Alaska