As a longevity researcher, I've spent the past 20 years studying the habits of people who live to 100 years old or longer, particularly the foods they eat.
And in a tucked-away corner of Nicoya, Costa Rica, I may have found the world's healthiest breakfast.
They stoke wood fires in clay ovens, put cauldrons of spicy beans to boil, and mix corn dough with wood ash.
The beans cook slowly for about an hour to tender perfection and are then mixed with rice.
Add water and stir until a soft dough forms (if the mixture won't form a soft ball of dough, add warm water in one tablespoon increments until it will).
I've, David McLain, David McLain Nixtamal, masa, Jose Guevara's Gallo Pinto, Jose Guevara, gallo pinto, It's, Cook
stoke, Worcestershire
Nicoya, Costa Rica, Costa Rican, Worcestershire