She was one of Ray Dalio's favorites.
The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend by Rob Copeland.
Excerpted from THE FUND: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend by Rob Copeland.
A spokesperson for Ray Dalio told Insider, "This book is just another one of those classic tabloid books, authored by someone who applied for a job at Bridgewater and was rejected more than a decade ago.
He then became an investigative reporter at a prominent newspaper and made a career of writing distorted stories about Bridgewater and Ray Dalio, at first in articles and now in this book.
Ray Dalio's, Katina Stefanova, mentee, Dalio, Stefanova, wasn't, lackeys, Bridgewater, hadn't, Who, Dalio's leveragers, Ray Dalio, Rob Copeland, Ray, Dustin Hoffman's Oscar
Bridgewater Associates, Bridgewater, Transparency, Martin's, Martin's Publishing, New York Times, Wall Street Journal
Bridgewater, Bridgewater's Westport, Conn, St