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2 mentions found

There's nothing better than warm whiskey with honey and lemon on a cold night. Her wintertime staple is a hot toddy. Along with her personal connection to this drink, the history of the hot toddy also resonates with her work in connecting cocktails with Black American culture. Daddy Long Legs, another successful bartender who recently placed third in Tales of the Cocktail's Most Imaginative Bartender awards, has similar praise for the hot drink. "Personally, I'm brewing an idea for a chicken-noodle-soup hot toddy," they told BI.
Persons: haven't, Daddy Long Locations: Los Angeles, American
Guilherme Gainett, then a biologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was looking through a microscope at the embryo of a daddy longlegs when he saw it — or, rather, saw them. Daddy longlegs, the group of splendidly leggy arachnids also known as harvestmen, have been thought to have just two eyes. Arachnids include spiders, scorpions, harvestmen and other arthropods, and divining the relationships among this sprawling group of organisms is tricky. For the current study, Dr. Gainett used fluorescent tags to study the development of harvestman eyes. These findings suggest that the neural architecture that handles the daddy longlegs’ vision may be quite old.
Persons: Guilherme Gainett, Daddy longlegs, Gainett, Prashant Sharma Organizations: University of Wisconsin, Boston Children’s Hospital Locations: Madison
Total: 2