Behind the scenes at CR and D20People who watch the shows may recognize Friederichs' art from CR series like "Exandria Unlimited" and, more recently, the team's third, long-running "D&D" campaign, "Bells Hells."
Friederichs told BI that she was initially commissioned to work on CR's "Uk'otoa" board game, then brought back to make character art for O'Brien's character, Orym.
May told BI that publishing as much of her art as possible and networking within the fandom helped her early in her art career.
Fan art is fair gameAngiolini told BI that drawing fan art is one way to get noticed.
"The pipeline becomes very different when you're making something that needs to be then altered or put into the editing," May told BI.
Eren Angiolini, Hannah Friederichs, Matt Mercer, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Liam O'Brien, who've, Friederichs, Liam, I've, Angiolini, Clay, Nott, Sam, O'Brien, Sam Riegel
CR, D20, Dark Horse, Darrington Press
Australia, London