Kristina Centenari, an NYC-based strength coach at Tonal and a running coach at Nike who has experience as a marathon runner, spoke with CNBC Make It about how runners can best prepare for a marathon.
DON'T MISS: Avoid this ‘big mistake’—and more tips for new runners, from a running coach and a personal trainerThe 3 keys to finishing a marathonReady: Prep If you're running a marathon soon, then chances are you're not a new runner.
Kristina Centenari Running Coach at Nike and Strength Coach at TonalCentenari also emphasizes the importance of "taking your rest as seriously as you are taking your running and your off-road training."
Kristina Centenari Running Coach at Nike and Strength Coach at TonalFor hydration, Centenari strongly recommends slowing down at water stations throughout the marathon and grabbing a small cup of water.
Kristina Centenari Running Coach at Nike and Strength Coach at Tonal
Kristina Centenari, Centenari, Everyone's
Marathon, Nike, CNBC
York, NYC