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More than half of 2024 holiday shoppers, or 55%, felt stress at the costs associated with the season, according to a survey conducted online in September by The Harris Poll on behalf of NerdWallet. Still, 32% of consumers thought it was important to purchase holiday gifts and experiences to show their love for family and friends, despite the expenses, the survey found. "This builds a level of almost manic euphoria and gives us permission to ignore a spending plan, achieve instant gratification and worry about the aftershocks later." To that point, 10% of holiday shoppers this year were considering tapping their emergency savings for gifts, according to NerdWallet. To avoid overspending during the holidays, people need to plan ahead and create a spending budget, experts say.
Persons: Carrie Rattle Organizations: Finance, Biden Locations: NerdWallet, New York
Solari wasn't the only American to veer wildly between frugality and all-out spending sprees during the pandemic. In particular, younger people — Gen Z and millennials — have seen the early parts of their careers and critical years of their financial lives defined by the shifting sands of the pandemic economy. The strange pandemic-savings paradoxThe pandemic recession did not actually mean people had no money. The Fed found that the top quartile of earners added nearly $1.5 trillion to their savings through spending reductions, even as the pandemic consumed millennials and Gen Z's savings. If the mantra of the pandemic recession was giving everyday Americans money, the reaction is now to yank that back.
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