The Dow was lower by around 350 points, or 0.7%, in early-afternoon trading, the S&P 500 lost 1.2% and the Nasdaq Composite was down by 1.6% after a selloff in Big Tech stocks.
“I would prefer a broader market, where mega cap growth stocks do well and other segments are also doing well.
Trading volume was thin due to the shortened holiday week, magnifying any moves.
Low trading volume can also mean high volatility.
On December 15, 2022, the Dow plunged 765 points for no real reason at all.
Dow, “, ”, Keith Lerner, ” Bitcoin’s, Donald Trump, White, Anthony Valeri, “ Stocks
CNN, Nasdaq, Big, Tesla, Microsoft, Nvidia, Apple, Meta, Dow Jones, Truist, Treasury, Dow, California Bank & Trust, “
Big Tech