There were papers on the local economic impact of wind turbine manufacturing, the stability of electricity grids as they absorb more renewable energy, the effect of electric vehicles on housing choices, how wildfire smoke strains household finances.
Janet Currie, the incoming president of the American Economic Association, chose an environmental economist, Michael Greenstone of the University of Chicago, to deliver the conference’s keynote lecture.
He focused on the global challenge of shifting to renewable energy and the corresponding potential to alleviate air pollution that is particularly deadly in developing countries like India and Indonesia.
“This isn’t just a series of topics, but it’s a big, interrelated problem,” Dr. Currie said.
“Not only economists but everybody else is realizing that this is a first-order problem, and it’s affecting most people in some way.
Monika Piazzesi, Janet Currie, Michael Greenstone, Dr, Currie, “
American Finance Association, American Economic Association, University of Chicago
Venice, India, Indonesia