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2 mentions found

“A Complete Unknown” probably won’t please Dylan purists or anyone, really, who’s a stickler for documentary facticity in fiction. Those admirers are bad, but Pete and the folkies can seem worse because they’re dogmatic and because, well, they’re not cool. Chalamet does look cool, if not as otherworldly as Cate Blanchett in Todd Haynes’s 2007 film “I’m Not There,” in which she also plays Dylan around the same transformational era. Neither look, sound, feel as cool as Dylan once did. As this movie underscores, he is very much a beautiful dissimulation, and sometimes there is nothing more authentic than an entertaining con.
Persons: Mangold, , , Fanning, Bob, Joan’s duetting, Sylvie, Joan — who’s, they’re, Dylan, Pete, Alan Lomax, Norbert Leo Butz, Fellini, Toshi, Cate Blanchett, Todd Haynes’s, they’ve, Martin Scorsese, pharmaceutically, Zimmerman Organizations: “ Ford, Ferrari, Cuban
Mr. Strachwitz (pronounced STRACK-wits) specialized in music passed down over generations — cotton-field music, orange-orchard music, mountain music, bayou music, barroom music, porch music. The songs came not only from before the era of the music industry but even from before the existence of mass culture itself. Mr. Strachwitz was the founder of Arhoolie Records (the name comes from a term for field hollers). In addition to recruiting his own artists, he did his own field recordings, music editing, production, liner notes, advertising and sales. In the company’s early years, he affixed the labels to the records and mailed them himself.
Total: 2