This one holds 25 ounces of water, more than a standard water bottle, and it's way cuter than having cups all over your nightstand.
Baggu socksIllustration by Elham AtaeiazarPrice: $14 "These socks are fun and cozy, but a little on the pricey side.
MoMA card holderIllustration by Elham AtaeiazarPrice: $16 "I never knew how much I hated my wallet until my mom gave me a card holder.
BraletteIllustration by Elham AtaeiazarPrice: $15 "A bralette might not seem like a typical gift, but hear me out.
A dozen macarons variésIllustration by Elham AtaeiazarPrice: $5.50 "This Trader Joe's treat was my first introduction to macarons, and I haven't looked back since.