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CNN —As a flurry of possible drone sightings have triggered local politicians to press federal officials for more information, lawmakers have proposed a variety of different methods for dealing with drones. And the US government is sending drone detection and tracking systems to two military facilities in New Jersey, sources told CNN Monday. States deploy drone detection technologyA number of states where possible drones have been reported have announced that they’re deploying drone detection systems. New York and Connecticut have also announced they’re using drone detection systems. Law enforcement officials would need a warrant to interfere with the radio signals of a drone, according to Michelle L.D.
Persons: John Kirby, , Kirby, , Donald Trump’s, Josh Shapiro, Chuck Schumer, he’s, ” Schumer, Vijay Kumar, Kumar, Matt McCrann, ” McCrann, Jonathan Rupprecht, Michelle L.D, Hanlon, Kathy Hochul, Mark Green of, Schumer, ” Rupprecht, Rupprecht Organizations: CNN, White, House, Arsenal, Naval Weapons Station, Federal Aviation Administration, of Homeland Security, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Air, Space, University of Mississippi School of Law, Electronic Communications, New York Gov, federal, UAS Authority Security, Republican Rep, FAA, Department of Homeland Security, USC Locations: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Bedminster, New York, Connecticut, Mark Green of Tennessee
Total: 1