Humans in many parts of the world are pumping groundwater faster than it can be replenished.
Places like Thailand and Saudi Arabia, however, have managed to slow groundwater depletion rates.
USGSGroundwater is one of the largest freshwater sources anywhere in the world, making the depletion of aquifers a significant concern.
AdvertisementGroundwater depletion is more severe now than a few decades agoFarms are responsible for much of the US's groundwater depletion.
The Bangkok basin in Thailand is another example the study highlighted where groundwater levels rose in the early 21st century compared to previous decades.
Scott Jasechko, Upmanu Lall, Jasechko, Richard Taylor, Taylor, Hydrologists, Felicia Marcus, Marcus, you've
Service, University of California, Columbia University, Columbia Water Center, University College London hydrogeology, Stanford, Water, West Program
Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Santa Barbara, drylands, Mexico, Iran, California, Bangkok, Thai, Tucson , Arizona, Colorado