But when our refunds from JetBlue came through, they totaled $261 for nine of us, only 18 percent of the original cost.
A customer service representative later explained to me by phone that we had been reimbursed for only the New York to Savannah leg.
I thought you were going to ask me how to feed six growing Boy Scouts on $12 meal vouchers at an airport food court.
You had every right to receive a full flight refund from JetBlue Airways.
Derek Dombrowski, a spokesman for the airline, admitted that JetBlue erred here, and told me that someone would reach out to you.
—, Dear Spencer, Phew, Derek Dombrowski, apologetically, Dombrowski, ”
Colorado Rockies, Boy Scouts, Troop, Kennedy Airport, JetBlue Airways, JetBlue, Transportation Department
Savannah, Ga, Denver, Atlanta , Charleston, S.C, Jacksonville, Fla, New York, Spencer