Stripe, Shopify and H&M Group announced Thursday they are spending $7 million on carbon removal from a dozen carbon removal startups.
Stripe, Shopify and H&M are three of the member companies of Frontier, and together, they spent $7 million on carbon removal purchases from 12 companies: Airhive, Alkali Earth, Banyu Carbon, Carbon Atlantis, CarbonBlue, CarbonRun, EDAC Labs, Holocene, Mati, Planetary Technologies, Spiritus Technologies and Vaulted Deep.
Frontier facilitates carbon removal purchases for its member companies via multiple pathways, including pre-purchase agreements and offtake agreements.
Zoom In Icon Arrows pointing outwards Mati is one of the dozen companies Frontier has facilitated carbon removal purchases from on behalf of Stripe, Shopify and H&M.
Zoom In Icon Arrows pointing outwards CarbonBlue is one of the dozen companies Frontier has facilitated carbon removal purchases from on behalf of Stripe, Shopify and H&M.
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