Kalamazoo, a small city in Western Michigan, is a way station along the drug trafficking corridor between Chicago and Detroit.
In its parks, under railroad overpasses and here in the woods, people ensnared by drugs scramble to survive.
Dr. Helmstetter, who makes weekly primary care rounds with a program called Street Medicine Kalamazoo, carried medications to reverse overdoses, blunt cravings and ease withdrawal-induced nausea.
Rachel, 35, her hair dyed a silvery lavender, ran to greet Dr. Helmstetter.
She takes the medicine buprenorphine, which acts to dull her body’s yearning for opioids, but she was not ready to let go of meth.
Nic Helmstetter, Helmstetter, Rachel
Kalamazoo, Western Michigan, Chicago, Detroit, Medicine Kalamazoo