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Abu Dhabi CNN —As Western states try to wean themselves off their addiction to hydrocarbons, Gulf oil nations have been pushing back hard, warning that a hasty transition away from fossil fuels will be counterproductive. According to the World Bank, Qatar had the highest carbon emissions per capita as of 2019, followed by Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. So, investment in clean energy projects and renewables “makes very good business sense and PR sense for the Gulf,” he said. Gulf petro-states are warning against a quick transition away from hydrocarbons, with the UAE calling for a “mixed energy” approach that minimizes emissions without cutting hydrocarbons. Much of the hydrocarbons exported by Gulf states go to some of the world’s biggest consumers and polluters, including China and India.
The boyfriend of a 22-year-old woman found dismembered, with her body parts stuffed into two suitcases, in her New York City apartment has been arrested in her grisly death. Justin Williams, 24, was arrested Monday and arraigned on indictment charges of second-degree murder and concealment of a human corpse, Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez announced. Johnson went home after work on Aug. 21 and “and never exited the apartment again,” Gonzalez said. He then allegedly dismembered her body and concealed the remains in the two suitcases. Williams allegedly fled the apartment following a wellness check by building personnel who became concerned after they didn’t see Johnson for some time.
Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández is running against Republican Alexis Martinez Johnson in New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District. Democratic incumbent Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández faces off against Republican Alexis Martinez Johnson in New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District. New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District candidatesLeger Fernández, first elected in 2020, is seeking a second term in Congress. Martinez Johnson, Leger Fernández's challenger, is an environmental engineer who's worked with energy companies on the eastern side of the state. Voting history for New Mexico's 3rd Congressional DistrictNew Mexico's 3rd Congressional District covers large swaths of southeast New Mexico.
“Money talks,” Michael Maduell, president of the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute in Las Vegas, told CNN. Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, last week announced that the nation’s wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF), is establishing five regional companies worth $24 billion across the Middle East. One of the key regional investment destinations for both Abu Dhabi and Riyadh has been Egypt. Once a regional rival, Turkey is now an economic ally of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Despite a political thaw, Gulf investments in Iran and Syria are unlikely for the time being, say analysts.
On Wednesday, OPEC+, the oil cartel led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, agreed to slash production by 2 million barrels per day, twice as much as analysts had predicted, in the biggest cut since the Covid-19 pandemic. “Saudi Arabia is looking to head off a repeat of 2008 when the market crash sent the global economy into a recession and oil prices suddenly plummeted, requiring emergency action by OPEC,” said Wald. Analysts also say Saudi Arabia cannot afford to let oil prices go below a certain level for budgetary reasons. For its budget to break even, global oil prices must be at around $79 a barrel, according to the International Monetary Fund. That was a warning sign for Saudi Arabia and other oil exporters, who depend on oil for a majority of their revenue.
Energy analysts believe the deep production cuts could yet backfire for OPEC kingpin and U.S. ally Saudi Arabia. Energy analysts believe the deep production cuts could yet backfire for OPEC kingpin and U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, particularly as Biden hinted Congress would soon seek to rein in the Middle East-dominated group's influence over energy prices. OPEC and non-OPEC allies, a group often referred to as OPEC+, agreed on Wednesday to reduce oil production by 2 million barrels per day from November. "In light of today's action, the Biden Administration will also consult with Congress on additional tools and authorities to reduce OPEC's control over energy prices," the White House said. While the group likes to say they keep politics out of their decisions, there's no denying that there are potential ramifications to this beyond the oil price.
A wellness check for a 22-year-old woman in New York City reportedly led to a grisly discovery: blood, human remains and body parts stuffed into suitcases, police said. The New York City Police Department was called to an apartment complex in the 300 block of Linwood Street in East New York around 1:30 p.m. Wednesday to conduct the check. When officers arrived to the woman’s sixth-floor apartment, they found two suitcases containing human remains, police said. However, it’s not clear if the victim’s entire body was accounted for. It’s also not clear if the remains belong to the woman subject of the wellness check.
During previous oil booms, Gulf states were seen as squandering their wealth on wasteful and inefficient investments, building sprees and buying weapons, as well as handouts to citizens . Gulf states appear to be working on diversifying. Since the last oil boom that ended in 2014, four of the six Gulf states have introduced value-added tax and the UAE has gone further by starting a corporate income levy . None of the Gulf states have an income tax. Critics counter that it is in the oil exporters' interest to push that narrative, but oil states have pointed to the rise in crude demand that coincided with the removal of Covid-19 restrictions around the world.
As Russia bombs its neighbor, what has become the biggest European war since 1945 has had an outsized impact far south, in the Middle East. Here are four ways the Ukraine war has affected the Middle East over the last six months:Energy exporters are cashing inThe war has seen oil prices rise to as much as a 14-year high. Despite vowing to turn Saudi Arabia into a pariah, US President Joe Biden visited Saudi Arabia in a landmark trip last month. Saudi Arabia: #How_many_wives_would_you_takeSaudi men took to Twitter to ask each other how many wives they’d like to take. According to the 2019 report by the Doha International Forum called State of Marriage in the Arab World, information on polygamy in Saudi Arabia is not readily available.
Andrew Lichtenstein for InsiderManhattan's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood, on the western edge of Midtown, got its name from its crowded tenements. On March, 13, 2019, Gambino family crime boss Frankie Cali was shot dead in the driveway outside his Todt Hill home. Andrew Lichtenstein for InsiderThe service road to the Belt Parkway runs through the northern edge of the Brighton Beach neighborhood. John Gotti's Family Home, Howard Beach, QueensThe home where John Gotti, the leader of the Gambino crime family. It's here that John Gotti, the leader of the Gambino crime family and thus the 'Godfather' of the American mafia, lived and raised his family.
Publicația relatează despre trei grupări rusești — Grupul Wagner, cunoscut și sub denumirea de PMC Wagner, precum și despre „sateliții” acestuia. În plus, în luna martie RFI a realizat un interviu cu ambasadorul rus în Republica Centrafricană sub titlul „Francois Bozize este un criminal care ar trebui arestat”. În Bangui, capitala Republicii Centrafricane, „prezența mercenarilor ruși și atrocitățile de care sunt acuzați sunt subiecte despre care se vorbește în șoaptă, privat și sub anonimat”. „În această zi, rolul decisiv a fost jucat de „instructorii ruși”, despre care se spune că nu au fost chemați să lupte”. Și a fost pierdut”.
Persons: Wagner, PMC Wagner, Francois Bozize, Orhan Dzhemal, Kirill Radchenko, Alexandr Rastorguev, FLORENT, Marta, Marta ., ADRIENNE SURPRENANT, Gabriela, Bozize, Wagner PMC, Valery Zakharov, Valery Zaharov, Serghei Vershinin, ONU ., P . P . S ., Roland Marchal, Туадера Organizations: RFI, ONU, Ambasada, Securitate, East News, Națiunilor Unite, Lobaye, Amnesty International, S, Invest, ONU . RFI, ЧВК, Вагнера, МИНУСКИ, ООН Locations: Republica Centrafricană, Africa, Rusiei, Rusia, ., rus, Bangui, Republicii Centrafricane, Sewa, East, Republica Centrafricana, Bambari, Grimari, ONU, Bossangoa, Statele Unite, Moscova, Mankeur, France, Бомбари, ЦАР, Россия
Елена Летучая лечится от COVID-19 дома Фото: Борис КУДРЯВОВСегодня, 13 ноября, знаменитости сообщили несколько хороших новостей и столько же тревожных о своем самочувствии во время болезни. Илон Маск Фото: GLOBAL LOOK PRESS50-летний Владимир Сипягин, получив положительный тест на коронавирус, самоизолировался и работает удаленно. Фото:48-летний глава города Пятигорск Дмитрий Ворошилов, получив положительный тест на коронавирус, самоизолировался с семьей дома. Ворошилов выполняет назначение врачей и сообщает в инстаграме: «По мере возможностей буду работать дома в режиме онлайн». Владимир Зеленский Фото: EAST NEWSВыписали из больницы54-летний продюсер Виктор Дробыш получил рекомендации от медработников и выписан из коронавирусного стационара.
Persons: Елена Летучая, домаУ, Елена Летучей, Елена Ксенофонтова, Илона Маска, Маск, Владимир Сипягин, Сипягин, Фотолетний, Дмитрий Ворошилов, Ворошилов, Владимир Зеленский, Зеленский, Фото Выписали, Виктор Дробыш, Виктор Яковлевич, Дробыш Organizations: ЕленаКсенофонтова, ДмитрийВорошилов Locations: США, Владимирская область, Пятигорск, Фотолетний, Украина
Кандидат в президенты США Джо Байден. Мать и дочь погибли на месте, а сыновья Хантер и Бо, которые также находились в машине, получили серьезные травмы. Джо Байден с сыновьями и супругой Нелией. Джо Байден со второй женой Джилл, 1987 год. В 2015 году конфликт удалось остановить благодаря тому, что на тот момент вице-президент США Джо Байден являлся куратором Украины в Белом доме.
Persons: Джо Байден, Джо, Байден, ПОТЕРИОн, Нелия, Джозеф «Бо, Хантер, Наоми, Нелии, Бо, Бог, Джозеф Байден, Дэлавер, Ричард Никсон, Давид, Голиаф, Калеб Боггс, Никсон, Валери, Джилл, Эшли, СЫНАДжо, Дэлавера, Хантер Байден, убеждениякарьер Байден, Барак Обамы, ТрампаКто Organizations: PRESS, EAST, Сенат, ПОЛИТИКЕВ, СКАНДАЛЬНЫЕ, ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКЖЕУкраинский Locations: США, Белый дом, Вашингтон, Дэлавер, Делавэр, Украина, Ирак
Total: 13