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A powerful group of business organizations has pushed for the liability shields and donated generously to McConnell and other Republicans. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty ImagesThe Chamber of Commerce's big giveThe Chamber of Commerce has been among the most vocal proponents of liability protections. Overall, however, Walmart's workers and PAC gave about evenly to Democrats as to Republicans this election. Its PAC gave $9,000 to McConnell's campaign and gave $3,000 to Cornyn. During the past three decades, McConnell has received robust support from some of the industries lobbying hard for liability protections.
Masca de protecţie nu reduce cantitatea necesară de oxigen, confirmă un nou studiu ale cărui constatări contracarează un mit comun, conform căruia purtarea acestui accesoriu ar fi nesănătoasă, relatează joi UPI, potrivit Agerpres. "Acest lucru susţine ceea ce cunoşteam deja", a declarat doctor Aaron Glatt, specialist în boli infecţioase care nu a fost implicat în studiu. "Eu privesc măştile ca pe centurile de siguranţă", a spus Glatt. Pentru acest studiu, echipa condusă de doctor Noel Chan a oferit fiecărui participant măşti de protecţie, de unică folosinţă, în trei straturi, non-medicale. În medie, saturaţia de oxigen a fost de 96,1% înainte ca participanţii să poarte masca, şi apoi uşor mai ridicată în timp ce purtau masca şi ulterior - 96,5%, respectiv, 96,3%.
Persons: Aaron Glatt, Noel Chan, Voluntarii, Chan . Chan, Chan Organizations: Agerpres, OMS, American, Universitatea McMaster Locations: Canada, America, Statele Unite
Opioid Crisis Fast Facts
  + stars: | 2017-09-18 | by ( Cnn Editorial Research | )   time to read: +15 min
March 29, 2017 - Trump signs an executive order calling for the establishment of the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. April 9, 2018 - The US surgeon general issues an advisory recommending that Americans carry the opioid overdose-reversing drug, naloxone. The settlement will be used to fund addiction research and help cities and counties with the opioid crisis. Cleveland County District Judge Thad Balkman orders Johnson & Johnson to pay $572 million for its role in the state’s opioid crisis. November 15, 2022 - Walmart agrees to the framework of a $3.1 billion settlement, which resolves allegations from multiple states’ attorneys general that the company failed to regulate opioid prescriptions contributing to the nationwide opioid crisis.
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