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The world should mourn the loss of Angela Lansbury, a gifted actress who died this week at 96 after a career of more than seven decades. Angela Lansbury stars as mystery writer and crime solver Jessica Fletcher on the CBS television series "Murder, She Wrote" in 1990. “Murder, She Wrote,” however, featured not only a woman, but an older one at that. I remember well Lansbury’s character, with her constant bike riding and quick mind. While I’m sorry that Lansbury is no longer with us, I’m glad that the era of “Murder, She Wrote” has passed.
Ukraine has accused Russia of deploying missiles made by MMZ Avangard against ground targets since Russia launched what it terms its "special operation" on Feb. 24. "Extreme equipment is used on Russian warships," the complaint said, "in communications systems." "It was necessary to use a cover because the Russian company is blacklisted in the U.S.," one of the people familiar with the shipments said. The executive said he had never heard of Extreme or of DEMZ buying Extreme equipment for itself or on behalf of others. Like MMZ Avangard, United Shipbuilding has been listed as a "blocked" entity by the U.S. Treasury since July 2014.
The statements were unsealed last week as part of NY AG Letitia James' fraud lawsuit against Trump. Trump told Sean Hannity the disclaimers absolve him of responsibility and the AG has "no case." "We have a disclaimer," Trump told the Fox News host. But Trump told Hannity none of that would matter because each Statement of Financial Condition begins with a warning. The opening paragraphs of the disclaimer for Donald Trump's 2012 Statement of Financial Condition (highlights added).
The United States and China need to reopen dialogue over the Taiwan issue — but such a conversation should take place discreetly, an analyst said. Cross-strait tensions between China and Taiwan have become "increasingly dangerous" ever since U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Taiwan visit in early August, he added. On top of that, China announced in the same month that it had shelved military and climate talks with the United States. Taiwan is a self-ruled democracy, but Beijing considers the island part of its territory and a breakaway province. "The Chinese have pulled down the dialogue in the aftermath of Pelosi's visit.
Most members of the Congressional Black Caucus are twice as old as the median Black person living in the US. The Congressional Black Caucus, a powerful voice for Black Americans, is significantly older than those it speaks for. Clay had replaced his father, William Lacy Clay Sr., a civil-rights icon and founding Congressional Black Caucus member who had represented the area since 1969. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty ImagesThe Congressional Black Caucus is reckoning with a leftward shift it's struggled to embrace. A spokesperson for the Congressional Black Caucus did not respond to Insider's request for comment.
The British pound plunged to a record low against the U.S. dollar Monday. The pound, historically one of the strongest currencies in the world, fell to as low as $1.04 before bouncing back to approximately $1.07. For most of the past few decades, the pound averaged a price of about $1.50 against the dollar. The decline in the British pound in itself won't have a direct impact on the U.S. economy, experts say. But as the value of the pound has dropped, the value of the U.S. dollar has reached all-time highs.
Convicted NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere was attacked by a fellow inmate and sex offender before being wrongly punished for the incident, his attorneys said in a lawsuit. Raniere has limited knowledge of the assault.”Raniere was “given a disciplinary ticket for ‘fighting’ ” and placed in the prison’s Special Housing Unit. Withers, the alleged attacker, is serving 18 years for his convictions linked to a sex trafficking operation. “The BOP is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all inmates in our population, our staff, and the public. Raniere was sentenced to 120 years in prison following his 2019 conviction on federal sex trafficking, racketeering and possession of child pornography charges.
LOS ANGELES — Maury Wills, who intimidated pitchers with his base-stealing prowess as a shortstop for the Los Angeles Dodgers on three World Series championship teams, has died. Wills played on World Series title teams in 1959, ’63 and ’65 during his first eight seasons with the Dodgers. Maury Wills of the Los Angeles Dodgers in Vero Beach, Fla., in 1964. After the game, Wills left with his MVP trophy and showed it to the guard. After retiring with the Dodgers in 1972, Wills worked an analyst at NBC for five years.
While investors largely expect the Fed to lift its policy rate by 75 basis points to the 3.00%-3.25% range, markets could be unsettled by the updated quarterly economic projections that will be released along with the policy statement. In July, Powell's comment that the Fed might move to smaller incremental rate increases was read as indicating an imminent policy pivot. "Risks still skew toward higher terminal policy rates and we expect a relatively hawkish FOMC meeting," Citi economists wrote on Tuesday. The European Central Bank, following the Fed, earlier this month raised its key interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point for the first time ever; Sweden's central bank this week approved its first full-percentage-point increase in 30 years. The Bank of England and the central banks of Switzerland and Norway will meet this week, with markets expecting them to announce large rate hikes.
NY AG Letitia James is about to sue Donald Trump and his real estate and golf resort business. Whatever James has up her sleeve after three long years of investigating the Trump Organization, it is now about to be revealed. A: James will sue the Trump Organization and Trump himself, the company's sole owner and beneficiary. Morian predicted James' lawsuit will closely mirror the allegations in a 115-page memorandum she filed in January. A: The New York-incorporated Trump Organization is an umbrella for some 500 other entities, many of them Delaware-registered LLCs.
Here's how to factor these values into your company's culture, policies, and benefits to help retain staff in an economic downturn. While exit interviews are an effective way to understand why employees leave, so-called stay interviews can help you implement change before it's too late. Remind employees of the purpose of their workIn general, Meier said, employees want to feel a sense of value from their work. Another way to help employees feel a sense of purpose is to ensure that the tasks they're doing are engaging. Some companies have implemented surveillance technology to monitor employees working remotely; Meier said he believes that isn't the right way to go.
Meta is limiting employee conversations about abortion on its internal platforms. The policy at Meta removes public employee posts on the company's internal platform with keywords like "abortion" and "Roe v Wade." Meta allows employees to talk about the topic only in private forums with up to 20 people, the Times said. The tech behemoth isn't the first company to monitor and control employee conversation around political issues and face pushback for it. Hasnas said that a company shouldn't single out one issue as being off limits, and that all political issues require consistency.
Автор фото: Maurice Mikkers. Автор фото: Maurice Mikkers. Автор фото: Maurice Mikkers. Автор фото: Maurice Mikkers. Автор фото: Maurice Mikkers.
Persons: РозаЛинн Фишер, Так, Морис Майккерс
Ministerul Agriculturii, aflat în stare de alertă, a declarat luni că efective importante de lăcuste au fost distruse.Până în prezent nu au fost înregistrate pierderi considerabile în agricultură, însă există îngrijorarea că mai multe roiuri ar putea fi împinse de vânt spre sudul ţării, a declarat pentru Reuters ministrul interimar al Agriculturii, Abbas Mortada. Însă regiunile din sudul Libanului deţin mai multe terenuri agricole. "Suntem pregătiţi pentru orice se poate întâmpla", a declarat Mortada.Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite pentru Alimentaţie şi Agricultură (FAO) a indicat că evenimentul este neobişnuit pentru această zonă, o schimbare a direcţiei vântului împingând lăcustele din Arabia Saudită până în Iordania şi mai departe în Siria şi Liban. ''Este un eveniment foarte rar... locurile de reproducere sunt pe coasta Mării Roşii, coasta nordică a Arabiei Saudite, aşa că ele au fost împinse de vânt în Iordania şi Siria'', a spus Maurice Saade, reprezentatul FAO în Liban. ''Până în prezent (situaţi) este sub control şi în mod cert personal nu văd niciun motiv de panică'', a precizat el.
Persons: Abbas Mortada, Maurice Saade Organizations: Ministerul Agriculturii, Agriculturii, Arabiei Saudite Locations: Libanul, Libanului deţin, Arabia Saudită, Iordania, Siria, Liban, Arabiei
Moștenirea cocoșului Maurice; Franța a adoptat o lege care protejează sunetele și mirosurile de la țarăFranța a adoptat o lege care protejează „moștenirea senzorială” din zonele sale rurale, după mai multe plângeri legate de zgomotele și mirosurile tipice din mediul rural, scrie, citată de Digi24. Giraud a declarat că a sărbătorit adoptarea legii, care are ca scop „definirea și protejarea moștenirii senzoriale a mediului rural francez”. „Sper ca oamenii aceștia să înțeleagă cum e viața la țară”, a declarat atunci stăpâna lui Maurice în fața judecătorului. Cocoșii au dorința de a cânta”, a declarat Corinne Fesseau, femeia care îl deținea pe Maurice. Christophe Sueur, primarul orașului Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron, a declarat pentru CNN că verdictul este „de bun simț”, adăugând: „Sunt toți pentru păstrarea tradițiilor franceze.
Persons: Joël Giraud, Giraud, Giraud ., Hai, Maurice, Maurice ., Christophe Sueur, CNN Locations: Franța, Rurale, francez, Rochefort, Franței, Saint, Pierre, Saint - Pierre, franceză
Fiul lui Taylor, Maurice Taylor jr, și fiica sa, Maliaka Taylor, au fost găsiți decapitați în casa familiei din Lancaster vineri dimineață. Acesta a declarat că a fost îngrijorat după ce Taylor nu a reușit să trimită un link Zoom pentru o sesiune de antrenament programată. Taylor a fost arestat vineri sub suspiciunea de crimă, a raportat LA Times, scrie Potrivit CBS Los Angeles, s-a ordonat ca suspectul să fie reținut, iar cauțiunea pentru acesta a fost stabilită la suma de 4,2 milioane de dolari. Dacă va fi condamnat, Taylor ar putea primi între 57 de ani și patru luni și închisoare pe viață.
Persons: Maurice Taylor, Santa Monica, Taylor, Maurice Taylor jr Organizations: CBS Los Angeles, CBS Los Locations: Santa, Los Angeles Times, Lancaster, Los Angeles, CBS Los Angeles
Violoncelista franceză Camille Thomas susține recitaluri solo ale unor creații clasice în muzeele din Paris și din jurul capitalei franceze, rămase fără vizitatori din cauza restricțiilor impuse de pandemia de coronavirus, demers care, speră artista, reprezintă o alinare adusă publicului larg în aceste vremuri tulburi, transmite AGERPRES. În timpul pandemiei, violoncelista a susținut deja recitaluri în Palatul Versailles și la Institutul Lumii Arabe, iar săptămâna viitoare este programată să cânte în Grand Palais, un vast spațiu expozițional situat în apropiere de Champs Elysees. O înregistrare video a recitalului său susținut la Muzeul Artelor Decorative din Paris în octombrie a fost vizualizată de 36 575 de ori pe YouTube până vineri. „Vreau să simbolizez prin aceste imagini singurătatea muzicienilor fără public, a muzeelor fără vizitatori”, a precizat Camille Thomas. „Cred că arta şi muzica sunt vindecătoare și este esențial să simți că, după toată perioada aceasta dificilă, te așteaptă atâta frumusețe, este încă acolo și merită să lupți pentru ea”, a adăugat violoncelista franceză.
Persons: franceză Camille Thomas, violoncelista, Camille Thomas . Artista, lea Maurice Ravel, Camille Thomas Organizations: AGERPRES, Arabe, Muzeul Artelor Decorative, Arte Decorative Locations: franceză, Paris, Palatul Versailles, Grand Palais, Champs, Franța, francez
'Where The Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak Wikimedia CommonsThe Library of Congress has opened a "Books that Shaped America" exhibition that features the books that have "shaped Americans’ views of their world and the world’s views of America." AdvertisementThe initial list of 88 books spans from Experiments and Observations on Electricity (1751) by Benjamin Franklin to The Words of César Chávez (2002) by César Chávez and presents old standbys in between (i.e. The exhibition, on view from June 25 through Sept. 29 in the Thomas Jefferson Building in Washington, D.C., is intended to "spark a national conversation on books written by Americans that have influenced our lives," according to Librarian of Congress James H. Billington. Related storiesThe Library of Congress is asking readers to take a survey about the books and nominate books that aren't on the list. Check out the full list below:AdvertisementSEE ALSO: Does Jon Stewart REALLY Read All The Books For Author Interviews?
Persons: Maurice Sendak, Benjamin Franklin, César Chávez, Thomas Jefferson, James H, Billington, Jon Stewart Organizations: Congress, Washington , D.C Locations: Washington ,
Total: 18