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U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Chris Magnus told Bloomberg News on Thursday that U.S. border agents had encountered just 155 Venezuelans on Wednesday, down from a daily average of 1,200 earlier this month. More than 4,500 Venezuelans have been returned to Mexico since the new U.S. expulsion policy began on Oct. 12, the Mexican government said, straining shelters there. The new effort comes as Republicans have criticized Biden's handling of the border and seek to gain control of the U.S. Congress in Nov. 8 midterm elections. At a shelter in the U.S. border city of Deming, New Mexico, Venezuelans went from being the most common nationality to absent, according to Ariana Saludares, executive director of Colores United, which runs the center. A spokesperson for Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the busing could continue until Biden "does his job."
Share Share Article via Facebook Share Article via Twitter Share Article via LinkedIn Share Article via EmailBeijing focuses on security to draw attention from U.S. semiconductor sanctions, says researcherGeorge Magnus, economist and research associate at Oxford University's China Centre, weighs in on Chinese President Xi Jinping's message for his country at the opening of Communist party congress.
Xi Jinping has silver linings for rest of world
  + stars: | 2022-10-17 | by ( Hugo Dixon | )   time to read: +7 min
LONDON, Oct 17 (Reuters Breakingviews) - A third term for Xi Jinping would risk a cold war, or even a hot one. Until recently, most analysts agreed it was only a matter of time before China’s economy, which was three-quarters the size of America’s in dollar terms last year, became the world’s largest. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterSTUCK IN SECONDBut China’s economy is running into all sorts of problems. But Beijing-based Dimitri De Boer, of the environmental organisation Client Earth, thinks that’s very unlikely because the target is binding and China’s president has positioned himself as an environmental champion. But Germany challenged Britain in World War I when its economy was still powering ahead, according to Allison.
NewFest, New York’s premier LGBTQ film festival, returns for its 34th annual celebration of queer media. While there are many must-see films at this year’s festival, here are a five to add to your watch list. The film stars Emmy-nominated actor Jeremy Pope (“Hollywood”) as a young gay man who joins the Marines after a decade living on the streets. Previously, Bratton translated his experiences into documentaries about LGBTQ subjects, including 2019’s “Pier Kids,” about queer and transgender youths living at Manhattan’s Christopher Street Pier. The film’s stars include Flaherty, Wyatt Fenner, Joey Taranto and Kiyon Spencer.
VIENNA, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Austria plans to bring its budget deficit within the European Union's limit of 3% of gross domestic product in 2023, a finance ministry presentation published shortly before Finance Minister Magnus Brunner's budget speech said on Wednesday. The presentation showed the budget deficit shrinking from 5.9% of GDP last year to 3.5% this year and 2.9% next year. It also showed the debt-to-GDP ratio falling from 82.3% in 2021 to 78.3% this year and 76.7% in 2023. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterReporting by Francois MurphyOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
World champion Magnus Carlsen on Monday broke his silence on the scandal that has shaken the chess world, explicitly accusing 19-year-old American grandmaster Hans Moke Niemann of cheating for the first time since their controversial meeting at the Sinquefield Cup this month. In a statement posted to his social media accounts, Carlsen cited Niemann’s unusual progress through the chess ranks and his surprisingly relaxed behavior when they played in St. Louis.
read more"So far I have only been able to speak with my actions, and those actions have stated clearly that I am not willing to play chess with Niemann," Carlsen said in a statement on Twitter. "When Niemann was invited last minute to the 2022 Sinquefield Cup, I strongly considered withdrawing prior to the event. I ultimately chose to play," Carlsen said. "I believe that Niemann has cheated more - and more recently - than he has publicly admitted," Carlsen said on Monday. "Chess organisers and all those who care about the sanctity of the game we love should seriously consider increasing security measures and methods of cheat detection for over-the-board chess," Carlsen added.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas also criticized Republican governors for sending migrants to other cities in an interview with José Díaz-Balart on MSNBC. Migrants line up after having arrived by bus in El Paso, Texas, on Tuesday. Magnus said that despite the releases and the busing of migrants to Northern cities, the Border Patrol is managing the influx. El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser said the city’s shelters are full, which is why he, like Republican governors, has begun busing migrants out of the city. Unlike Republican governors, Leeser is notifying cities that will be receiving migrants from El Paso.
World champion Magnus Carlsen has set the chess world on fire in recent weeks while barely saying a word. First, he abruptly quit a prestigious tournament in St. Louis after a defeat in early September. Then this week, he resigned from a game after making just one move. What both staggering incidents have in common was Carlsen’s opponent, a 19-year-old American grandmaster named Hans Moke Niemann.
World champion Magnus Carlsen has set the chess world on fire in recent weeks while barely saying a word. First, he abruptly quit a prestigious tournament in St. Louis after a defeat in early September. Then this week, he resigned from a game after making just one move. What both staggering incidents have in common was Carlsen’s opponent, a 19-year-old American grandmaster named Hans Moke Niemann.
Web3 chess startup Immortal Game has raised $15 million, including a $12 million Series A this year. Crypto has its fair share of skeptics, but there's no arguing against the worldwide popularity of chess, according to Thomas Zaepffel, the cofounder and CEO of Immortal Game. Immortal Game, founded in March 2021 by Zaepffel, CTO David Cingala and COO Geoffroy Mestrallet, offers players the opportunity to earn crypto and sponsor up-and-coming chess talent. But Immortal Game, like other Web3 startups, seeks to set itself apart on the premise that its users should reap rewards from the platforms they popularize. Here's a look at the pitch that helped Zaepffel and his cofounders seal the deal.
“The constitutional violations here are obvious and they are on video.”A Tucson, Ariz., police officer was fired after he fatally shot a man in a motorized wheelchair. KVOAThe suit also alleged wrongful death and accused the city of Tucson of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. Remington followed Richards for several minutes, alerting a dispatcher who said an officer with a "less lethal" weapon was en route. As Richards approached an entrance to the Lowe's, Remington could be seen in body camera video telling Richards to stop. Storie has said Remington opened fire after he "perceived a threat" to a Lowe's employee.
Magnus Carlsen resigned after making just one move against an opponent at the center of an alleged cheating controversy. When American grandmaster Hans Moke Niemann began with two conventional pawn moves against world champion Magnus Carlsen in an online event on Monday, the top-ranked Norwegian responded with a stunning counter, one that isn’t in any chess book. Carlsen’s move was the latest explosion in a scandal that has rocked professional chess this month. Carlsen recently withdrew from an in-person event after losing to Niemann, with his only public comments coming in the form of a cryptic video of a European soccer manager. The chess world was quick to understand the implications of his unprecedented decision: Niemann faced widespread speculation that he is a cheater.
"Failing communist regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba are driving a new wave of migration," a US official said. In total, just under 158,000 people had encounters with southwest border officials in August. "Failing communist regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba are driving a new wave of migration across the Western Hemisphere, including the recent increase in encounters at the southwest US border," CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus said in a statement. More than 55,000 people from the three, ostensibly socialist regimes were encountered at the southwest border in August, per CBP. The fact that nearly half of all migrants encountered were from Nicaragua and South America, he said, represented a "staggering change."
The Venezuelan government is responsible for "crimes against humanity," per a United Nations report. "[G]rave crimes and human rights violations are being committed," the UN's Marta Valiñas said. Sign up for our newsletter to receive our top stories based on your reading preferences — delivered daily to your inbox. Ron DeSantis — are fleeing a government that has engaged in "crimes against humanity," including the use of torture and sexual violence to repress dissent, according to a United Nations report released Tuesday. "In doing so, grave crimes and human rights violations are being committed, including acts of torture and sexual violence."
The youth unemployment rate has repeatedly hit new highs this year , rising from 15.3% in March to a record 18.2% in April. In the past few months, mass layoffs have engulfed once booming Chinese industries ranging from private tutoring to real estate. Xi is seeking a historic third term when the Communist Party hold its congress next month. But youth unemployment will constitute a "major threat" to China's economic and political stability in the long run, he added. But the government seems unwilling to tackle the main reason behind China's economic slowdown this year — the zero Covid policy .
The naming of the species is the responsibility of WHO's International Committee on Taxonomy of VirusesScientists have been calling this virus "monkeypox" for 64 years. The current species known as "monkeypox virus" and the others would then be renamed to "orthopoxvirus 'something,' " he said in an email to CNN. Prior to more modern conventions about names, scientists would name a variant for the region where it emerged and was circulating. It cited "growing concern for the potentially devastating and stigmatizing effects that the messaging around the 'monkeypox' virus can have on these already vulnerable communities." "Stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus," Tedros said when he declared monkeypox a global health emergency in July.
Sursa foto: Profimedia ImagesDanemarca profită de dezinteresul românilor pentru vaccinare și cumpără din România 1,1 milioane de doze PfizerDanemarca a ajuns la un acord cu România pentru a cumpăra peste 1,1 milioane de doze de vaccin anti-Covid produs de BioNTech/Pfizer. Anunțul privind acest acord a fost făcut marți seară de Ministerul Sănătăţii de la Copenhaga, potrivit DPA, citată de Agerpres. O astfel de țară este Danemarca, care va cumpăra 1 milion de doze Pfizer de la România, la prețul de achiziție stabilit de UE. Există o analiză. Când a fost făcută strategia pentru UE, toate țările au avut aceeași strategie.
Persons: Magnus Heunicke, Serum, Florin Cîțu, Florin Organizations: Agerpres, UE Locations: România, Danemarca, Copenhaga
Prima ţară din Europa care a renunţat la vaccinurile AstraZeneca şi Johnson&Johnson împotriva Covid-19 în campania sa naţională de vaccinare, Danemarca propune aceste seruri, începând de joi, voluntarilor, au anunţat autorităţile sanitare, informează AFP. "Odată cu punerea în aplicare a sistemului opţional, populaţia are acum posibilitatea de a alege să se vaccineze cu serurile de la AstraZeneca şi Johnson&Johnson, care nu sunt incluse în programul general de vaccinare danez", a anunţat ministrul sănătăţii Magnus Heunicke într-un comunicat, scrie În această ţară nordică unde epidemia este considerată sub control şi unde majoritatea persoanelor cu risc şi personalul medical este vaccinat, Agenţia naţională de sănătate a decis să renunţe la aceste vaccinuri din cauza unor posibile efecte secundare grave - printre care un tip rar de tromboză legat de injectarea serului -, în pofida undei verde pentru utilizarea acestor vaccinuri dată atât de agenţia europeană de reglementare în domeniu, cât şi de Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS).Rezervată adulţilor, inocularea cu aceste două vaccinuri este posibilă doar după o vizită la medic. Un prestator privat a declarat deja că este gata să vaccineze până la 10.000 de persoane cu aceste două seruri.La sfârşitul lui aprilie, Danemarca a anunţat că "împrumută" 55.000 de doze de vaccin AstraZeneca landului german vecin Schleswig-Holstein.Doar două seruri - Pfizer/BioNTech şi Moderna - sunt deocamdată utilizate în cadrul programului de vaccinare danez, care a demarat în forţă în decembrie, dar al cărui ritm a încetinit după renunţarea la vaccinurile AstraZeneca şi Johnson&Johnson.Potrivit celor mai recente date, 18,8% dintre cei 5,8 milioane de danezi vaccinaţi cu schema completă şi 29,5% au primit o primă doză.
Persons: Johnson, Magnus Heunicke Organizations: OMS, german vecin Locations: Europa, Danemarca, german, german vecin Schleswig, danez, forţă
Based on research and studies, here are seven things (yes, some are a little intense) that parents of exceptionally resilient and successful kids always do:1. Every child is born with more advanced skills in some areas over others. They are patient when their kids ask questionsParents of the most accomplished people always make learning new things a priority. Most parents choose the latter, but parents of exceptional kids choose the specialist approach. And the sooner they develop those advanced skills, the quicker they'll develop best-in-class skills.
Persons: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, Mozart, Beethoven, you've, I've, Magnus Carlsen, Carlsen, Bill Gates, Gates, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Richard, they've Organizations: Microsoft, NBA Locations: Norwegian, Seattle
În jur de 1.000 de persoane din Suedia au fost vaccinate cu doze de vaccin produs de Moderna care au fost păstrate la temperatura greșită în timpul transportării, anunță Reuters. În total, 2.100 de doze ale vaccinului, în jur de 20% din numărul primit de Suedia din partea Moderna, au fost păstrate la temperaturi prea scăzute. Toate persoanele cărora le-au fost administrate dozele păstrate necorespunzător sunt angajați sanitari, potrivit aceleiași surse. „Un lucru pe care trebuie să îl aflăm este dacă vaccinurile deja administrate vor funcționa”, a declarat Magnus Frisk, un purtător de cuvânt al Apoteket. Acesta a adăugat că Moderna a fost contactată pentru a oferii informații suplimentare despre efectele păstrării la o temperatură prea scăzută a dozelor și dacă persoanele deja vaccinate cu acestea vor avea nevoie de o nouă doză.
Persons: Reuters, Suediei, Magnus Organizations: Moderna Locations: Suedia
Autoritățile anunță noi măsuri de lockdown în Danemarca din cauza creșterii numărului de cazuri de infectare cu Covid-19 în ultima perioadă. Potrivit premierului danez Mette Frederiksen, restricțiile suplimentare inclusiv închiderea restraurantelor, a barurilor, dar și suspendarea cursurilor în școli. ''Intrăm într-o nouă fază a epidemiei, o fază în care vedem o creştere exponenţială a infecţiei'', a declarat ministrul sănătăţii danez Magnus Heunicke într-o conferinţă de presă. Danemarca a înregistrat la ultima raportare de luni, 7 decembrie, 2.026 de noi cazuri de COVID-19 în ultimele 24 de ore, cu un total de 92.629 de infectări. Noutatea este dată de principalul vector de transmitere a noului coronavirus, reprezentat de tinerii cu vârste între 15 şi 25 de ani din 17 districte din zona capitalei Copenhaga, potrivit ministrului sănătăţii danez.
Persons: Mette, Reuters, danez Magnus Heunicke Organizations: Sănătății Locations: Danemarca, Copenhaga, Aarhus, Odense, danez
Flavius Iulius ConstansFlavius Iulius Constans a fost împărat roman care a domnit din 337 până în 350. DiadumenianMarcus Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus sau Diadumenian a fost fiul împăratului roman Macrinus și a fost pentru scurt timp Cezar și Augustus. El a fost fiul lui Gordian I. Gordian II a fost fiul lui Gordian I și al Fabiei Orestilla. Iulian ApostatulFlavius Claudius Iulianus a fost un împărat roman care a domnit între 361 și 363, el fiind ultimul împărat roman păgân. Valentinian al II-leaValentinian al II-lea a fost împărat roman din anul 375 până în anul 392, când a fost asasinat.
Persons: Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus, Maur, Aemilian, Cornelia Supera, Titus Aurelius Fulvus, Antoninus Pius Titus Aurelius Fulvus, Antoninus Pius, Aurelius Fulvus, Asia . Octavianus Augustus Octavianus Augustus, Octavius, Lucius Domitius, Lucius Domitius Aurelianus, Aurelian, Claudius II . Decimus, Decius Caelius, Balbinus Decimus, Decius Caelius Calvinus Balbinus, Balbinus, Pupienus, . Caligula Caligula, Gaius, . Caligula, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Caracalla, Septimius Severus, Caesar, Augustus, Marcus Aurelius Carinus Marcus Aurelius Carinus, Carinus, Nigrinianus . Carinus, Carus, Marcus Aurelius Claudius Gothicus, Aurelius Claudius Gothicus, Claudius II, Gallienus, Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Gemanicus Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Gemanicus, Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, Faustinei, Commodus, Flavius Iulius Constans Flavius Iulius Constans, Constantin cel Mare, Constant, Constantin II, Constanțiu II, Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus, Constantin I, Împărat, Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantius Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantius, Constanțiu I, Constantius Chlorus, Constantin cel Mare . Constanțiu al II - lea Constanțiu al II - lea, Decius Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius, Diadumenian, Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus, Macrinus, Cezar, Augustus . Didius Iulianus Didius Iulianus, Didius Iulianus, Gallia . Dioclețian Dioclețian, dioclețiană, Domițian Titus Flavius Domitianus, Domițian, Eliogabal, Aurelius Antoninus, Florianus Marcus Annius Florianus Pius, Tacitus, Florianus, Galba Servius Sulpicius Galba, Terracina, Galba, Galerius Galerius Maximianus, Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus, Felix Romuliana, Galerius, Probus, Gallienus Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus, El, Valerian ., Geta Publius Septimius Geta, Geta, Gordian I Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus Africanus, Gordian I, Gordian al II - lea Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus Africanus, Gordian II, Gordian I . Gordian, Gordian al III - lea Marcus Antonius Gordianus Pius, Gordian al III - lea, Grațian Flavius Gratianus Augustus, Grațian, Hadrian Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus, Hadrian, Împărat Roman . Hadrian, Honorius Flavius Honorius, Teodosiu I, Arcadius, Hostilian Gaius Valens, Quintus, Hostilian, Trebonianus Gallus, Decius, Herennius Etruscus . Hostilian, Iulian Apostatul Flavius Claudius Iulianus, . Licinius Flavius Galerius Valerius Licinianus Licinius, Licinius, Lucius Verus Lucius, Commodus Verus Armeniacus, Lucius Verus, Macrinus Marcus Opellius Macrinus, Magnus Maximus Magnus Maximus, Maximianus, Teodosie I . Marc Aureliu Marc Aureliu, ., Marcus Annius Verus, Marcus Catilius Severus, Marcus Aelius Aurelius Verus . Maxentius, Aurelius Valerius Maxentius, Maximian, Maxentius, Aurelius Valerius Maximianus Herculius, Maximinus Daia Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximinus, Galerius . Maximin Tracul Gaius Iulius Verus Maximinus, Maximin Tracul, . Maximin Tracul, Imperiul Roman . Nero Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Nero, Nerva Nerva, Nerva, Aurelius Numerius Numerianus, Carinus ., Carus . Otho, Salvius Otho, Pertinax Publius Helvius Pertinax, Pertinax, Filip Arabul Filip, Iulius Marinus, Filip, Probus Marcus Aurelius Probus, Valerian, Tacit, Pupienus Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus, Balbinus . Quintillus, Aurelius Claudius Quintillus, Claudius Gothicus, Publius Licinius Cornelius Saloninus Valerianus, Septimius Severus Lucius Septimius Severus, Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus, Septimius Sever, Alexandru Sever Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Augustus, Alexandru Sever, Marcus Julius Gessius, Corneliu Tacit, Pliniu cel Tânăr, Teodosiu I Flavius Theodosius, Teodosiu cel Mare, Flavius Theodosius, Teodosiu, Tiberius Tiberius Caesar Augustus, Tiberius Claudius Nero, Titus Titus Flavius Vespasianus, Vespasian, Traian Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus, Trebonianus Gallus Gaius, Gallus, Gaius Vibius, Valens Flavius Julius Valens, Valentinian I Flavius Valentinianus, Valentinian, Valentinian al II - lea Valentinian al II - lea, Valentinian al III - lea Flavius Placidius Valentinianus, Valentinian III, Constanțiu III, Valentinian I . Publius Licinius, Aemilianus ., Aemilianus, Vespasian Vespasian, Caesar Vespasianus Augustus, Titus Flavius Vespasianus, Vitellius Aulus Vitellius Germanicus, Volusianus Gaius, Trebonianus Gallus . El Locations: Imperiului Roman, Africa, Roman, Italia, Lanuvium, Asia ., Moesia, Sirmium, Galia, Lugdunum, Imperiul Roman, Dalmația, Balcani, Roma, Italiei, Africii, Împărat Roman, Imperiului Roman de Apus, Gallia ., Orient, Hispania Tarraconensis, Gamzigrad, Imperiul Roman de Apus, Romuliana, Moesia Superioară, Dacia Ripensis, Dacia, Caesarea, romană Mauretania, Mesopotamia, Țara Galilor, Tibru, Daia, Dunăre, Narnia, Tarent, Liguria, Shahba, Damasc, romană Siria, Pannonia, Cauca, Cibalae, Ravenna, Rin, Noricum, Raetia, Spoleto, senatul
Chilia și Cetatea Albă a rămas sub stăpânirea sultanului, Marea Neagră devenind un „lac intern” al Imperiului Otoman. În 1489, domnul Țării Moldovei s-a recunoscut vasal al regelui ungar, primind feude (stăpâniri condiționate) în Transilvania, Ciceul și Cetatea de Baltă cu domenii din jur. Rivalul său de la 1497, Sigismund I, devenit rege al Poloniei, l-a numit în 1531 „acel mare Ștefan” („Stephanus ille magnus”). Ștefan cel Mare, caz unic în istoria Țării Moldovei, a transmis puterea domnească la 30 iunie 1504 fiului său, Bogdan al III-lea. La 20 iunie 1992 a fost canonizat, fiind înscris în sinaxar, cărțile de cult etc., cu numele „Dreptcredinciosul Voievod Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt” (sărbătorit la 2 iulie).
Persons: Nicolae Iorga, Domnul, Ștefan cel Mare, Ștefan al III - lea, ., Alexandru cel Bun, Bogdan, Bogdan al II - lea, Maria, Vlad Țepeș, ungar Matei Corvin, Radul cel Frumos, Ștefan, Vodă, papa Sixt IV, Soliman - pașa, Papa Sixt IV, Mehmed II, Baiazid II, Elena, Ivan III, Ivan cel Tânăr, Ioan Albert, Sigismund, Sigismund I, Stephanus ille magnus, Mihai Eminescu, Barbu Delavrancea, Mihail Sadoveanu, voievod, Matei Corvin, Eudochia, C ., Victoria, Daniel Sihastru, Demir, Constantin cel Mare, Dumnezeu, Emil Dragnev, Apoi, Bogdan al III - lea, Ștefan - Vodă, Ion Valer Xenofontov Locations: . Borzești, jud, Bacău, Suceava, Țării Românești, Chilia insulară, Dunăre, Baia, ungar, Roman, Soroca, Chilia Nouă, Orhei, Cetatea Albă, Brașov, Lvov, Imperiul Otoman, Veneția, Ungaria, Polonia, Cehia, Vaslui, Albă, Războieni, Moldovei, Chilia, Colomeea, Imperiului Otoman, Țării Moldovei, Transilvania, Țara Românească, Hanatul Crimeii, Rusia Moscovită, Moscova, Cetății, Poloniei, polonez, Pocuția, Moldova, Athos, România, Iași, Piatra, Neamț, Republica Moldova, Chișinău, Kiev, Occident, Trapezon, Trapezunt, pârcălabi, Dobrovăț, Țării, Țara Moldovei, Pătrăuți, Șchei, Bulgari, Putna
Total: 24