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The Supreme Court heard three hours of oral arguments on a GOP-led challenge from North Carolina. Barrett said adopting the North Carolina Republicans' approach would mean judges would have "notoriously difficult lines to draw." The state supreme court ruled that the map was a partisan gerrymander that favored Republicans, deeming it a violation of the state constitution. Alito noted that in some places, like North Carolina, state supreme court judges are elected by voters. The Supreme Court is expected to hand down its decision in the case by June.
Justice Samuel Alito joked about Black Santa, children in Klan robes and dating websites as the Supreme Court heard arguments Monday in a case weighing a web designer's bid to avoid working on same-sex weddings because she is a conservative evangelical Christian. David Zalubowski / AP fileEric Olson, the Colorado solicitor general, said that the Black Santa wouldn’t have to follow through with the request since KKK outfits are not protected characteristics under accommodation laws. Alito quipped, “You do see a lot of Black children in Ku Klux Klan outfits, right? Kagan, who is Jewish, jumped in to confirm that Alito was correct, which drew laughter from those in attendance. Conservative justices on the high court appeared sympathetic toward the web designer’s bid as they heard arguments for more than two hours Monday.
REUTERS/Lucy NicholsonWASHINGTON, Nov 29 (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday struggled over a bid by President Joe Biden's administration to implement guidelines - challenged by two conservative-leaning states - shifting immigration enforcement toward countering public safety threats. The justices voted 5-4 vote in July not to block Tipton's ruling halting the guidelines, announced last year by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. When the Supreme Court also declined to stay Tipton's ruling, conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined liberal justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson in dissent. Prelogar called the states' claims of indirect harms insufficient to allow them to sue and urged the Supreme Court to limit the ability of states more generally to challenge federal policies in court. Reporting by Nate Raymond in Boston and Andrew Chung in Washington; Editing by Will DunhamOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday questioned whether an ex-aide to former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was lawfully convicted on a bribery charge as it considered narrowing the scope of a federal law aimed at curbing public corruption. Percoco says that because he was not working for the government at the time, he had no duty to provide honest services. The court on Monday is also hearing a second case arising from the same New York corruption investigation. Several others targeted in the investigation, including Aiello, have their own appeals pending at the Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday declined to block the release of Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward’s phone records to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. The justices rejected an emergency request filed by Ward, meaning that phone records associated with her T-Mobile cellphone will be disclosed to the House committee. The committee is pursuing only Kelli Ward’s records. At the Supreme Court, Ward argued that the subpoena violates her right to freedom of association under the Constitution’s First Amendment. Those actions have come under scrutiny by the Justice Department as well as the Jan. 6 committee.
Arizona Chairwoman Kelli Ward speaks during the Rally To Protect Our Elections conference on July 24, 2021 in Phoenix, Arizona. The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a request by Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward to block her phone records from being subpoenaed by the select House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The denial sets the stage for the Democratic-controlled House committee to obtain those records from her T-Mobile account. The order rejecting Ward's and her husband Michaels' request for an emergency injunction notes that Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito would have granted it. Laurin Mills, a lawyer for Kelli Ward, when asked by CNBC for comment on Monday's ruling, wrote, "It is my personal practice not to comment on pending litigation."
The committee on Oct. 22 sent Trump himself a subpoena to testify under oath and provide documents. Trump, who is considering another run for the presidency in 2024, has accused the panel of waging unfair political attacks on him. Circuit Court of Appeals on Oct. 22 declined to put the subpoena on hold while Ward appealed. Ward and her husband, Michael Ward, both signed their names on one of the slates of alternate electors for Trump. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan had temporarily put the subpoena on hold on Oct. 28 while the full court decided how to proceed.
[1/3] A man rides a scooter past the front of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, U.S. September 30, 2022. conservative Justice Samuel Alito asked Malcolm Stewart, a lawyer for the Department of Justice representing both commissions. The Supreme Court's conservative justices have signaled skepticism toward expansive regulatory power and the duty of judges, under Supreme Court precedent, to give deference to that authority. She told Stewart that of the three factors relevant to the case under a Supreme Court precedent, "two factors are pretty darn bad for you." Axon sued the FTC in 2020 in federal court in Arizona following an investigation by the agency into its 2018 acquisition of Vievu, a rival body-camera provider.
"Racial classifications are wrong," the attorney Patrick Strawbridge said in his opening argument on behalf of the group Students for Fair Admissions. The Supreme Court began hearing arguments Monday in two cases that challenge the use of race-based considerations to determine who gets admitted to American colleges. Conservatives hold a 6-3 super-majority on the Supreme Court and are expected to be open to the arguments for ending affirmative action. The cases being argued are Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard, case No. 20-1199, and Students for Fair Admissions v. the University of North Carolina, case No.
The Supreme Court heard two high-profile challenges to race-conscious university admissions processes. The court's conservatives appeared open to ending race as a factor in university admissions. Thomas, the second Black person to ever serve on the bench, has long been critical of race-conscious admissions policies. They cannot adopt race-conscious admissions and sit back reflexively and let that play out forever into the future," Prelogar said. "At present, it's not possible to achieve that diversity without race-conscious admissions, including at the nation's service academies."
Justice Samuel Alito appeared to take a swipe at Justice Elena Kagan in an interview on Tuesday. "Someone also crosses an important line when they say that the Court is acting in a way that is illegitimate," Alito said. He added that the justices often disagree about the law but get along well personally. "We sometimes disagree pretty passionately about the law," Alito told Heritage President Kevin Roberts of his fellow justices. Roberts then pointed out that Alito recently said that questioning the legitimacy of the Supreme Court as an apolitical institution "crosses an important line."
Kagan issued an order effectively putting the litigation on hold and preventing enforcement of the subpoena pending a further order by her or the full court. Kagan is the justice designated to handle emergency appeals from a group of states including Arizona. The panel sought the records as part of its investigation into events surrounding the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol by Trump supporters who sought to block Congress from certifying his election loss to Democrat Joe Biden. Trump, who is considering another run for the presidency in 2024, has accused the panel of waging unfair political attacks on him. The panel had already been in the process of seeking records concerning Ward, who the panel said participated in multiple aspects of the attempts to interfere with the electoral count.
[1/2] Associate Justice Samuel Alito poses during a group photo of the Justices at the Supreme Court in Washington, U.S., April 23, 2021. Alito, speaking at an event organized by the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank in Washington, also condemned the leak last May of his draft opinion overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide, saying it made the justices "targets." Everyone is free to strongly criticize the court's decisions or the reasoning behind them, Alito said. In blunt terms, Alito also commented on the man who was charged with attempted murder after being arrested near the Maryland home of conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh in June. The conservative majority has shown an increasing willingness to take on divisive issues as it steers the court on a rightward path.
Fischer is also the author of Kentucky’s 2019 “trigger” law, which went into effect when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June and makes most abortions illegal in the state. This year, with 84 seats up for election in state supreme court races nationwide – the highest number in recent years, according to election tracking organization Ballotpedia – these down-ballot races are taking on a heightened significance and scrutiny. Four out of seven of Kentucky’s state Supreme Court seats are up on Nov. 8, with three of those races contested. But if the amendment loses, a legal challenge from the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood attempting to overturn the ban would move forward before the state Supreme Court. A ‘new frontier’In Montana, Republicans have accused the seven-member state Supreme Court of holding a “liberal bias,” particularly while Democratic governors filled court vacancies in recent years.
Associate Justice Elena Kagan poses during a group photo of the Justices at the Supreme Court in Washington, U.S., April 23, 2021. Erin Schaff/Pool via REUTERS/File PhotoOct 21 (Reuters) - Liberal Justice Elena Kagan on Friday expressed hope that her colleagues on the conservative-dominated U.S. Supreme Court could get back to finding "common ground," saying it risked looking political by continuing to overturn legal precedents. Speaking at an event at the University of Pennsylvania, Kagan did not explicitly reference the Supreme Court's decision in June to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. Cases on the court's docket this term present opportunities for the court's conservative justices to flex their mussels further by weakening the landmark Voting Rights Act and barring the consideration of race in college admissions. "Time will tell whether this is a court that can get back to finding common ground, to ratcheting down the level of decision making so we can reach compromises," Kagan said.
Ted Cruz's campaign paid him $555,000 to cover old personal loans to his Senate committee. Ethics advocates and some Supreme Court justices warned that the decision could lead to corruption. And the one-time presidential candidate and two-term senator has the US Supreme Court to thank for it. That allowed Cruz to initiate a lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission, which eventually made its way up to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan echoed that same argument in her dissenting opinion.
The Supreme Court heard a case involving pop artist Andy Warhol's iconic silkscreen prints of musician Prince. At issue is whether Warhol violated copyright law by relying on a photographer's image of Prince for his art. The Andy Warhol Foundation has asked the Supreme Court to overturn that ruling. "If you called Andy Warhol as a witness, what would he say?" "And this is a work of art sending a message about modern society," he said of Warhol's.
Oct 11 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday weighed the constitutionality of a California law banning the sale of pork from pigs confined in spaces with too little space to move freely that industry groups have said impermissibly regulates out-of-state farmers. The law was approved by voters as a ballot initiative in 2018 to bar sales in California of pork, veal and eggs from animals whose confinement failed to meet minimum space requirements. "As I read California's law, it's about products being sold in California," conservative Justice Clarence Thomas said. The Supreme Court took up the case after the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. President Joe Biden's administration has sided with the pork producers, saying in a Supreme Court brief that states cannot ban products "that pose no threat to public health or safety based on philosophical objections."
The Supreme Court on Tuesday heard a battle between pork producers and California. A California law requires producers to raise pigs with enough space to roam freely in order to sell pork in the state's market. Pork producers argued that the law is unconstitutional because it impedes interstate commerce. Pork producers nationwide have balked at the standard, claiming it's costly to meet, disruptive to the industry, and unconstitutional. Ultimately, the groups argued the California law impedes interstate commerce, in violation of a legal doctrine in the Constitution called the dormant commerce clause.
Oct 11 (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday questioned whether upholding a California law banning the sale of pork from pigs kept in tightly confined spaces would invite states to adopt laws imposing their political or moral views outside their borders. "It's an extraterritorial regulation that conditions pork sales on out-of-state farmers adopting California's preferred farming methods for no valid safety reasons," Bishop said, noting that 99.9% of California's pork comes from elsewhere. "As I read California's law, it's about products being sold in California," conservative Justice Clarence Thomas said. Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor said that while California represents a huge market, "no one's forcing them to sell to California." 'SUBSTANTIAL IMPACT'But liberal Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson said that the court must accept that California's law will have a "substantial impact on the operation of this market."
The Supreme Court posed for a group photo with its newest justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson. Bottom row, from left, Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, and Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts. Top row, from left, Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, and Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson stands between Associate Justice Samuel Alito, left, and Associate Justice Elena Kagan, right. Scott ApplewhiteThe group photo came as the Supreme Court kicked off its new term, which is shaping up to a be a consequential one.
WASHINGTON—During the summer months when the Supreme Court was out of session, new arguments arose between the justices themselves on whether the court’s legitimacy, in the eyes of the American public, was imperiled after it overturned longstanding precedents in its most recent term. Liberal Justice Elena Kagan , in a series of public appearances, said the court’s conservative majority had diminished the high court’s credibility with decisions that track Republican priorities. Chief Justice John Roberts , speaking at a separate event, retorted that the court’s decisions have no bearing on its legitimacy as it carries out its mandate to interpret the Constitution. On his side was fellow conservative Samuel Alito , author of the majority opinion in the term’s landmark case overturning Roe v. Wade, eliminating a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion.
The court said in a statement Wednesday that people will be able to attend oral arguments when its new term starts Monday, although "the building will otherwise remain closed to the public." In March 2020, the justices initially pivoted to holding remote oral arguments by teleconference before they resumed in-person oral arguments in a largely empty courtroom last fall. In a major development, the court began livestreaming audio of oral arguments at the beginning of the pandemic, for the first time allowing the public to hear the court proceedings without being present in the courtroom. Throughout the pandemic, tourists have been barred from the court building, with only some court staff members, lawyers and journalists allowed access at certain times. In June, as the court issued its abortion ruling and other big decisions, a security fence surrounded the court.
People don't think the Supreme Court represents them well, a Morning Consult/Insider poll found. 70% or more of each age group also said Supreme Court justices should have term limits. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan warned about the court's standing with the American populace at an event in September. Term limits for Supreme Court justices is an idea that also appeals to members of both parties, the survey found. Despite the nation's wish for term limits on Supreme Court justices, it's unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Chief Justice John Roberts, one of the court’s six conservatives, pushed back against some of the criticism in a recent public appearance, saying people should not question the court’s legitimacy just because they disagree with its rulings. It is important that the public think the justices are reaching decisions in good faith based on the law, Girgis said. Sotomayor said at an event in California on Thursday that “there’s going to be some question about the court’s legitimacy” if people think the justices are acting based on politics, according to a Courthouse News Service report. But I don’t understand the connection between opinions people disagree with and the legitimacy of the court,” he said. Conversely, in 1954, Southern states resisted enforcing the landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling, which ended segregation in public schools.
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