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Stocks rallied this week as earnings season ramped up and is so far off to a better-than-expected start. With 20% of the S & P 500 having reported financials so far, sales results have thus far been 1.4% above expectations while earnings results are 5.4% above expectations, in aggregate. That inverse correlation between bond yields and stocks was powerful enough to trump positive earnings reports. Looking back On the earnings front, we got results from Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Procter & Gamble (PG), and Danaher (DHR). As a subscriber to the CNBC Investing Club with Jim Cramer, you will receive a trade alert before Jim makes a trade.
NEW YORK, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Moelis & Co. has hired two former Morgan Stanley bankers, Arek Kurkciyan and Dennis Crandall, as managing directors to help drive dealmaking in the life sciences and outsourced pharmaceutical services sectors for the investment bank. Both Kurkciyan and Crandall were managing directors in the healthcare investment banking unit at Morgan Stanley. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterIn their previous roles at Morgan Stanley, both bankers worked on significant deals involving large healthcare corporations and financial sponsors. In recent months, Moelis has been attempting to shore up its healthcare M&A unit. It recently hired another senior banker Igor Sokolovsky to help with dealmaking across sectors, with a special focus on healthcare.
Lab tie-up would have multiple ailments
  + stars: | 2022-10-11 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
LONDON, Oct 11 (Reuters Breakingviews) - Qiagen (QIA.DE) may once again find itself at the centre of an M&A drama. The $10 billion German lab tester is in talks with $10 billion U.S. life-science company Bio-Rad (BIO.N), the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. Any deal would follow Thermo Fisher Scientific’s (TMO.N) failed attempt to buy Qiagen for 11.3 billion euros ($11 billion) back in 2020. Regulators in the United States and Europe have been increasingly wary of tie-ups that could lead to higher prices. They do not reflect the views of Reuters News, which, under the Trust Principles, is committed to integrity, independence, and freedom from bias.
Diagnostics firm Bio-Rad in talks to merge with Qiagen - WSJ
  + stars: | 2022-10-10 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Oct 10 (Reuters) - California-based diagnostics company Bio-Rad Laboratories (BIO.N) is in talks to merge with Qiagen NV (QIA.DE), the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing people familiar with the matter. U.S-listed shares of Qiagen rose 8% while Bio-Rad fell nearly 10% after the report. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterBio Rad, which manufactures and supplies products such as laboratory apparatus, instruments and diagnostics, has a market-cap of $12.85 billion. Both Qiagen and Bio-Rad did not immediately respond to Reuters' requests for comments. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterReporting by Bhanvi Satija in Bengaluru; Editing by Vinay DwivediOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
CNBC Pro combed through top Wall Street research to find analysts' top "high conviction" ideas. With a Street high price target of $278, the stock is one of DA Davidson's top "high conviction" small cap ideas. DaVita The kidney and dialysis care provider was recently upgraded to a buy rating from neutral by investment firm UBS. UBS has a Street high price target of $117 per share, which implies a nearly 38% gain from the stock's current level. While a period of consolidation is possible, we have high conviction that CRWD is a unique investment vehicle as the modern security cloud, with exceptional long-term value creation potential."
That design emerged from a hastily arranged work session in a Dayton hotel over a weekend in 1948. The B-52 started flying when America was still relying on P-51 MustangsUS Air Force F-51D Mustang fighters during the Korean War. Spanning wars and altitudesA US Air Force B-52F dropping 750-pound bombs over Vietnam in the 1960s. US Air ForceIn July 1948, Boeing received a contract from the still-new US Air Force to design and build a new heavy bomber. By late Friday night, the new B-52 bomber was already coming into focus.
Три недели назад премьер-министр Великобритании Борис Джонсон напугал всех сообщением о новой мутации коронавируса. Самый удобный сайт, содержащий информацию о РНК коронавируса по всему миру, — Neх Следующий нашумевший вариант вируса называется «Cluster 5», он был обнаружен в июне 2020 в Дании у людей, работающих с норками. Одно остается неизменным: изучение мутаций вируса помогает понять природу вируса и нашего иммунного ответа, что, в конце концов, позволит нам предположить, когда закончится вся эта история. Большинство главных мутаций коронавируса не делают его опаснее в плане тяжести заболевания, ведь вирусу не нужно, чтобы мы умирали быстрее.
Persons: , — nsp12, Hou, — N501Y, Асель Мусабекова, Жюль Оффман, Борис Джонсон, Болат Султанкулов, Ковид, Мухтар Садыков, Уханьский, У, Угур Шахин, Эмма Ходкрофт, Мухтар Organizations: Pfizer, Biontech, Университет, ЕНУ имя Л.Гумилева, Институт Пастера Locations: , Йорк, Великобритания, Страсбург, Франция, Париж, Саудовская Аравия, Ухань, Дания, Нидерланды, Южная Африка, Европа
Tonul trebuie depozitat la minus 60 grade Celsius pentru a-și menține calitatea și nuanța de roșu intens când ajunge la supermarketuri și restaurante, a spus Incalza. Vaccinul împotriva coronavirusului dezvoltat de Pfizer și BioNTech trebuie transportat la minus 70 grade Celsius. Dar vaccinul Pfizer este diferit. La începutul acestei luni, IBM a anunțat că hackerii vizau actori cheie din lanțul frigului și că efortul avea „semnele distinctive ale unui atac sponsorizat de un stat”. Companiile care alcătuiesc lanțul frigului spun că produsele lor sunt sigure și nu consideră atacurile drept o amenințare majoră.
Persons: CNN Business Francesco Incalza, Thermo King, Securitatea Organizations: Thermo King, CNN Business, Mediafax, Moderna, Imperial College, IBM Locations: Japonia, Thermo, Thermo King Europa, Orientul Mijlociu, Africa, Londra
Транспортировка вакцин против нового коронавируса по всему миру при температуре -70 градусов является одной из крупнейших логистических операций в истории. Также используются рефрижераторные контейнеры, в которых обычно транспортировался свежий тунец, сообщает CNN. Для этого компания повторно использовала контейнеры, которые обычно используются для перевозки свежего тунца в Японию, где требуются такие же холодные условия, сообщает Во время транспортировки фармацевтические препараты, как правило, следует хранить при температуре от 2 до 8 градусов по Цельсию. Но вакцина Pfizer иная.
Persons: Pfizer BioNTech Organizations: CNN, Pfizer, Moderna Locations: Япония
Total: 9