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BUCHAREST, Romania — Romanian prosecutors said Thursday they have detained divisive internet personality and former professional kickboxer Andrew Tate on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and forming an organized crime group. Tate, banned from many social media platforms for misogynistic comments and hate speech, and his brother Tristan will be detained for 24 hours alongside two Romanian suspects, prosecutors from the anti-organized-crime unit said in a statement after raiding their properties in Bucharest. A lawyer for the Tate brothers confirmed they had been detained. “They would have gained important sums of money.”Prosecutors said they had found six women who had been sexually exploited by the suspects. Tate has said women are partially responsible for being raped and that they belong to men.
[1/5] Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate are escorted by police officers outside the headquarters of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism in Bucharest (DIICOT) after being detained for 24 hours, in Bucharest, Romania, December 29, 2022. Inquam Photos/Octav Ganea via REUTERSBUCHAREST, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Romanian prosecutors said on Thursday they have detained divisive internet personality and former professional kickboxer Andrew Tate on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and forming an organised crime group. Prosecutors said they had found six women who had been sexually exploited by the suspects. Tate has said women are partially responsible for being raped and that they belong to men. Reporting by Luiza Ilie and Octav Ganea; Editing by Stephen CoatesOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Climate activist Greta Thunberg had a fiery response to controversial influencer Andrew Tate's attempt to boast about his carbon-dioxide-emitting cars. Tate, a self-described “success coach” who has been criticized online for a brand that many people describe as misogynistic, tweeted an image of himself with a car Tuesday. "Greta charging in late with a very strong entry for tweet of the year," one person wrote on Twitter. "Beautiful — Greta Thunberg just effortlessly owned Andrew Tate," another Twitter user wrote. Neither Thunberg nor Tate immediately responded to requests for comment.
Vladimir Putin's spokesperson complained about Time naming Zelenskyy its person of the year. Dmitry Peskov said the accolade was "vehemently Russophobic" and attacked Western media. Time said that the choice of Zelenskyy was "the most clear-cut in memory." Speaking to reporters, Dmitry Peskov claimed the accolade was evidence of an anti-Russian Western media system. Time announced the award on Tuesday, naming not only Zelenskyy but also "the spirit of Ukraine" as its person of the year.
Britain approves first new coal mine in decades
  + stars: | 2022-12-07 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
Britain on Wednesday approved its first new deep coal mine in decades to produce the high-polluting fuel for use in steelmaking, a project that critics say will hinder the UK's climate targets. The majority of the coal produced is expected to be exported to Europe. Greenhouse gas emissions from burning coal — such as in steel and power plants — are the single biggest contributor to climate change, and weaning countries off coal is considered vital to achieving global climate targets. Earlier this year, the chair of Britain's independent Climate Change Committee, John Gummer said the Woodhouse project was "absolutely indefensible". Britain, the cradle of the industrial revolution, once employed 1.2 million people at nearly 3,000 collieries.
Idealab and Heliogen Founder Bill Gross speaks onstage during Vox Media's 2022 Code Conference on September 08, 2022 in Beverly Hills, California. "Because I was reading Popular Science magazine, I saw people used to take out little ads in the back," Gross told CNBC. One limiting factor for solar energy is its intermittency, which means it only delivers power when the sun is shining. But we're delivering the energy continuously because the energy is coming out of the rock bed," Gross told CNBC. The price of fossil fuels after Russia invaded Ukraine is a game changer," Gross told CNBC.
Hundreds of activists, among them Greta Thunberg, marched through the Swedish capital to a court Friday to file a lawsuit against the Swedish state for what they say is insufficient climate action. They want the court to determine that the country has violated its citizen’s human rights with its climate policies. “Sweden has never treated the climate crisis like a crisis,” said Anton Foley, spokesman of the youth-led initiative Aurora, which prepared and filed the lawsuit. At a recent U.N. climate conference in Egypt earlier this month, leaders tried to keep that goal alive but did not ratchet up calls for reducing carbon emissions. Climate campaigners have launched numerous lawsuits against governments and companies in recent years, with mixed success.
COP27 was another milestone for young climate activists as they became official climate policy stakeholders under the ACE Action Plan. Photo by Dominika Zarzycka/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty ImagesYoung people have long been at the forefront of discussions and activism around climate change. Improving education and awareness around climate change by making research easily accessible is one of its aims. This year's COP27 also saw the first ever official youth representative, Omnia El Omrani, fight for the inclusion of young people's voices, the launch of a climate youth negotiator program that aims to empower young climate activists from the global south, and the inaugural youth climate forum. Her and her colleagues also hope to change the way older generations see climate change and its urgency.
[1/5] Licypriya Kangujam, 11, environmentalist and climate activist, founder of The Child Movement, speaks to Reuters during an interview at the COP27 climate summit in Red Sea resort at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, November 15, 2022. Among the throngs of men and women in business attire at the COP27 United Nations climate summit in Egypt this week are children who have traveled from around the world to demand adult leaders take action to protect their futures. They may be small, but their voices have been some of the loudest in the climate action movement. Her involvement follows prominent youth activist Greta Thunberg, now 19, who led school strikes in Sweden to demand action. Organisers of the summit say children have been given greater importance, with a designated youth envoy and a pavilion for children and youth at the conference.
“An innocent 2 or 3% per year, it’s an enormous amount of growth — cumulative growth, compound growth — over time,” said Giorgos Kallis, a top degrowth scholar based at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Action Press/ShutterstockThe UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently cited degrowth in a major report. Investment bank Jefferies said investors should consider what happens if degrowth gathers steam, noting “climate-anxious” younger generations have different consumer values. She’s criticized “fairy tales about non-existent technological solutions” and “eternal economic growth.” And she’s touched on another point degrowthers raise: Is our current system, which has produced rampant inequality, even working for us? Gates, the Microsoft co-founder who’s prioritized investing in climate innovations, admits that overhauling global energy systems is a Herculean task.
REUTERS/Russell Cheyne/File PhotoNov 2 (Reuters) - This year’s U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, marks the 27th time since 1995 that world leaders have gathered to confront global warming. Here are some key moments in the global climate conversation:1800s - Throughout the 1800s, several European scientists study how different gases and vapours can trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. 1990 - At the U.N.’s so-called Second World Climate Conference, scientists highlight the risks of global warming to nature and society. 2015 - Global warming passes 1 degree Celsius. Signatories promise to try to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees C of the preindustrial average.
[1/4] Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks with British journalist Samira Ahmed (not pictured) on stage at the Royal Festival Hall during the launch event of her new book "The Climate Book", during The Southbank Centre’s London Literature Festival, in London, Britain, October 30, 2022. REUTERS/Henry NichollsLONDON, Oct 30 (Reuters) - Climate activist Greta Thunberg on Sunday called out next month's United Nations climate summit in Egypt for being "held in a tourist paradise in a country that violates many basic human rights." Speaking at the London Literature Festival at the Southbank Centre where she was promoting her new book, "The Climate Book", 19-year-old Thunberg dismissed the looming climate summit, known as COP27, as an opportunity for "people in power... to [use] greenwashing, lying and cheating." While Thunberg did attend protests in Glasgow last year for COP26, she said she won't attend COP27, scheduled to be held from Nov. 6 to Nov. 18 in Sharm El Sheikh. Thunberg rose to prominence in 2018 at the age of 15 by staging school strikes in her native Sweden, becoming the face of the youth activist climate movement.
Beyond Catastrophe A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View By David Wallace-WellsYou can never really see the future, only imagine it, then try to make sense of the new world when it arrives. (A United Nations report released this week ahead of the COP27 climate conference in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, confirmed that range.) A little lower is possible, with much more concerted action; a little higher, too, with slower action and bad climate luck. There were climate-change skeptics in some very conspicuous positions of global power. New emissions peaks are expected both this year and next, which means that more damage is being done to the future climate of the planet right now than at any previous point in history.
On the agenda today:But first: This week, Insider launched its inaugural Climate Action 30, a prestigious list of leaders working toward climate solutions. Lily Katzman, an associate editor on our Special Projects team, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the project. InsiderWhen we say climate heroes, the usual suspects — think Greta Thunberg and Al Gore — come to mind. That's where Insider's Climate Action 30 comes into play. ReutersDavid Solomon, Goldman Sachs' CEO, moonlights as an electronic-music DJ, playing high-profile gigs like the Lollapalooza music festival and Tomorrowland, a Belgian music festival.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, told young climate activists in 2019, "You didn't vote for me." AP Photo/Gemunu AmarasingheBut most policy debates aren't genuinely existential in the way climate change is. "Younger Democrats tend to have a much more friendly relationship and response to the party's activist class than older Democrats do." Fossil-fuel interests have played a central role in stymieing progress on climate change for decades. Nearly a decade later, Trump ran for and won the presidency — with Gingrich's early and staunch support — while calling climate change a "hoax."
Шведская экоактивистка Грета Тунберг передаст Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) через свой благотворительный фонд €100 тыс. x«Приблизительно каждый четвертый человек в странах с высоким уровнем доходов получил вакцину от COVID-19, тогда как в странах с низким уровнем доходов — каждый 500-й. на поддержку COVAX, чтобы обеспечить более справедливое глобальное распространение вакцины от коронавируса», — сообщила Тунберг на своей странице в Twitter 19 апреля. #VaccineEquity — Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) April 19, 2021Глава ВОЗ Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус поблагодарил Тунберг за поддержку. Саму Тунберг номинировали на Нобелевскую премию мира, она начала общаться с политиками и посещать международные конференции.
Persons: Greta Thunberg, Грета Тунберг, Тунберг, Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус Organizations: Twitter, Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ), ВОЗ Locations: Стокгольм, Европа
Iniţiatoarea mişcării „Fridays for Future” şi a grevelor şcolare pentru climă a lansat un apel către ţările bogate să-şi împartă dozele cu populaţiile în situaţie de risc din ţările sărace „mai degrabă decât să vaccineze tineri cu o stare bună de sănătate”. „Dacă acest lucru nu este posibil, sugerez amânarea (COP26) astfel încât toată lumea să poată participa în condiţii egale”, a spus tânăra. „Inegalităţile (între ţările bogate şi cele sărace) în faţa crizei climatice sunt un subiect atât de stringent, încât efectul ar fi intensificarea acestui aspect” dacă COP26 ar fi menţinut la aceeaşi dată, a mai argumentat ea. Tânăra suedeză nu exclude însă posibilitatea de a reveni asupra deciziei în cazul în care inegalitatea vaccinală se ameliorează. „Bineînţeles că mi-ar plăcea să particip la COP26, dar doar dacă toată lumea se află pe picior de egalitate”, a precizat ea.
Persons: Activista Greta Thunberg Organizations: ONU Locations: Glasgow
Premiile Nobel vor fi decernate începând cu 4 octombrie. Alexei Navalnîi și Greta Thunberg, printre candidaturile din acest anPremiul Nobel pentru Pace, precum şi cele pentru Literatură, Medicină, Chimie, Fizică şi Economie, vor fi decernate în acest an începând cu data de 4 octombrie, potrivit calendarului anual al acestor distincţii. Comitetul Nobel din Norvegia, care atribuie premiul Nobel pentru Pace, a precizat că a primit 329 de candidaturi în acest an, constând în 234 de persoane şi 95 de organizaţii. Printre candidaturile cunoscute se află activista pentru mediu Greta Thunberg, membrii mişcării pro-democraţie din Hong Kong, fostul preşedinte american Donald Trump, opozantul rus Alexei Navalnîi şi activista belarusă Svetlana Tihanovskaia. Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) este una dintre organizaţiile internaţionale menţionate pe lista de propuneri, datorită rolului său în coordonarea reacţiei globale la pandemia de coronavirus.
Persons: Nobel, Alexei Navalnîi, american Donald Trump, Svetlana Tihanovskaia, Alfred Nobel Organizations: AGERPRES, OMS Locations: Norvegia, Nobelul, Hong Kong, american, Stockholm, Oslo
Pentru prima dată în istorie, revista Time a desemnat „Copilul anului”Gitanjali Rao, o adolescentă de 15 ani din Statele Unite a fost desemnată de revista TIME „Copilul anului 2020”. Adolescenta s-a făcut remarcată încă de acum câțiva ani după ce a inventat un dispozitiv mobil pentru detectarea plumbului în apa potabilă, dar și a unei aplicații care depistează hărțuirea online. Gitanjali Rao a fost aleasă dintre 5 000 de nominalizați la titlul de „Copilul anului 2020”. Revista Time, care acordă titlul de „Omul anului” încă din 1927, susține că noua categorie, „Copilul anului”, pe care a instituit-o începând de anul acesta, este o modalitate de a scoate în evidență tinerii care au o influență pozitivă asupra comunităților lor. Anul trecut, titlul de „Omul anului” i-a revenit, la numai 16 ani, activistei suedeze de mediu Greta Thunberg, cea mai tânără persoană care a obținut acest titlu.
Persons: . Adolescenta, Angelina Jolie, laureata, Adolescenta Organizations: Time, Rao Locations: Statele Unite, Massachusetts, MIT
Gitanjali Rao a fost aleasă dintre 5.000 de nominalizați la titlul de „Copilul anului 2020”. Într-un interviu acordat actriței și activistei Angelina Jolie, laureata a spus că speră să-i poată inspira și pe ceilalți copii să vină cu idei pentru a rezolva problemele lumii. Adolescenta vrea să studieze genetica și epidemiologia la celebrul Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Revista „Time”, care acordă titlul de „Omul anului” încă din 1927, susține că noua categorie, „Copilul anului”, pe care a instituit-o începând de anul acesta, este o modalitate de a scoate în evidență tinerii care au o influență pozitivă asupra comunităților lor, scrie Anul trecut, titlul de „Omul anului” i-a revenit, la numai 16 ani, activistei suedeze de mediu Greta Thunberg, cea mai tânără persoană care a obținut acest titlu.
Persons: Angelina Jolie, laureata, Adolescenta Organizations: Rao Locations: Massachusetts, MIT
,,Grevă şcolară, săptămâna 119. Supra-consumul distruge condiţiile de viaţă prezente şi viitoare şi planeta în sine. Nu cumpăraţi lucruri de care nu aveţi nevoie”, a scris adolescenta pe Twitter. În mesajul său figurează, de asemenea, un semn pictat manual pe care scrie ,,Grevă şcolară pentru climă”. Thunberg a organizat prima grevă şcolară în august 2018 în faţa parlamentului suedez, acţiune care s-a dezvoltat într-o mişcare la nivel mondial pentru a atrage atenţia asupra schimbărilor climatice.
Persons: Twitter ., Thunberg Organizations: Black Friday, Twitter . Black Locations: suedez
Înregistrarea audio a convorbirii dintre Trudeau şi farsorii Vladimir Kuzneţov şi Alexei Stoliarov (care s-au dat drept Greta Thunberg) a fost recent publicată de către cei doi ruşi. Justin Trudeau, după ce a fost căzut în cursa celor doi, a discutat cu „falsa Greta” despre NATO, pacea mondială şi Donald Trump. Purtătorul de cuvânt al premierului a precizat că, atunci când Trudeau s-a prins că nu vorbeşte cu Greta Thunberg cea reală, a încheiat apelul telefonic, citează Digi24. În discuţia telefonică, Trudeau a precizat că a primit foarte multe telefoane pe acest subiect. Pe un ton calm, aparent neafectat de expresiile şi cuvintele ciudate alese de interlocutorii săi, Trudeau a felicitat-o pe falsa Thunberg pentru cuvintele ei „pline de pasiune”.
Persons: Vladimir Kuzneţov, Alexei, Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump, Trudeau, Greta, Farsorii, Elton John, prinţul Harry, Harris, Kuzneţov Organizations: NATO, canadieni Locations: Canadei, SUA
Greta Thunberg, tânăra activistă de mediu, s-a amuzat pe seama situației electorale a președintelui Donald Trump. Relaxează-te, Greta! Relaxează-te!”, a scris Donald Trump pe Twitter în 2019, comentând postarea unui alt utilizator care o felicita pe Thunberg. Donald trebuie să ia măsuri pentru a-și gestiona furia, apoi să meargă, cum se făcea pe vremuri, la un film bun cu un prieten” Relaxează-te, Donald! Relaxează-te”, a comentat Greta Thunberg la o postare pe Twitter a lui Donald Trump care cerea: „Opriți numărătoarea!”.
Persons: Greta Thunberg, Donald Trump ., Trump, Donald Trump, Greta, !, Donald, Donald ! Organizations: Time Locations: suedeză
Total: 23