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Share Share Article via Facebook Share Article via Twitter Share Article via LinkedIn Share Article via EmailInflation in the U.S. could drop to about 3.7% next year, says analystCody Feldman of the Economist Intelligence Unit says external factors that have been driving inflation in the U.S. are starting to subside.
After a Covid outbreak at a Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou, China, some workers chose to go home. Vcg | Visual China Group | Getty ImagesBEIJING — China's decision to maintain Covid controls is pushing companies to look to factories outside the country, according to The Economist Intelligence Unit. Beijing's stringent Covid controls helped the country resume work while the rest of the world still struggled with the pandemic in 2020. watch nowOver the weekend, some Foxconn workers reportedly forced their way out of Covid controls at the factory. JPMorgan analysts predicted that just 5% of Apple's global iPhone 14 production would move to India this year.
Michael Bocchieri | Getty ImagesIn Europe, the battle between U.S. Big Tech companies and telecommunications firms has reached fever pitch. In May 2022, EU competition chief Margrethe Vestager said she would look into requiring Big Tech firms to pay for network costs. In South Korea, companies have similarly lobbied politicians to force "over-the-top" players like YouTube and Netflix to pay for network access. Tech companies, naturally, don't think they should pay for the privilege of sending their traffic to consumers. There's also the matter of why internet users pay their providers in the first place.
Share Share Article via Facebook Share Article via Twitter Share Article via LinkedIn Share Article via EmailNew Italian finance minister won't be a controversial figure, senior analyst saysAgnese Ortolani, senior analyst for Europe at Economist Intelligence Unit, discusses the latest in Italian politics and the formation of the new government.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva (L) and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen meet at the Treasury Department in Washington, DC, on July 1, 2021. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says Russia's war against Ukraine has weakened its economy and slowed the nation's growth prospects for the foreseeable future. The Treasury secretary hosted a meeting with Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commission executive vice president and trade commissioner, and Paolo Gentiloni, the European commissioner for the economy. The EIU also said a European boycott of Russian oil will further deplete the economy. Sanctions have also effectively rendered Russia dependent on "suppliers of last resort like Iran and North Korea for basic military gear," according to Yellen.
Anti-government uprisings are to remain a sticking point and increase in frequency in Iran's political landscape as dissatisfaction with other factors like the country's economic conditions surface, according to analysts. These protests will be met with force, and increase the Islamic Republic's dependence on Iran's elite armed forces, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, she told CNBC. Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khameinei broke his silence last week and called the protests "riots." Iran's economic troublesInflation in Iran is expected to remain high at over 30%, according to the World Bank. Anti-government uprisings are to remain a sticking point and increase in frequency in Iran's political landscape as dissatisfaction with other factors like the country's economic conditions surface, according to analysts.
Asian currencies will likely continue weakening for another quarter — if not more, as U.S. interest rates rise, the Economist Intelligence Unit said. The EIU said it expects further interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve in November and December, although "the risk is rising that rate increases will occur at a faster pace than we currently anticipate." The contrast between the Fed's tightening and the monetary easing in some Asian economies, such as Japan and China, means the U.S. dollar would be more buoyant and there will be more downward pressure on Asian currencies. "As the Federal Reserve signals a more hawkish approach to monetary policy to curb inflation, Asian currencies extended their losses against the US dollar in September," the economics group said in an analysis on Thursday. "We expect that the pressure facing Asian currencies will last for another quarter, if not longer."
Foreign Ministry Of Uzbekistan | via ReutersUkraine's counteroffensive, which has seen vast swathes of Russian-occupied territory get recaptured, could be compounding Russia's economic troubles, as international sanctions continue to hammer its fortunes. Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg, said the recently Ukrainian military gains could hit Russia's economy hard. "Even more so than before, the Russian economy looks set to descend into a gradually deepening recession," Schmieding said in a note last week. Statistics are scarce on the true state of the Russian economy, with the Kremlin keeping its cards relatively close to its chest. She added that the Kremlin had "put Russia's economy on that path to oblivion" and vowed that sanctions were "here to stay."
Australia is the healthiest country for digital nomads, according to the Global Health Security Index., a marketplace of software developers, analyzed data from the 2022 Global Health Security Index by the Economist Intelligence Unit to determine the healthiest countries for digital nomads. 1 healthiest country for digital nomads: AustraliaIndex score: 71.1/100 Although the United States ranked at the top of the list with a score of 75.9/100, it doesn't offer a digital nomad visa, so it was excluded from the top 10 rankings. For that reason, Australia was named the healthiest country instead. Top 10 healthiest countries for digital nomads
Hong Kong/Seoul CNN Business —Clark Park, a 35-year-old YouTuber, is one of many people in South Korea fed up with high food prices. South Korea is the world’s third largest market for fried chicken, outpaced only by the far more populous United States and China, data from market research provider Euromonitor International shows. Fried chicken on display at a Homeplus store in South Korea. Fried chicken warSellers have taken vastly different approaches to the situation in recent months. In August, emart, another major supermarket chain, launched a one-week promotion to sell fried chicken at almost 50% off — and sold all 60,000 pieces.
Десять лучших городов мира для жизни в 2021 годуОрганизация Economist Intelligence Unit опубликовала свежий рейтинг лучших городов для жизни. В лидерах – Окленд, пишет Сейчас рейтинг выглядит так:# Окленд (Новая Зеландия)# Осака (Япония)# Аделаида (Австралия)# Веллингтон (Новая Зеландия)# Токио (Япония)# Перт (Австралия)# Цюрих (Швейцария)# Женева (Швейцария)# Мельбурн (Австралия)# Брисбен (Австралия)Города анализировали по пяти категориям: стабильность, здравоохранение, культура и окружающая среда, образование и инфраструктура. Из-за пандемии EIU добавила несколько новых критериев: например, нагрузка на здравоохранение и карантинные ограничения.
Organizations: Intelligence Unit Locations: годуОрганизация, Окленд, Новая Зеландия, Осака, Япония, Аделаида, Австралия, Веллингтон, Токио, Перт, Цюрих, Швейцария, Женева, Мельбурн, Брисбен
Sursa foto: a schimbat semnificativ topul anual al orașelor din lume în care se trăiește cel mai bineOpt orașe din regiunea Asia-Pacific au ajuns în top zece al orașelor din lume în care se trăiește cel mai bine, datorită răspunsului eficient la pandemie, în timp ce orașele europene au scăzut în clasament. Pe primul loc în topul anual al orașelor cu cel mai ridicat nivel de trai realizat de Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) a urcat Auckland din Noua Zeelandă. Germania a înregistrat cele mai mari scăderi, în special orașul Hamburg, care a căzut 34 de locuri, ajungând pe 47. Analiștii apreciază că Australia și Noua Zeelandă, ajutate și de poziția geografică, au luat măsuri din timp pentru a controla numărul de cazuri și au reușit să țină sub control focarele. Australia a înregistrat mai puțin de o mie de decese asociate Covid, iar Noua Zeelandă doar 26, potrivit Universității Johns Hopkins.
Persons: Wellington, Universității Johns Hopkins Organizations: Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Universității Locations: Asia - Pacific, Auckland, Noua Zeelandă, Osaka, Adelaide, Tokyo, Wellington, Viena, Germania, Hamburg, Elveția, Zurich, Geneva, Australia, Europa, Damasc, Siria, Lagos, Nigeria, Port Moresby, Papua Noua Guinee, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Alger, Algeria, Tripoli, Libia, Karachi, Pakistan, Harare, Zimbabwe, Douala, Camerun, Caracas, Venezuela
В этом году первое место занял новозеландский город Окленд, а Вена, которая много лет подряд возглавляла топ, оказалась на 12 месте. Как отметили составители рейтинга, изоляция Новой Зеландии во время пандемии коронавируса позволила сохранить допандемийный образ жизни. При этом европейские города ухудшили свои показатели из-за многочисленных ограничений. Так, Гамбург опустился на 34 строчки, заняв 47 место, Франкфурт — на 29строчек, оказавшись на 39 месте. Отметим, что в рейтинге города оценивают по многим показателям, среди которых создание условий для образования и работы, транспортная доступность, безопасность, экология.
Persons: EIU Organizations: Economist Intelligence Unit Locations: Окленд, Вена, Осака, Япония, Аделаида, Австралия, Веллингтон, Новая Зеландия, Токио, Гамбург, Франкфурт, Дамаск, Лагос
Китайская экономика выросла на рекордные 18,3% в первом квартале 2021 года по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года. Рост ВВП оказался самым существенным с начала отслеживания этих данных в 1992 году. Как сообщило государственное статистическое бюро Китая, ВВП страны в первом квартале 2021 года составил 24,93 триллиона юаней (3,8 триллиона долларов) и превысил предыдущий рекорд в 15,3%, зафиксированный в первом квартале 1993 года. Так, рост ВВП Китая в четвертом квартале прошлого года был всего на 0,6% ниже роста в первом квартале нынешнего. Власти Китая рассчитывают, что по итогам 2021 года темпы роста экономики страны превысят 6%.
Persons: Луис Куиджс, Юэ Су Organizations: Oxford Economics, Economist Intelligence Unit Locations: Китайская экономика, Китай, Азия
În câteva zile, niciun membru al familiei Castro nu va mai fi la putere în Cuba. Congresul Partidului Comunist, care începe vineri, va pune capăt celor şase decenii de "regim frăţesc" și lasă locul unei noi generaţii. Reuniunea, ce se va desfăşura în spatele uşilor închise, va avea lor după exact 60 de ani de la proclamarea de către Fidel Castro a caracterului socialist al revoluţiei. Desemnarea lui Diaz-Canel drept nou prim-secretar, postul cel mai important în Cuba, ar urma să aibă loc în ultima zi a congresului, luni. "Faptul că Raul Castro cedează conducerea Partidului Comunist în Cuba nu este o schimbare adevărată", a notat marţi pe Twitter senatorul american de origine cubaneză Marco Rubio.
Persons: Castro, Fidel Castro, Raul, Miguel Diaz, revoluţiei ., Diaz, Canel, Împreună, Raul Castro, Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, Ramiro Valdes, convertibil, Norman McKay, McKay, cubaneză Marco Rubio, Harold Cardenas, american Donald, Trump Organizations: Congresul Partidului Comunist, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Partidului Comunist, Partidul Comunist Locations: Cuba, Havana, Cubei, american, cubanez, Castro, Agerpres, cubaneză
"Пандемия коронавируса повлияла на привычки расходовать средства во всем мире, при этом цены на товары первой необходимости оказались более устойчивыми, чем цены на товары, которые считаются несущественными", - делают вывод аналитики. В отчете отмечается, что цены в Сингапуре упали из-за оттока иностранных рабочих во время пандемии. Лидером роста цен и стоимости жизни стал Тегеран, который поднялся на 27 позиций из-за санкций США, говорится в отчете. Бразильские города, сильно пострадавшие во время пандемии, вошли в число одних из самых бедных мегаполисов мира в 2020 году. Цены на основные продукты питания в основном остались прежними, тогда как цены на предметы личной гигиены, табак и алкоголь выросли.
Persons: Упасана Датт Organizations: Economist Intelligence Unit, AFP, CNN Locations: Гонконг, Париж, Цюрих, Москва, Сингапур, Осака, Западная Европа, Северная Азия, Осаке, Япония, Женева, НьюЙорк, Копенгаген, ЛосАнджелес, Тегеран, США, Рейкьявик, РиодеЖанейро, СанПаулу, Дамаск, Сирия, Ташкент, Узбекистан, Лусака, Замбия, Каракас, Венесуэла, Карачи, Пакистан, БуэносАйрес, Аргентина, Алжир, Бангалор, Ченнаи, Индия
Total: 16