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Bill Gates said artificial intelligence is "quite revolutionary" in his annual Reddit AMA session. Gates replied: "AI is the big one. I don't think Web3 was that big or that metaverse stuff alone was revolutionary but AI is quite revolutionary." Gates appeared particularly keen about generative AI — that is artificial intelligence that can create content — saying "I am quite impressed with the rate of improvement in these AIs. Gates was responding to a Reddit user who asked for his views on generative AI and how he thinks it will impact he world.
A Princeton student built an app that aims to tell if essays were written by AIs like ChatGPT. The app analyzes text to see how randomly it is written, allowing it to detect if it was written by AI. The website hosting the app, built by Edward Tian, crashed due to high traffic. "Are high school teachers going to want students using ChatGPT to write their history essays? Tian added that he's planning to publish a paper with accuracy stats using student journalism articles as data, alongside Princeton's Natural Language Processing group.
She said that next year, a tech giant will buy an electronic medical records company. Missy Krasner, who oversaw several health efforts at Google and Amazon, predicts that a large technology firm will buy a mountain of patient medical records in 2023. EHR companies provide software that doctors use to store and analyze medical records and other kinds of patient data. The timing is right for big tech to make a play for patient dataThe timing may be right for a big tech company to buy its way into owning patient data. Tech companies have made seismic investments in this area.
Two "dark ships" were spotted near the Nord Stream leaks, a satellite data analysis firm says. It detected 25 ships near the leak sites, two of which had turned off their trackers, Wired's Matt Burgess reported. The International Maritime Organization mandates that ships with cargo of 330 tons or more, as well as passenger ships of any size, have to turn on their AIS trackers on international voyages. Javornicky's claims come as Western European nations continue to investigate the leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines, which make up the largest network supplying natural gas from Russia to Europe. Several underwater explosions in late September ruptured the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea, but it's still unclear what — or who — is responsible for the damage.
Experts predict the web will be flooded with AI-generated content as the technology improves. Patel, who blogged about the experiment, reached the conclusion that Google had finally come for the robots and their AI-generated content. If Google did nothing, the majority of pages that people visit through Google search could one day feature content written only by AIs. Even if Google wants to down rank AI-generated content, the growing sophistication of the technology could make that hard to do. Of course, if Google does view AI as a major threat to search quality, it only has itself to blame.
BANGKOK, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Thailand’s telecommunications regulator cleared the merger of the country’s second and third largest mobile operators, True Corporation Pcl (TRUE.BK) and Telenor ASA’s (TEL.OL) Total Access Communication Pcl (DTAC) (DTAC.BK) with conditions. The combined entity will overtake Advanced Info Service Pcl (AIS) (ADVANC.BK), as market leader. True, DTAC and AIS did not immediately respond to requests for commentDTAC is backed by Norwegian firm, Telenor. Thai agri-industrial conglomerate Charoen Pokphand Group holds a 49% stake in True Corp with China Mobile holding 18%, True’s website shows. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterReporting by Chayut Setboonsarng; Editing by Susan Fenton;Editing by Elaine HardcastleOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Digital twins are used by businesses to run simulations and identify issues before they occur. Companies are using digital twins to stress-test their supply chains, Technology Review reported. Digital twins use data on social media, consumers, and global factors to run simulations. Digital twins are virtual representations of real-world objects or systems, such as global supply chains, that are used to run simulations and identify issues before they occur. MIT Data Science Lab Director David Simchi-Levi told Technology Review that an increasing number of companies are using this tool to stress-test their supply chains.
Mai mulți angajați din cadrul Agenției Informaționale de Stat „Moldpres” (I.P Moldpres A.I.S.) Solicitat de ZdG, directorul „Moldpres”, Andrei Volentir, și membru CEC, a calificat scrisoarea drept „o bârfă”. Dacă este cineva nemulțumit poate să se plângă la Cancelaria de Stat, dacă era vorba despre o plângere reală și nu de bârfe. Din iulie 2001, „Moldpres” a trecut în subordinea Cancelariei de Stat a Guvernului Republicii Moldova. La 23 iunie 2018, prin Hotărârea Guvernului Republicii Moldova, Întreprinderea de stat Agenția Informațională de Stat „Moldpres” se reorganizează prin transformare în Instituția publică „Agenția Informațională de Stat „Moldpres”, având în calitate de fondator Cancelaria de Stat.
Persons: Ina Railean, Andrei Volentir, ZdG, Volentir, Eu, Vicol Organizations: CEC Locations: CEC, Republicii Moldova, Moldova
Sursa foto: / Nadejda RoșcovanuDepartamentul Știri al Agenției Moldpres ar urma să fie LICHIDAT; „E un atac și o răzbunare” // DOCCancelaria de Stat a pregătit un nou Statut al Instituției Publice Agenția Informațională de Stat „Moldpres”, care prevede lichidarea Redacției Știri. Despre faptul că a fost pregătit un nou Statul al Agenției „Moldpres”, care prevede lichidarea Redacției Știri, a anunțat Fidel Galaico, șeful Departamentului știri, dar și alți angajați ai instituției. „Jurnaliștii Agenției califică această tentativă drept un atac asupra presei, precum și o răzbunare pentru anumite note critice pe care le-am admis la adresa unor instituții de stat. Astfel, instituția care de la înființarea Republicii Moldova a fost un reper pentru toate sursele din media, ar urma să devină istorie. Agenţia Moldpres a fost creată la 20 iunie 1990, în urma lichidării Agenţiei Moldoveneşti de Informaţii (ATEM), care activase din 1940.
Persons: Nadejda, Fidel, Alina Zara, Arcadie Răileanu, Răileanu, Organizations: DOC, Stat Locations: Statul, Republicii Moldova, Moldoveneşti, Informaţii, Agerpres, România, Rusia, Belta, Belarus, Ukrinform, Ucraina, BTA, Bulgaria
Așadar, deși a negat două zile la rând călătoria, pe 28 august a anunțat-o personal pe paginile sale de pe rețelele sociale. CITIȚI și Dodon recunoaște că merge pe Muntele Athos, dar spune că face acest lucru exclusiv pentru „poporul nostru”. al lui Igor Dodon, Vlad Plahotniuc, pornește într-un „turneu european” și parțial asiatic. În același timp, la nici 100 de km de Thessaloniki, pe muntele Athos, sau prin apropiere, se afla și Igor Dodon. Atunci, Dodon a negat acest fapt și a acționat ziarul în judecată.
Persons: Igor Dodon, Vlad Plahotniuc, Plahotniuc, Dodon, Artiom, Vasil, Galina, Renato Usatîi, Iurie Reniță, Jung Sky, Athos . Plahotniuc, Plahotniuc ., Timofei Plahotniuc, Vasil Bojkov, Plahotniuc . Bojkov, Cozer, Președintele Dodon Organizations: Facebook, Externe, Integrării Europene, Aeroportul Internațional București, Aeroportul, Inn, Vanguard International LTD, Moldova, Coasta, Pomegranade, Google, Ville Royal Suite, Aeroportul Otopeni Locations: Grecia, Thessaloniki, Halkidiki, Kremlin, Republicii Moldova, Bălți, Athos, Federația Rusă, București, România, SUA, Statelor Unite ale Americii, Europa, Otopeni, Turcia, Miami SUA, Berlin, Germania, Inn Berlin, Nice, Franța, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Chișinău, Elveția, Azur, Cannes, Saint - Tropez, Uranopolis, Pomegranate, SPA, Ville, Federației Ruse, New, Bulgaria, Dubai, Sofia, EAU, bulgar, Moldova, Moscova, oficialul
Malaysia food: Top 40 dishes to try
  + stars: | 2017-11-30 | by ( Justin Calderon | Cnn Travel Staff | )   time to read: +20 min
A fish curry popular throughout peninsular Malaysia, it’s commonly made with freshwater fish or stingray. Gulai ayam kampungThis chicken curry dish can be cooked in a number of ways. Chai tow kwayIn this dish, rice flour and grated white radish is mixed and steamed into large slabs or cakes. These are cut up into little pieces and fried with preserved turnip, soy sauce, fish sauce, eggs, garlic and spring onions. A Peranakan dish, chicken curry kapitan has a tangy flavor made from tamarind juice, candlenuts, fresh turmeric root and belacan (shrimp paste.)
Persons: doesn’t, you’ll, Mee goreng mamak, mamak, it’s, Yun Huang Yong, Nasi kerabu Don't, nasi kerabu, Ayam, ayam percik, Nasi lemak Nasi lemak, Dan Tham, CNN Nasi lemak, Nasi lemak, john, Rahman Roslan, John, rendang, TENGKU BAHAR, Nasi kandar Nasi, Laksa, Popia, basah, popia basah, Roti jala Curry, Cendawan, cendawan, sass, Sambal, Baba, they’re, Murtabak, Muhammad, Asam, Hussin, it’d, Tepung, tepung pelita, Rojak, shouldn’t, Malaysia’s, piring, Putu piring, hodge, , Roti, flatbread that’s, mee goreng, Lor, lor bak, bak, Ikan bakar, Melanie Wood, Char kuey teow, Norman Musa, , Chai, Goreng, kapitan, Kaya, Wonton mee Wonton mee, China's, Chai Kee, mee, Chef Norman Musa, Nazlina Hussin Organizations: CNN, Creative, AFP, Getty, Flickr, hawker, Ais Locations: Malaysian, Malay, Malaysia, malaysia, Kelantan, Asia, Kuala Lumpur, TENGKU, AFP, Bangkok, Shanghai, Vietnam, Fujian, China, Penang, Melaka, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, pandan, satay, India, Kelana Jaya, sweeten, lor, melaka, Southeast Asia
Total: 11