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LONDON, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Britain's financial watchdog said on Thursday it will push ahead with plans to make available "synthetic data" to help increase innovation and choice in financial services following a consultation last year. Data privacy laws make it harder for third-party companies to access data on customers held by long-established banks and insurers. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) last year published a consultation paper on synthetic data. "Based on the feedback to the Call for Input and previous research, our current position is that synthetic data can potentially make a significant contribution to beneficial innovation in UK financial markets," the FCA said in a statement on Thursday. "We will continue to engage loosely with the ICO to explore opportunities for data sharing in financial services within he bounds of UK data protection regulation," the FCA said.
AI-boosted search engines from Microsoft and Google are set to change the way we search the web. New versions of Google Search and Bing are meant to give conversational answers to complex queries. It's "more like just asking a personal assistant to do something," an AI expert told Insider. Nadella said in media interviews Tuesday that the AI-powered overhaul of web search represented "a new paradigm" for the industry. The new search AIs draw their answers from the web at large, and information on the web isn't always accurate, to say the least.
ChatGPT, like other AI tools, suffers from a bias problem that could impede corporate adoption. OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, admitted on Wednesday that ChatGPT has "shortcomings around bias", though he didn't go into detail. Unfortunately for OpenAI, ChatGPT has already had several cases of bias emerge. "You don't have to think very hard to realize there's an enormous quantity of toxic content of absolutely every variety imaginable that's present in that training data." Though OpenAI has found success so far, Wooldridge could see a scenario where the firm is pushed by customers to reveal its training data.
Insider "spoke" to bots acting as Princess Diana, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Stalin, and Fred Trump. AI 'Fred Trump,' Donald Trump's father, isn't impressed with his son's politics. But AI Fred Trump "said" that he's "very proud" of his son, describing him as a "successful businessperson" and an "amazing father." An AI chatbot acting as Fred Trump, Donald Trump's father. AI Stalin called for the two countries to "find a peaceful solution."
[1/2] Former drug company executive Martin Shkreli exits U.S. District Court after being convicted of securities fraud, in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, U.S., August 4, 2017. REUTERS/Carlo AllegriWASHINGTON, Jan 20 (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) asked a federal judge on Friday to hold Martin Shkreli in contempt for allegedly impeding its efforts to determine whether he flouted a ban on working in the pharmaceutical industry. Shkreli was released early from prison last May. U.S. District Judge Denise Cote imposed the lifetime drug industry ban and $64.6 million penalty last February, related to Shkreli's efforts to keep generic Daraprim rivals off the market. Reporting by Diane Bartz and Jon Stempel; Editing by Bill BerkrotOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Washington CNN —The Federal Trade Commission on Friday called for a federal court to hold “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli in contempt after Shkreli allegedly flouted a recent FTC investigation into his business dealings and failed to make a $64.6 million payment he owed for his prior wrongdoings. The FTC’s contempt motion follows what the agency described as its an unsuccessful attempt to verify whether Shkreli has violated a court order barring him from ever working in the pharmaceutical industry again. Shkreli also infamously raised prices for the life-saving medication Daraprim by 4,000% while he was head of Turing Pharmaceuticals. When the FTC emailed Shkreli to get documents from him and to schedule an interview about the matter, Shkreli repeatedly missed deadlines and allegedly slow-walked his responses, according to an FTC court filing Friday. The FTC also said Shkreli had been ordered to make his multimillion-dollar payment — representing a refund of his ill-gotten Daraprim gains — by March 6, 2022.
The Federal Trade Commission on Friday asked that notorious "pharma bro" Martin Shkreli be held in contempt of court for forming a new drug company in violation of a judge's ban on the convicted fraudster from working in the pharmaceuticals industry. In its court filing Friday, the FTC noted that Shkreli in July announced the formation of a new company, Druglike, "that appears to be involved in the drug industry." The FTC said Shkreli is required by Cote's order to provide the agency with that information. Benjamin Brafman, a lawyer for Shkreli, declined to comment on the FTC filing. Shkreli was driven back to New York from his prison in Pennsylvania by a friend, Edmund Sullivan, who had previously served on the board of Retrophin.
It's in Google's financial interest to present itself as a responsible custodian of AI. On Monday, some of Google's most senior executives, including CEO Sundar Pichai, senior vice president James Manyika, and the chief executive of its AI research unit DeepMind, Demis Hassabis, published an explainer on their approach to AI research, titled "Why we focus on AI (and to what end)." This is a "thinly veiled swipe at OpenAI and ChatGPT", according to a research note from Richard Windsor of Radio Free Mobile. In other words: If ChatGPT and its successors cause widespread havoc, it'll ruin AI adoption for everyone, including Google. There'll be more ChatGPT momentsThere is a flood of money pouring into generative AI startups promising real-world applications.
Lensa is facing criticism since the AI app exploded in popularity at the end of 2022. The Lensa app is behind those avatars. LensaAllegations of stealing from artistsJust as quickly as Lensa avatars became ubiquitous online, allegations of theft and warnings from artists also emerged. The law community "would welcome additional guidance from policymakers and courts when it comes to protecting consumers in connection with AI," Torres said. "The flood of Lensa avatars feel cheap and overwhelming," Pilat said in a statement shared with Insider.
Neither could a fourth-grade teacher — or Judy Blume. It’s hard to fully grasp the enormous potential of ChatGPT, a new artificial intelligence chatbot released last month. We asked some experts on children’s writing to take our variation on the Turing test, live on a call with us. They were a fourth-grade teacher; a professional writing tutor; a Stanford education professor; and Judy Blume, the beloved children’s author. None of them could tell every time whether a child or a bot wrote the essay.
An A.I. Pioneer on What We Should Really Fear
  + stars: | 2022-12-26 | by ( David Marchese | )   time to read: +13 min
Pioneer on What We Should Really FearArtificial intelligence stirs our highest ambitions and deepest fears like few other technologies. Can you explain what “common sense” means in the context of teaching it to A.I.? A way of describing it is that common sense is the dark matter of intelligence. I don’t know what “solving” should look like, but what I mean to say for the purpose of this conversation is that A.I. It’s common sense not to kill all the plants in order to preserve human lives; it’s common sense not to go with extreme, degenerative solutions.
King Charles III banknote images revealed for first time
  + stars: | 2022-12-20 | by ( Lauren Kent | )   time to read: +1 min
London CNN Business —The first images of banknotes featuring Britain’s King Charles III were unveiled on Tuesday by the Bank of England. Charles’ portrait will appear on English notes of £5, £10, £20 and £50. Image of King Charles III on the English £50 note. “This is a significant moment, as The King is only the second monarch to feature on our banknotes,” Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey said ahead of the release. Earlier this month, the first coins bearing the official effigy of King Charles III entered circulation.
These are called CAPTCHAs – an acronym standing for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." Except some cybersecurity experts say in addition to the problem of human user annoyance, there's a problem with the underlying approach to cybersecurity. How machines are becoming more like humansAs a standalone cybersecurity tool, CAPTCHAs can be unreliable because of their partially behavioral-based approach. Bots can be programmed to call out to the human solving farm overseas that decipher the CAPTCHA, all in the timespan of a few seconds. In today's world, CAPTCHAs used without any additional layers of cybersecurity protection are typically not enough for most enterprises, said Sandy Carielli, a principal analyst for Forrester.
They’re Taking Jigsaws to Infinity and Beyond
  + stars: | 2022-12-09 | by ( Siobhan Roberts | )   time to read: +2 min
There was a fine line, however, between psychedelic finery and “letting the color stretch and warp too far,” Ms. Ghassaei said. The journal Science featured their 3D-printed organ research with Jordan Miller, a bioengineer at Rice University. The route from one project to the next is marked with mathematical concepts like Laplacian growth, Voronoi structures and the Turing pattern. These concepts, which loosely speaking govern how shapes and forms emerge and evolve in nature, “cultivate the algorithms,” Ms. Rosenkrantz has written. The same algorithms can be applied to very different media, from the twisty maze pieces to the intricate components of 3D-printed organs.
In 1952, when Queen Elizabeth II took the throne after the death of her father, same-sex sexual relations were criminalized in Britain. That support has led some to argue that she was a “quiet” supporter of LGBTQ rights, but to others she was just doing her job. Queen Elizabeth II waves to the crowd from the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London following her coronation, on June 3, 1953. Queen Elizabeth II gave both of the measures her royal assent and went on to continue to approve pro-LGBTQ policies. Queen Elizabeth II during a visit to HMS Queen Elizabeth at HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, ahead of the ship's maiden deployment, on May 22, 2021.
Sursa foto: ProfimediaMarea Britanie caută în mod special spioni dislexici; Cum îi ajută această tulburare pe agențiO agenție de informații din Marea Britanie caută în mod special recruți dislexici. Sunt de patru ori mai mulți stagiari cu această tulburare în cadrul serviciului care se ocupă cu analiză de date, decât la alte agenții de informații. Asta le permite să identifice tipare într-o cantitate mare de informații pe care alții nu le pot sesiza. Louise, agent dislexic al GCHQ: Ca analist tehnic, îmi folosesc abilitățile de informatică și cunoștințele ca să combat amenințările la adresa Regatului Unit. Sunt și foarte hotărâtă.
Persons: Alan Turing, Louise Locations: Regatului Unit
Banca Angliei a dezvăluit designul viitoarei bancnote de 50 de lire. Povestea a fost stat la baza peliculei „The Imitation Game” (2014), în care Turing este interpretat de actorul Benedict Cumberbatch. Turing a fost condamnat pentru homosexualitate în 1952 şi a fost supus castrării chimice prin injecţii cu hormoni feminini pentru a evita pedeapsa cu închisoarea. „A fost de asemenea gay, iar din acest motiv a fost tratat groaznic”, a spus Bailey. „Turing a fost acceptat pentru genialitatea sa, dar persecutat pentru că era gay.
Persons: Alan Turing, Turing, Benedict Cumberbatch, El, Lorenz, Elisabeta a II, Bailey, Jeremy Fleming, Fleming, Va Organizations: Angliei, Reuters, Atlanticului, gay, Banca Angliei Locations: Angliei
Urmează o serie de schimbări pentru cetățenii UE care intenționează să lucreze, să învețe și să studieze în Marea Britanie, inclusiv pentru moldovenii cu pașapoarte românești. Ce presupune noul sistem de migrare bazat pe puncteÎncepând cu 1 ianuarie 2021, Marea Britanie aplică un sistem de migrare bazat pe puncte. Persoanele vor oferi date personale, detalii despre situația lor, educația, backgroundul, perspectivele profesionale și despre ce își doresc să facă în Marea Britanie. Dacă vor acumula suficiente puncte, atunci pot obține dreptul să emigreze în Marea Britanie. Va susține Marea Britanie parcursul european al Moldovei în continuare?
Persons: Aureliu Ciocoi, Steven Fisher, Erasmus, britanic Boris Johnson, ., Boris Johnson, Alan Turing Organizations: Uniunea Europeană, UE Locations: Republica Moldova, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii, Irlandei de Nord, britanice, Regatului Unit, UE, australian, Britanie, Britanii, Regatul Unit, Europa, Marii Britanii, UK, Moldovei, Moldova, Chișinău, britanic
Marea Britanie nu va mai continua programul Erasmus. Premierul britanic a anunțat un alt program în schimbSchimbări importante pentru tinerii care vor să studieze în UK. Premierul britanic Boris Johnson a inclus în cadrul acordului post-Brexit, încheiat în ajunul Crăciunului, excluderea programului Erasmus din Marea Britanie. Totodată, în locul acestuia a fost anunțat un alt program britanic, relatează AFP. Programul Erasmus, la care Regatul Unit participă din 1987, urmează să fie înlocuit cu Programul Alan Turing.
Persons: Erasmus, Boris Johnson, ., Alan Turing, Michel Barnier, El, Johnson Locations: UK, Regatul Unit, Europa, UE, britanică
Însă, niciodată nu am visat că într-o bună zi vom da peste una dintre legendarele mașini Enigma”, a spus Huber. „Probabil Enigma a fost aruncată din submarin în timpul evenimentelor”, a declarat Huber, de la compania Submaris care desfășfoară misiuni subacvatice de căutare. Enigma, care arată ca o mașină de scris, conținea o tastatură și rotițe care bruiau mesajele. Deși câteva sute de mii de astfel de mașinării au fost produse, doar câteva sute au fost confirmate. O astfel de mașinărie poate fi vândută cu zeci de mii de euro la licitații.
Persons: Florian Huber, Huber, Alan Turing, Christian Howe, Reuters Organizations: Bletchley Park, WWF Locations: Gelting, britanici, Atlanticului, Baltice, Germania, Baltică, Schleswig
Sezonul de toamnă: 11 cele mai cu înlocuiri întrebări de la prima etapă de Ce? Pentru a vă testa cunoștințele, echipa #diez a selectat 11 cele mai interesante întrebări de la prima etapă. Atenție, în întrebare a fost omis un cuvânt. Cel de-al șaselea, spre deosebire de cele cinci inițiale, nu a fost fondat în baza testamentului și a apărut tocmai peste 68 de ani. Iar întreg pachetul de 50 de întrebări îl puteți vedea aici: Prima etapă din sezonul de toamnă.
Persons: Tommy Edison, Stanley Kubrik, Alan Turing, Mihai Eminescu, Frodo, Aldoux Huxley, Adolf Hitler, Peter Pan, EVA, ADAM, Jupiter, Zeus, Leda, Elinor, Matt Herzau, Floyd, Matt, îşi, Otto Lindberg, Rand Organizations: NASA, Callisto, Științe Economice, Fast Locations: Egipt, România, orașelul, Chișinău, SUA, Europa, Themisto, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Dia, Euanthe, Harpalyke, Thyone, Ananke, Aitne, Taygete, Chaldene, Erinome, Kalyke, Carme, Callirrhoe, Eurydome, Isonoe, Autonoe, Hollywood, Furious, Țara Galilor, Rusia, Coasta de Fildeș, Anglia
Total: 21