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The board of trustees at the New College of Florida, a small liberal arts college in Sarasota that Gov. Ron DeSantis has targeted for an overhaul as part of his higher-education agenda, fired its president and named the state’s former education commissioner as the interim replacement. In early January, the Republican governor named six new trustees to the 13-member board, including Christopher Rufo, a conservative activist known for his battles against critical-race theory. The governor’s administration has criticized the 700-student college for what it views as a left-wing ideological focus that is out of touch with the state’s values.
ChatGPT could get hired as an entry-level software engineer at Google, internal communications cited by CNBC said. "Amazingly ChatGPT gets hired at L3 when interviewed for a coding position," a note reported by CNBC said. "Amazingly ChatGPT gets hired at L3 when interviewed for a coding position," a note in one internal document comparing LaMDA and ChatGPT said, per CNBC. When asked whether ChatGPT and AlphaCode — an AI coding system designed by Alphabet's DeepMind — would replace programmers, ChatGPT and LaMDA both disagreed, per CNBC. At a December all-hands meeting, CNBC reported, Google staff raised concerns that the company may be falling behind in the AI space.
SARASOTA, Fla.—Christopher Rufo was set to start his first public event as a trustee at New College of Florida this week when campus administrators considered pulling the plug on the meetings with faculty and staff. Someone had sent an email threat against Jason “Eddie” Speir, another of the six trustees Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis named this month to shake up the 700-student state honors college. A staff member asked the men to leave the campus building. Mr. Rufo, a conservative activist known for his battles against critical-race theory, refused.
SARASOTA, Fla.—Christopher Rufo was set to start his first public event as a trustee at New College of Florida this week when campus administrators considered pulling the plug on the meetings with faculty and staff. Someone had sent an email threat against Jason “Eddie” Speir, another of the six trustees Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis named this month to shake up the 700-student state honors college. A staff member asked the men to leave the campus building. Mr. Rufo, a conservative activist known for his battles against critical-race theory, refused.
Caraway is a healthtech startup for college women that offers mental, physical, and reproductive care. This woman's experience is one example of how Caraway says it is working to provide personalized mental, physical, and reproductive health services via telehealth to Gen Z women in college. Care specialists provide direct education for students on mental health too, such as techniques to de-escalate stress and anxiety flare-ups. Other startups like Mantra Health, which raised a $22 million Series A last year, also focus on mental health for college students. So far, the startup has 13 "Caraway Campus Ambassadors," or interns, on college campuses in the states it's currently operating in.
The labor market is still tight, but employers are ready to hire from the pool of new college graduates. NACE found that respondents plan to hire 14.7% more 2023 graduates compared to the class of 2022. That's good news for workers, especially recent college graduates. "For instance, in many cases it costs less to hire a recent college graduate compared to a mid-career or senior-level professional." But it noted "only 6% expect to cut back on hiring new college graduates."
The prospect of a recession hasn’t dulled many businesses’ enthusiasm for new college graduates. Companies plan to step up college hiring next year, according to a survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers that tends to be an early forecast for the spring hiring season. The findings suggest the Class of 2023 may graduate into a job market as robust as the one for this year’s grads.
Companies Plan to Boost College Grad Hiring in 2023
  + stars: | 2022-10-26 | by ( Lindsay Ellis | )   time to read: 1 min
The prospect of a recession hasn’t dulled many businesses’ enthusiasm for new college graduates. Companies plan to step up college hiring next year, according to a survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers that tends to be an early forecast for the spring hiring season. The findings suggest the Class of 2023 may graduate into a job market as robust as the one for this year’s grads.
A search is underway for a missing Princeton University student last seen early Friday. Misrach Ewunetie, a 20-year-old undergraduate student, was last seen about 3 a.m. on Friday in the area of Scully Hall, according to an alert sent to the University community in New Jersey Monday. Courtesy Princeton UniversityPrinceton University said Wednesday morning there will be an increased law enforcement presence on and around campus as part of the search effort, including the use of a helicopter, drones and watercraft. The student lives in Scully Hall and hadn’t been in touch with her family or friends “in several days,” Dean of New College West Anne Caswell-Klein said in an email to members of the residential college community, the Daily Princetonian reported. Anyone with information on Ewunetie’s whereabouts is asked to contact the Princeton Department of Public Safety at (609) 258-1000.
High-profile hiring freezes in the tech industry raised alarms about the health of the job market. But career counselors at universities nationwide insist grads are still getting hired. For many new college grads, the summer's hazy afterglow of no more studying, exams, or group projects is counterbalanced with the pressure of the all-important job search. Insider interviewed a dozen college career counselors and undergraduate professors to get their takes on how the job market is holding up for recent grads. And amid volatility in the stock market, industry experts have predicted that layoffs are likely for some investment bankers.
The couple enlisted family to help with childcare, and he took the script coordinator gig for the possibility of being upped to staff writer. "I'm not going to script coordinate, I'm not going to be a writers' assistant — at least not for an unlivable wage." Silver linings for some support staffersIn an industry in which abrasive execs are known for hurling invective — and sometimes staplers — at assistants, pandemic separation likely came as a relief for some. "So they bumped me and made me script coordinator, which gave me a lot more job security." 'A lost generation of assistants and entry-level employees'Studios, agencies, and media conglomerates across Hollywood have been hit with pandemic-related layoffs and furloughs.
Luni, 29 martie, ora 19.00, va avea loc lansarea online a volumului 2 al antologiei Un secol de poezie română scrisă de femei (1945-1989), de Alina Purcaru și Paula Erizanu, cu fotografii de Lucia Lupu. Discuția va fi transmisă live, pe pagina Facebook a Editurii Cartier și pe pagina Librăriilor Cărturești. „Moștenirea lăsată de poetele care au debutat în perioada 1945-1989 în România, Republica Moldova și în diasporă este vastă, un întreg continent de explorat. Antologie de poezie feministă (volum coordonat de Medeea Iancu, Fractalia și LitFem, 2020) și Izolare (volum coordonat de Alexandra Rusu, Nemira, 2020). și în publicații din România și Republica Moldova, precum Libertatea, Observator cultural, Dilema veche, Scena9, Ziarul de Gardă ș.a.
Persons: Alina Purcaru, Paula Erizanu, Lucia Lupu ., Anastasia Gavrilovici, activista, Laura Sandu, Angela Marinescu, Mariana Marin, Magda Cârneci, Nora Iuga, Ana Blandiana, Nina Cassian, Grete Tartler, Buzea, Gabriela Melinescu, Marcela, Eta Boeriu, deși, ALINA PURCARU, Rubik, Catrina, și, Axinte, Ea, Oana, Medeea Iancu, Alexandra Rusu, PAULA ERIZANU, Charmides, Lucia Lupu Organizations: Facebook, Cartier, YouTube, Polirom, ICR, Lia, Curtea Veche, City University London, Uniunii Scriitorilor, UNESCO, Review, CNN, Calvert, Central European Initiative Locations: Republica Moldova și, literatură, Chișinău, New College, Londra, Republica Moldova, Leipzig, Ucraina, Slovenia, Cehia, Aeon, România, Moldova, România
Deși este stabilit în Irlanda, sportivul înoată în calitate de cetățean al Republicii Moldova și atrage atenția comunității asupra conflictului transnistrean. Iar un bonus mare la aceste lecții, a fost faptul că a călătorit foarte mult, iar acum se poate lăuda cu prieteni în aproape fiecare părticică a lumii. Deși nu a câștigat, a fost o performanță importantă pentru regizor. Recent, ea a fost nominalizată, alături de de alte cinci jurnaliste internaționale, la categoria „jurnalism cultural” în cadrul concursului „Words by Women”. Dan a fost cel mai tânăr sportiv din lotul național și portdrapelul Moldovei la cea de-a XXX-a ediție a Jocurilor Olimpice.
Persons: Valentina Naforniță, Mozart, Canto . Ea, Muzică Ștefan Neaga, Dacian, Naforniță, Valentina, Dogotari, Lazarenco, Cezara, Alexandru Plămădeală, Albot, Radu Albot, Viorel Mardare, Tatiana Țâbuleac, Igor Cobileanski, Vladimir Beșleagă, Paula Erizanu, Charmides, Paula, Frank, Richard Galliano, Victor Viorel, Viorel, Vladimir, Peter Leko . Bologan, Dan Olaru, Dan, Jake, Terry Simon Organizations: Muzică, Universitatea Națională de Muzică, BBC Cardiff Singer, Wiener, Stat, Universitatea Sorbona, Sportul, Universității de Stat, Academia, Arte Plastice, Chișinău, Cartier, Moldova, Regie Film, Academiei, Teatru, Uniunii Cineaștilor din, City University, UNESCO Germania, Cupei Campionilor Europeni, Canadian Open Chess, Mondiale Locations: Republica Moldova, Chișinău, București, Bucureşti, Wiener Staatsoper, Viena, Moldova, Vienna, Strâmtoarea Cook, Manche, Canalul, Strâmtoarea Gibraltar, Strâmtoarea Tsugaru, Irlandei, Irlanda, Republicii Moldova, Nistru, Cezara, Chişinău, Franţa, Paris, Bruxelles, Europa, moldovean, Comunicării, Uniunii Cineaștilor din Moldova, Germania, New College, Londra, România, Dazed, Canada, Coreea de Nord, Italia, Rusia, Austria, Cehia, Frank Maroc, Dresda, Belfort, Franța, Kazan, Moldovei, Bled, Slovenia, Calvia, Spania, Bologan, Dortmund, Vladimir Kramnik, Codreanca, Europei, american, Polonia
College Football Playoff Fast Facts
  + stars: | 2014-08-14 | by ( Cnn Editorial Research | )   time to read: +5 min
January 9, 2023 - The College Football Playoff National Championship game is scheduled to be played at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles. January 10, 2022 - The Georgia Bulldogs defeat the Alabama Crimson Tide 33-18 in the 2022 College Football Playoff National Championship game at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. According to the College Football Playoff, compared to the BCS, the “format increases revenue for all conferences and independent institutions.”Revenue Distribution PoliciesThe College Football Playoff trophy, presented to the championship team, is handmade, stands 26.5 inches tall and is constructed from 24-karat gold, bronze and stainless steel. April 23, 2013 - The College Football Playoff is announced as the name of the new system to replace the BCS. January 12, 2015 - The Ohio State Buckeyes defeat the Oregon Ducks 42-20 to win the inaugural College Football Playoff Championship.
Total: 14