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The defaults, though less widespread than last year, have scrambled the coffee market, leaving traders reluctant to agree to forward sales for next year's crop or the one after. "We've been told to have less exposure with (Brazilian farmers). However, when farmers default, traders do not have the physical coffee to sell to offset the futures market. That's what happened in September, when Arabica coffee futures rose from around 2.16 cents per pound to 2.32 cents late in the month, a 7% increase. A lawyer working for one of the five largest coffee exporters in Brazil said the defaults concerned less than 10% of Brazil's total forward contracts.
Defining that point, or at least its parameters, will be the subject of intense discussion at this week's Federal Open Market Committee meeting. Reuters GraphicsAnd during that time, Fed policymakers, with the notable exception of Powell, have offered a range of views on where they stand on a possible slowdown or even pause to rate hikes. Fed Governor Michelle Bowman, for instance, said she'll look for signs that inflation is moving down before she would want to reduce the pace of rate hikes. Reuters Graphics'NEED TO BE CONVINCED'Bets in futures markets weigh heavily in favor of a slowdown in rate hikes starting in December, but ultimately a top Fed policy rate of 4.75%-5.00%, slightly higher than policymakers themselves have flagged, by early next year. Fed policymakers, Reinhart said, are also well aware that monetary policy typically goes too far.
The Florida Democratic Party noted it has had a Municipal Victory Program since 2016 that includes efforts to fundraise and help school board candidates. Historically, it hasn’t taken a lot of cash to influence school board races, which are generally nonpartisan and often draw low voter turnout. In a 2018 survey, just 9 percent of school board officials reported spending more than $5,000. “What Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida — supporting a bunch of these school board candidates — is really smart, because the No. Some of the liberal efforts to push back against conservatives in school board races are well established.
Oct 23 (Reuters) - Australia will introduce laws to parliament to increase penalties for companies subject to major data breaches, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said, after high-profile cyberattacks hit millions of Australians in recent weeks. When Australians were asked to hand over personal data to companies, they had a right to expect it would be protected, the attorney-general said. "Significant privacy breaches in recent weeks have shown existing safeguards are inadequate. It's not enough for a penalty for a major data breach to be seen as the cost of doing business," Dreyfus said. "We need better laws to regulate how companies manage the huge amount of data they collect, and bigger penalties to incentivise better behaviour."
'Political fix' needed for Wikileaks' Assange - lawyer
  + stars: | 2022-10-21 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
SYDNEY, Oct 21 (Reuters) - A lawyer for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said an "urgent political fix" is needed in his case because legal appeals against his extradition to the United States could continue for another decade and his health is declining. In June, Britain's Home Secretary approved Assange's extradition to the United States. "This case is political and needs an urgent political fix," she added. The saga began at the end of 2010 when Sweden sought Assange's extradition from Britain over allegations of sex crimes. Britain's Home Affairs office has said the courts had concluded Assange's extradition would not be incompatible with his human rights, and that he would be treated appropriately.
“Crop finance is a key part of soy farmers' business models and there is a huge appetite and market for green finance,” he explains. It’s a message consistent with the UK Soy Manifesto, which now covers 60% of the soy coming into the UK. Unlocking green investment means this can now happen, he adds, by supporting sustainable agriculture and protecting forests in a financially sustainable way that rewards farmers. And ultimately it is the involvement of these traders in screening out “bad soy” on which any sustainable soy scheme succeeds or fails. The Retail Soy Group’s roadmap commits members to deforestation-free soy with a cut-off-date of August 2020, but soy traders aren’t following these guidelines, says Wijeratna.
Al Drago | Bloomberg | Getty ImagesInvestors are closely watching the nonfarm payrolls report due out Friday, but not for the usual reasons. In normal times, strong job gains and rising wages would be considered a good thing. When they get bad news on the economy, that means the Fed is going to tighten less." In real terms, Swiber said that likely means no change until the economy is actually losing jobs. Next week's CPI reading is likely to be more consequential when it comes to any shift in Fed attitudes, she added.
The order should also prohibit firms related to "unfriendly" states from owning Russian companies involved in grain loading capacity in ports, and grain storage, he said. VTB owns stakes in a number of major Russian grain export hubs in the Black Sea. Russian grain market players should still be allowed to sell grain to international traders for export on a free-on-board basis, which includes delivery to the final destination, the letter said. "But the main idea is to strengthen the position of Russian traders on the global market, not to prohibit anyone from doing anything," the source said. According to one grain trader, the government is expected to prepare its response to VTB's proposal by Sept. 30.
Australia to create national anti-corruption watchdog
  + stars: | 2022-09-27 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaks at the Sydney Energy Forum in Sydney, Australia July 12, 2022. Brook Mitchell/Pool via REUTERS/File PhotoSYDNEY, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Australia's government said on Tuesday it will introduce legislation to create a National Anti-Corruption Commission, after years of debate over the need for an independent watchdog for politicians. The commission will investigate serious or systemic corruption by federal government ministers, parliamentarians, political staff and employees of, or contractors to, government entities. A New South Wales state corruption watchdog has conducted a slew of investigations into politicians and political donations in Australia's biggest state economy, resulting in two Liberal state premiers resigning in the past decade. The national commission will be able to hold public hearings "in exceptional circumstances", and where it is in the public interest, the government statement said.
LDC in agreement to buy Longriver Farms's Emerald Grain
  + stars: | 2022-09-26 | by ( )   time to read: 1 min
Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterPARIS, Sept 26 (Reuters) - The Asian branch of global crop merchant Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) said on Monday it had entered into an agreement with Longriver Farms for the acquisition of Australian grain handler Emerald Grain. The agreement is subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions. Emerald Grain is a leading grain handling business in Australia, with a network of seven grain storage and receival sites across the states of New South Wales and Victoria, with a combined storage capacity of approximately one million tonnes, and a grain export terminal at the Port of Melbourne, LDC said in a statement. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterReporting by Sybille de La Hamaide, editing by Tassilo HummelOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
"Veep" alumna Julia Louis-Dreyfus calls on suburban women to join the abortion rights fight. The "Great Troublemaker Turnout" campaign intends to stir up voters in four battleground states. The current targets include Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. "Red Wine and Blue needs you for the great troublemaker turnout," the former "Veep" star says in a recruiting video she posted online. Red Wine and Blue did not immediately respond to a request for comment about other celebrities who might be involved in the troublemaker turnout program.
Emilienne Malfatto, o fostă colaboratoare a AFP care cunoaşte bine Irakul, povesteşte în 80 de pagini nenorocirea care se abate asupra unei tinere fete de pe malul fluviului Tigru când rămâne însărcinată fără să fie căsătorită. Romanul a fost publicat în septembrie de o editură din Tunis, Elyzad, şi fusese remarcat graţie menţiunii speciale din partea cititorilor la premiul Hors Concours 2020, care se adresează editurilor independente, rareori premiate cu cele mai importante premii literare. Reunit prin videoconferinţă, juriul a acordat şi premiul Goncourt pentru nuvelă israelianului francofon Shmuel T. Meyer pentru „Et la guerre est finie...”, în timp ce premiul Goncourt pentru biografie a revenit scriitoarei Pauline Dreyfus pentru „Paul Morand” (Gallimard)..În cele din urmă, premiul Goncourt pentru poezie i-a fost acordat, pentru întreaga operă, lui Jacques Roubaud, de 88 de ani, „matematician, scriitor, eseist şi membru al Oulipo”. Această mişcare literară, căreia îi place să se joace cu constrângerile pentru realizarea unor opere marcate de umor şi de fantezie, este, de asemenea, cea din care face parte laureatul premiului Goncourt pe 2020, Hervé Le Tellier, pentru romanul său „L'Anomalie”. Premiul Goncourt pentru roman de debut este un trofeu literar decernat în fiecare an începând din 2009, în marja celebrului premiu Goncourt atribuit de Academia Goncourt în sezonul de toamnă.
Persons: Emilienne, Goncourt, Shmuel T . Meyer, scriitoarei Pauline Dreyfus, Paul Morand, Jacques Roubaud, Hervé Le Organizations: Goncourt, Academia Goncourt Locations: Irakul, Tunis, Elyzad, videoconferinţă
Filmat impecabil, jucat cu gust, la limita dintre teatru și film, montat după vechile reguli, dar modern de dinamic. Pentru ceilalți filmul rezervă o poveste captivantă, o energie revoltătoare și o lume zguduită de nedreptăți. Un exemplu din realitate în care binele este pedepsit din cauza incompetenței și a opiniei publice care abia așteaptă să taie în carne vie. O poveste convingătoare care ilustrează abuzul de putere al celor mai influente instituții din America – guvernul și presa. Vorbind despre film, este unul înfricoșător, dur și consistent; o poveste care ne înfățișează foarte realist soarta unui om mic implicat într-un război mare.
Persons: Roman Polanski, Polanski, Dreyfus, Georges Picquart, Picquart, Katharine Gun, Katharine, Richard Jewell, Clint Eastwood, Richard, Dark Waters, Robert Bilott, Quijote, Mark, François Ozon, Preynat Organizations: Consiliului, Securitate, ONU, FBI, Dark, New York Times, DuPont, Curtea Locations: Veneția, Republică, Britanice, americană, Irakului, Centennial Park, Atlanta, America, DuPont, Ohio
Он покупает контрольный пакет акции клуба третьего по силе английского дивизиона у бизнесмена Стюарта Дональда. «Во-первых, я хотел бы поблагодарить Стюарта Дональда за его порядочность и разумность в течение последних трёх месяцев, благодаря которым у меня появилась возможность получить контрольный пакет акций «Сандерленда». Состояние матери Кирилла, Маргариты, в ноябре 2020 года Forbes оценил в 5,6 млрд долларов, назвав её самой богатой русской женщиной в мире. После смерти Роберта контрольный пакет акции клуба перешёл к Маргарите. Связующим звеном между Луи-Дрейфусом и «Сандерлендом» стал уругвайский бизнесмен и политик Хуан Сартори, который с лета 2018 года имеет 20% акций клуба.
Persons: Кирилл ЛуиДрейфус, Стюарт Дональд, ЛуиДрейфуса, возрастеКирилл, Роберт луидрейфус, Маргарита Богданова, Кирилл, Маргарита, ЛуиДрейфусамладшего, Роберт, Хуан Сартори, Дмитрий Рыболовлев, ЛуиДрейфусмладший, Роман Абрамович, Максим Демин, Антон Зингаревич, Владимир Антонов Organizations: Сандерленд, АПЛ, Олимпик, УЕФА, Велодром, Ричмондская международная футбольная академия, луидрейфус, Сандерлендом, Монако, Первая лига, Челси, Борнмут, Рединг, Портсмут Locations: санктпетербург, Марсель, Лидс, Англия, Сандерленд
Total: 14