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25 mentions found

Ne rămâne speranța că autoritățile publice vor aproba acest proiect, elaborat cu efortul comun al autorităților publice și societății civile. Astfel, retorica trebuie schimbată și recunoscută contribuția pe care o au organizațiile societății civile în dezvoltarea comunității și țării. În asemenea situații, parteneriatele cu organizațiile sociale prestatoare de servicii sociale sunt o soluție eficientă și nu foarte costisitoare. Aici parteneriatele dintre administrația publică locală și organizațiile societății civile ar aduce un beneficiu considerabil cetățenilor. Asigurarea durabilității serviciilor sociale nou create reprezintă una din problemele de bază ale sistemului de servicii sociale.
Organizations: Ministerul Sănătății, Muncii, Protecției Sociale, Uniunii Europene, International Locations: Moldova, Dubăsari, Republica Moldova, Statele, Franța, Italia, UE, Suediei
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Administratorii portalului nu poartă răspundere pentru conţinutul postărilor şi materialelor plasate de utilizatorii site-ului. Utilizaţi informaţia din acest articol pe propriul risc.
Administratorii portalului nu poartă răspundere pentru conţinutul postărilor şi materialelor plasate de utilizatorii site-ului. Utilizaţi informaţia din acest articol pe propriul risc.
Administratorii portalului nu poartă răspundere pentru conţinutul postărilor şi materialelor plasate de utilizatorii site-ului. Utilizaţi informaţia din acest articol pe propriul risc.
Administratorii portalului nu poartă răspundere pentru conţinutul postărilor şi materialelor plasate de utilizatorii site-ului. Utilizaţi informaţia din acest articol pe propriul risc.
Administratorii portalului nu poartă răspundere pentru conţinutul postărilor şi materialelor plasate de utilizatorii site-ului. Utilizaţi informaţia din acest articol pe propriul risc.
Proiectul Regulamentului-cadru de finanțare nerambursabilă directă din bugetul public a proiectelor organizațiilor societății civile a fost prezentat și discutat în cadrul unei mese rotunde, desfășurată on-line cu participarea autorilor acestei inițiative, partenerilor guvernamentali și reprezentanților societății civile, experților internaționali și alte părți interesate în crearea unor parteneriate pentru finanțarea transparentă a sectorului non-profit. Experții Asociației „Institutum Virtutes Civilis” au prezentat proiectul Regulamentului-cadrul cu privire la mecanismul de finanțare nerambursabilă directă a proiectelor organizațiilor societății civile”, referindu-se în mod special la segmentele pe care le reglementează acest document, care sunt principiile și condițiile generale de acordare a finanțării nerambursabile, criteriile de selectare a proiectelor, procedura de solicitare a finanțării nerambursabile directe, procedura de solicitare a proiectelor organizațiilor societății civile, finanțarea și încheierea contractelor de finanțare. Participantele și participanții la acest eveniment, axat pe prezentarea Regulamentului-cadrul cu privire la mecanismul de finanțare nerambursabilă directă a proiectelor organizațiilor societății civile au remarcat importanța unor astfel de discuții și au formulat recomandări și propuneri. Din acest considerent susțin ca componența comisiei să fie pe principiul reprezentării egale a membrilor din partea autorităților și a organizațiilor necomerciale”, a spus Directorul Executiv al Centrului Analitic Independent Expert-Grup, Adrian Lupușor. Președinta Asociației „Institutum Virtutes Civilis”, Liliana Palihovici, a specificat la finalul mesei rotunde că toate propunerile și recomandările venite din partea participanților vor fi analizate și luate în considerație la prezentarea versiunii finale a proiectului Regulamentului-cadru cu privire la mecanismul de finanțare nerambursabilă directă a proiectelor organizațiilor societății civile.
Persons: Cebotari, Liliana, Adrian, Nicolae Procopei, Sorina Macrinici, Polina Fisticanu, Liliana Palihovici Organizations: International Locations: Republica Moldova, Moldova, Republicii Moldova, Suediei
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The purpose of this Open Call for Expression of Interest is to identify eligible Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) for prospective partnerships supporting the delivery of the UNICEF implemented component of “Development of Early Detection and Early Intervention Services” of the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions programme. The maximum budget allocated for activities under this call for expression of interest is 60,000 EUR. UNICEF responses to any queries or clarification requests will be made available to all online before the deadline for submission of applications. It should be noted that participation in this Open Call for Expression of Interest does not guarantee the CSO will be ultimately selected for partnership with UNICEF. Applicant CSOs will be informed of the outcome of their submissions by communication sent out to the email/postal address that is indicated in the CSO submission.
Persons: August, Perdivar, Ana Perdivar Organizations: UNICEF, Country, UNICEF Moldova Locations: partnership, expertise, Cahul, Ungheni, chisinau, Chisinau, Republic, Moldova, English, Chișinău, Republica Moldova
The purpose of this Open Call for Expression of Interest is to identify eligible Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) for prospective partnerships supporting the delivery of the UNICEF implemented component of the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions programme on “Development of Education Services for Children and Adolescents in Cahul and Ungheni”. The maximum budget allocated for activities under this Call for Expression of Interest is 130,000 EUR. It should be noted that participation in this Open Call for Expression of Interest does not guarantee the CSO will be ultimately selected for a partnership with UNICEF. Applicant CSOs will be informed of the outcome of their submissions by communication sent out to the email/postal address that is indicated in the CSO submission. Bugetul maxim alocat pentru activitățile din cadrul prezentei cereri de exprimare a interesului este de 130.000 EUR.
Persons: August, Perdivar Organizations: UNICEF Moldova, UNICEF Locations: Education, Cahul, Ungheni, partnership, expertise, chisinau, Chisinau, Republic, Moldova, English, Chișinău, Republica Moldova
The purpose of this Open Call for Expression of Interest is to identify eligible Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) for prospective partnerships supporting the delivery of the UNICEF implemented component of the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions programme on “Strengthening capacities, development and empowerment of Adolescents and Youth in Cahul and Ungheni regions". The maximum budget allocated for activities in both regions (Cahul and Ungheni), under this call for expression of interest is 154,000 EUR. It should be noted that participation in this Open Call for Expression of Interest does not guarantee the CSO will be ultimately selected for a partnership with UNICEF. Applicant CSOs will be informed of the outcome of their submissions by communication sent out to the email/postal address that is indicated in the CSO submission. Bugetul maxim alocat pentru activitățile din ambele regiuni (Cahul și Ungheni) din cadrul prezentei cereri de exprimare a interesului este de 154.000 EUR.
Persons: August, Perdivar Organizations: UNICEF Moldova, UNICEF Locations: Cahul, Ungheni, partnership, expertise, chisinau, Chisinau, Republic, Moldova, English, Chișinău, Republica Moldova
AO ”LT&,Liceum” contractează servicii de expert pentru desfășurarea activităților de informare și familiarizare a cetățenilor privind impactul investițiilor în comunitate în folosirea tehnologiilor inovative ce țin de eficiența energetică și utilizarea SER , finanțat de către Uniunea Europeană și implementat de Agenția de Cooperare Internațională a Germaniei (GIZ). Partenerul proiectului pentru Regiunea Sud este Centrul Regional de Asistență și Informare a Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale „CONTACT-Cahul”. European Union in the Republic of MoldovaGIZ MoldovaServiciile expertului vor consta în elaborarea scenariului și desfășurarea a 6 activități de informare și conștientizare și 3 dezbateri și expoziții publice în teritoriu. Programul de consultant va acoperi următoarele module:Informare și familiarizare a cetățenilor privind investițiile în comunitate și a impactului acestora asupra cetățenilor. Folosirea tehnologiilor inovative ce țin de eficiența energetică și utilizarea SER.
Persons: Marin Organizations: Uniunea Europeană, Agenția, Cooperare, Germaniei, Uniunii Europene, UE, Regiunea Locations: Leova, Republica Moldova, Regiunea Sud, Cahul, Moldova
Igor Dodon: I voted for Moldova’s independence and statehood
  + stars: | 2020-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
Igor Dodon: I voted for Moldova’s independence and statehood“I voted for the independence and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. I believe in the future of the Republic of Moldova. I voted for peace and interethnic harmony. Igor Dodon said he voted for social equity, economic development, balance in the foreign relations. He voted for friendship with the European Union and the Russian Federation, for friendship with Romania and Ukraine, for the memory of those who guarded this country, for the traditional, Christian values.
Persons: Igor Dodon, , , Galina Dodon Organizations: Party of Socialists, European Union, Russian Federation Locations: Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Germany, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Transnistria, Moldova
Bomb scare at polling station in Germany. Voting interrupted
  + stars: | 2020-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Bomb scare at polling station in Germany. Voting interruptedRepresentatives of the Police in Germany’s Frankfurt said they received a phone call by which a person informed that a bomb was planted at polling station No. 1/349 in Frankfurt that was established for the presidential elections of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports. The functionaries of the electoral bureau are assessing the situation and will swiftly take decisions as to the further functioning of the polling place. (1) of the Electoral Code – endangerment of voters – the head of the electoral bureau of polling station No.
Organizations: Police Locations: Germany, Germany’s Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Republic of Moldova
Dorin Chirtoacă: Moldova’s fate is indeed decided today
  + stars: | 2020-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Dorin Chirtoacă: Moldova’s fate is indeed decided today“The fate of the Republic of Moldova is indeed decided today. Dorin Chirtoacă said that members of the electoral bureau of the polling station where he voted told him that no person got COVID-19 there after the first round. The politician noted the people should not be afraid of the alleged clashes as those reports of the last two weeks were misleading and those lies can be stopped by taking part in voting. In the runoff vote, the elections are declared valid regardless of the voter turnout. If both of the candidates get the same score, the candidate who gained more votes in the first round emerges victorious.
Persons: Dorin, Liberal Party Dorin Chirtoacă, Dorin Chirtoacă Organizations: Liberal Party Locations: Republic of Moldova, Moldova
Zinaida Grechanyi: I voted for peace, stability and country’s prosperitySpeaker of Parliament Zinaida Grechanyi said that she voted for peace, stability and the prosperity of the country. She voted for a person who, as the President, will be a real statehood supporter, will defend the country and will be proud of it and will never betray its sovereignty and independence, IPN reports. After casting her ballot, the president of the Party of Socialists said the Moldovan people are peaceful and everyone should live in peace event if the country is a multinational one. In the runoff vote, the elections are declared valid regardless of the voter turnout. If both of the candidates get the same score, the candidate who gained more votes in the first round emerges victorious.
Persons: Zinaida, Zinaida Grechanyi, Organizations: Party of Socialists Locations: Republic of Moldova, Moldova
Same number of out-of country polling stations, with some of address changesA confirmed number of 139 polling stations will be established abroad for the November 15 runoff vote. According to the authorities, to avoid crowdedness, the polling stations in a number of European cities will be relocated. The polling station in Strasbourg will be open between 7am and 8pm, while the polling station in Baku will work between 7am and 6pm. These are the polling stations in Frankfurt, Munich, Milan, Parma, Verona, Bologna, London, Tel Aviv. There are only six polling stations for a large number of voters and they fear the number of ballots can be insufficient.
Persons: crowdedness, Dorin Cimil, Eugeniu Revenco, Germany Oleg Serebrian, Angela Ponomaryov, Italy Anatolie Urecheanu Organizations: Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Election, Moldova’s Embassy Locations: Strasbourg, Baku, Frankfurt, Munich, Milan, Parma, Verona, Bologna, London, Tel Aviv, Republic of Moldova, Germany, Italy, Presidenziali Moldova, Moldova, France
Igor Dodon: Nobody will recognize independence of Transnistria
  + stars: | 2020-11-13 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
Igor Dodon: Nobody will recognize independence of TransnistriaThe candidate for President Igor Dodon believes the Transnistrian conflict can be settled politically by having the region as an integral part of the Republic of Moldova, but with a special status. Nobody will recognize the independence of Transnistria, especially because it is situated between Ukraine and Moldova. Igor Dodon noted one can hold ten terms in office as a President and be unable to settle the Transnistrian conflict in the period. Igor Dodon said for the purpose he initiated discussions. I’m for a peaceful solution, but for this to be identified, we need a dialogue,” stated the candidate.
Persons: Igor Dodon, , “ I’m Organizations: Russian Federation, NATO Locations: Republic of Moldova, Transnistria, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Russian
Mobiasbanca - OTP Group continues to improve customer service conditionsThe development and transformation plans of Mobiasbanca OTP - Group are in full progress, advancing with relocation and refurbishment of branches in more comfortable locations with a new design, in line with OTP Group standards. The Mobiasbanca - OTP Group customers from Causeni are welcomed in a new branch office, located on the main artery of the city, with a spacious operating room that offers customers not only comfort, but also with wished-for discretion. ”We are present on the Moldova’s financial market with the intention to facilitate the provision of banking services at the highest quality level. This means that regardless of region, operation, transaction or financial status, every customer of Mobiasbanca - OTP Group matters. Mobiasbanca - OTP Group is a systemic, stable and reliable bank, with 30 years of experience on the financial-banking market of the Republic of Moldova.
Persons: Mobiasbanca, László Diósi, Organizations: OTP, IPN Locations: Republic of Moldova, Southeast Europe
Cristian Rizea obtained Moldovan nationality legally, lawyers
  + stars: | 2020-11-13 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
Cristian Rizea obtained Moldovan nationality legally, lawyersThe lawyers for businessman and politician Cristian Rizea deny the public reports that their client obtained the nationality of the Republic of Moldova illegally. Cristian Rizea presented all the requested documents and met all the conditions when filing the set of documents. Until there is a definitive decision in this regard, Cristian Rizea cannot be extradited. Cristian Rizea was convicted in Romania in his absence and is to serve a senesce based on a final decision of 2019. Cristian Rizea has reasons to believe that the warnings and threats over his public statements and the possibility of a sudden “natural death” can materialize.
Persons: Cristian Rizea, Corina Stratan, Valeriu, Igor Dodon Organizations: Embassy of, Moldovan, Public Services Agency, General Police, Ministry of Justice, National Investigation, High, of Cassation Locations: Republic of Moldova, Romanian, Bucharest, Romania, Moldova, Chisinau
No local public administration issues municipal bonds, study
  + stars: | 2020-11-12 | by ( )   time to read: 1 min
No local public administration issues municipal bonds, studyIn the Republic of Moldova, even if the legislation enables the local public authorities of all levels to issue municipal bonds, none of these entities took such a step. The causes are multiple, being both legislative and investment in character or even reflated to financial infrastructure. On the o...
Locations: Republic of Moldova
“HOMECARE” House inaugurated with Czech support
  + stars: | 2020-11-12 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
“HOMECARE” House inaugurated with Czech supportThe public association “HOMECARE” has inaugurated the “HOMECARE” House with financial support provided by the Government of the Czech Republic through the agency of the Czech Development Agency. The Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Moldova Zděnek Krejčí said the inauguration of the new office of the Care Center is one more nice occasion for presenting an important accomplishment of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Moldova. The Czech Republic, through the agency of the Czech Development Agency, finances projects to improve the quality and availability of social services. With the assistance of the Czech Republic, ten homecare centers were founded in Chisinau and in Moldova’s regions,” stated Zděnek Krejčí. The Czech Republic annually supports development projects to the value of over €3 million in Moldova.
Persons: , HOMECARE ”, , Tamara Adașan, Moldova Zděnek Krejčí, Zděnek Krejčí, Viorica Dumbrăveanu, Ștefan Organizations: Government, Czech Development Agency, Care, , Czech Development Cooperation, Social, Caritas Czech Republic, AO Pro Development, Swiss, Cross, Mobile, Health, Labor, The Locations: Czech, Czech Republic, Chisinau, Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Moldova’s, Cahul, Ceadâr, Vulcănești, Horești, Fălești district, Țaul, Edineț, Ocnița
52 children died from pneumonia in Moldova last year
  + stars: | 2020-11-12 | by ( )   time to read: 1 min
52 children died from pneumonia in Moldova last yearA number of 52 children died last year in Moldova because of pneumonia. Forty-nine children were aged between 0 and 5, with 36 of these being younger than one. Specialists warn that pneumonia in the Republic of Moldova is a serious public health problem with rather high morbidity and mortality rates...
Locations: Moldova, Republic of Moldova
Igor Boțan: Political culture in Moldova is favorable to candidate Igor DodonThe political culture in the Republic of Moldova is favorable to candidate Igor Dodon because it is a parochial and contemplative political culture. “The people in rural areas expect someone to solve their problems and Igor Dodon thus appears with 900 lei in gift, with the mayors who accepted publicly to support Igor Dodon and such things keep us in this trap for a long period of time. Maia Sandu detests Dodon as a liar, but she would have been armed at the debates as Igor Dodon in advance published the ten accusations against her and excellent replies against Dodon could have been found based on these. If she had prepared well, she could have won the confrontation with Igor Dodon face to face. In another development, Igor Boțan said he does not consider the statements made by Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, about the Republic of Moldova one week before the elections are accidental.
Persons: Igor Boțan, Igor Dodon, , Renato Usatyi, , Maia Sandu, Adrian Candu, Candu, Maia Sandu detests, Dodon, Vladimir Putin, Hanns Seidel Organizations: IPN News Agency, TV, Hanns, Hanns Seidel Foundation Locations: Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Eurasia, Russian
Total: 25