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Nissan wants to reduce Renault’s 43% holding to 15%, on par with Nissan’s stake in the French group, Reuters reports. Free cash flow will turn positive to the tune of 388 billion yen ($2.7 billion) by 2024, Morningstar estimates. He could, for example, ask shareholders to buy some of Renault’s Nissan stock. Or he could consider borrowing more; even after buying back a chunk from Renault, Nissan’s debt-to-EBITDA multiple could manage it. Nissan’s Renault reshuffle will drive a capital raise; he just needs to pick a route.
Nissan takes $687 mln loss as sells Russian business for 1 euro
  + stars: | 2022-10-11 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
A view shows the logo of Nissan on a car in Moscow, Russia, July 6, 2016. The Japanese automaker transfer its shares in Nissan Manufacturing Russia LLC to state-owned NAMI, it said. The deal will give Nissan the right to buy back the business within six years, Russia's industry and trade ministry said. The deal makes Nissan the latest major company to leave Russia since Moscow sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine in February. The Nissan deal was "of great significance for the industry," Russia's Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov said in a statement.
The Renault CEO was scheduled to speak to reporters in Seoul on Tuesday evening, his first public appearance since news broke of the talks with Nissan. In exchange for its investment in Renault's EV unit, Nissan has asked Renault to take steps to sell down its 43% stake in Nissan, people with knowledge of the talks have said. Nissan has a 15% stake in Renault, as does the French government, but the Japanese automaker does not have voting rights. Nissan would also have to sign off on the plan for Geely to take a large stake in Renault's gas-engine business, code-named "Horse." Volvo and Geely created a joint-venture under the name Aurobay to shift their own combustion-engine business into a new stand-alone business.
The Japanese company will transfer its shares in Nissan Manufacturing Russia LLC to state-owned NAMI, it said. The deal will give Nissan the right to buy back the business within six years, Russia's industry and trade ministry said. The sale to NAMI will include Nissan's production and research facilities in St Petersburg as well as its sales and marketing center in Moscow, the ministry said. Nissan said it expected an extraordinary loss of around 100 billion yen ($687 million), but maintained its earnings forecast for the financial year ending in March. The Nissan deal was "of great significance for the industry," Russia's Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov said in a statement.
Renault, Nissan messy breakup is least-bad option
  + stars: | 2022-10-10 | by ( Neil Unmack | )   time to read: +4 min
Another headache is the alliance’s lopsided governance, which sees Renault hold a 43% stake in Nissan but the Japanese group prohibited by French law from exercising voting rights associated with its 15% stake in Renault. That will need Nissan’s backing, and the Japanese group might also invest in the electric division. The quid pro quo may be for Renault to give up some of its 43% share in Nissan. That implies the current value of just over 9 billion euros assigns little worth to the Nissan stake. Nissan is pressing Renault to cut its 43% stake in the Japanese group to as little as 15%, Reuters reported on Oct. 8.
Nissan se aşteaptă la pierderi anuale de 3,23 miliarde de dolari
  + stars: | 2020-11-13 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
Nissan Motor Co Ltd a revizuit prognoza privind pierderile operaţionale din actualul an financiar la 340 miliarde de yeni (3,23 miliarde de dolari), faţă de estimarea anterioară de 470 miliarde de yeni. Analiştii se aşteaptă pierderi de 335 miliarde de yeni, pe fondul restructurării drastice a afacerilor, transmit Kyodo şi Reuters, transmite cu referire la Al treilea producător auto nipon a înregistrat în trimestrul trei din 2020 pierderi operaţionale de 4,83 miliarde de yeni, mult sub estimările analiştilor, de 80,6 miliarde de yeni, în urma declinului vânzărilor, cauzat de impactul pandemiei de coronavirus (COVID-19). În perioada similară din 2019, Nissan a raportat un profit de 30 miliarde de yeni. Renault şi Nissan au un parteneriat din 1999, în care Renault deţine 44,3% din acţiunile Nissan, în timp ce Nissan controlează un pachet de 15% din acţiunile Renault, dar nu are drepturi de vot la grupul francez.
Persons: Carlos Ghosn, Alianţa Organizations: Nissan Motor Co Ltd, Nissan, Renault, Mitsubishi Motors, Alianţa Renault, Mitsubishi, Samsung Motors, Alpine Locations: nipon, Sunderland, Barcelona, Spania, Dacia, Infiniti
Statul francez deţine o participaţie de 15% în compania Renault. Compania Renault deţine 43,4% din acţiunile firmei Nissan, dar a acceptat limitarea controlului în cadrul unui acord din 2015. Nissan deţine în prezent 34% din acţiunile Mitsubishi şi 15% din acţiunile Renault. "Orice discuţie despre tranzacţii cu acţiuni care să implice companiile Renault, Nissan ori statul francez este pură speculaţie. Un oficial din cadrul Ministerului Finanţelor de la Paris a declarat pentru Reuters că Guvernul "neagă în totalitate" că ar vrea să vândă companiei Nissan participaţia deţinută de stat la Renault.
Persons: Carlos Ghosn, Emmanuel Macron, Administraţia Emmanuel Macron, Reuters, Jonathan Adashek Organizations: Renault, Nissan, Reuters, Mitsubishi Motors, acţiunile Mitsubishi, Nissan participaţia Locations: francez, Paris, informaţiile, Olanda, Amsterdam, deţine, acţiunile
Total: 7