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“You’re running for governor,” Crist said, looking at DeSantis as the governor looked forward. “It’s not a tough question,” Crist said, filling the dead air. When Crist blamed DeSantis for rising utility bills and the skyrocketing cost of hurricane insurance, DeSantis faulted Crist for supporting Biden’s policies amid rising inflation. Time and again Monday night, Crist returned to the issue of DeSantis’ looming decision about whether he would run for president in 2024. It wasn’t the only question DeSantis wouldn’t answer.
Ron DeSantis that captivates Florida conservatives but also draws a measure of respect from some people there who vote Democratic? To be sure, plenty of Democrats can’t stand Mr. DeSantis, who is up for re-election next month and is widely seen as a top-tier Republican presidential candidate in 2024. We decided to hold our latest Times Opinion focus group with 15 Florida voters from across the political spectrum, so people beyond the state can better understand Mr. DeSantis and get a stronger handle on this possible future national leader. One participant who voted for President Biden but likes Mr. DeSantis said, “I felt that the Democrats had their chance. The group participants largely seemed to see Mr. DeSantis’s re-election as a done deal; it’s what will likely happen afterward that thrilled or chilled them the most.
Migrants arrived on a flight sent by Florida’s governor to Martha's Vineyard, Mass., last month. Florida officials plan to continue transporting migrants to Northern states to protest federal border policies and might restart flights by December, according to a spokeswoman for Gov. Ron DeSantis and emails from a contractor. Florida hasn’t flown more migrants since it chartered two planes to send 49 people from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts on Sept. 14, a surprise move that generated controversy, a criminal investigation and lawsuits.
Migrants arrived on a flight sent by Florida’s governor to Martha's Vineyard, Mass., last month. Florida officials plan to continue transporting migrants to Northern states to protest federal border policies and might restart flights by December, according to a spokeswoman for Gov. Ron DeSantis and emails from a contractor. Florida hasn’t flown more migrants since it chartered two planes to send 49 people from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts on Sept. 14, a surprise move that generated controversy, a criminal investigation and lawsuits.
Florida’s Hispanic voters back Gov. “There are lots of Hispanic voters in this state who really like the governor’s style, this strongman who won’t back down. And Crist has no mojo,” said Coker, who conducted the bilingual survey of 625 likely Hispanic voters from Oct. 17-22. And other Hispanic voters from throughout Latin America also side with Crist over DeSantis by a narrower percentage, 53% to 43%. Both DeSantis and Crist receive strong support from voters registered with their respective parties, but DeSantis has slightly more intense intraparty support than Crist, and the governor is leading among independent Hispanic voters by a 22-point margin.
Ron DeSantis’ popularity among Latinos, saying they are boosting his chances of becoming the first Republican governor in 20 years to win traditionally blue Miami-Dade County and therefore propelling his chances of a successful presidential run in 2024. The last time a Republican governor won Miami-Dade County was Jeb Bush in 2002. “DeSantis overperforms here in a way that you don’t tend to see Republican candidates perform elsewhere with Hispanics,” he said. Faced with this, Florida Democrats have expressed frustration and anger over their limited resources and money from national donor groups. Hillary Clinton won Miami-Dade County by almost 30 points in 2016, but Biden won the county by only 7 points.
A Texas sheriff has certified that dozens of migrants who were flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, last month under a new program by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis were crime victims, boosting their eligibility for a special visa. Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar said Thursday he had filed certification forms that immigration lawyers say can be used to obtain visas reserved for crime victims or people who witness certain crimes. Salazar, an elected Democrat, said last month that his office had opened a criminal investigation into the flights from Texas to Martha's Vineyard. Self said: "No matter what your political beliefs are, these people are all crime victims.
CNN —George Clooney needed a rom-com just as badly as the rest of us. “I got sent the script and you know, we’ve had a lot of dark things going on in the world. “I think people needed a break,” Clooney said. “I’m worried about it. I’m worried about the coarsening of America.
The Great U.S. Migrant Embarrassment
  + stars: | 2022-10-13 | by ( Daniel Henninger | )   time to read: 1 min
Other than the open hydrant of federal spending, no issue more reflects the complete collapse of responsible government than the migrant mess, which now extends from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard. The immigration problem has run in the background of U.S. politics for years as an unsolvable, second-tier issue. In late summer, an NPR/Ipsos poll asked if there was an “invasion” at the southern U.S. border. A majority of respondents said yes, it’s an invasion. If it isn’t, “invasion” has no meaning.
An internal government watchdog is looking into whether Florida misused federal funds to pay for migrant flights to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, last month under a program backed by Gov. Delmar also said the inspector general’s office would review what restrictions are in place for using the money, including interest earned, for immigration-related activities. Markey, who was among the group that signed on to the Sept. 16 letter demanding a probe, applauded the inspector general in a statement Wednesday. DeSantis has insisted that no laws were broken and pledged to continue his administration’s $12 million program to relocate migrants. "Reviews by Treasury are typical and, as stated by the OIG, are ‘part of its oversight responsibilities.’”NBC News has asked the Treasury Department for comment.
There is no evidence that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said U.S. President Joe Biden should be impeached, contrary to a video posted on Facebook. Its description reads: "’Biden Should Be Impeached’: Congress ERUPTS As DeSantis HUMILIATES Hunter Biden to his Face.” Another version was shared on YouTube (here). The first clip shows DeSantis speaking on Sept. 16, 2022 about migrants in Martha’s Vineyard. Neither clip shows DeSantis calling for Biden to be impeached and Reuters did not find any evidence that he said this. There is no evidence that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said U.S. President Joe Biden should be impeached.
Ron DeSantis flew to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, in a political stunt. Our organization is a network of groups that help immigrants achieve a sustainable way of life throughout the Americas. Ultimately, the Martha’s Vineyard case is an opportunity to reflect on how we can do better, honoring the critical role migrants play in bettering our nation. Overall, our immigration laws are obsolete and impractical. The Martha’s Vineyard lawsuit is a chance for us to revisit the conversation about whether we are truly prepared to honor our promise of being a country that welcomes immigrants.
Ron DeSantis, using human beings as political props for a craven publicity stunt designed to stoke right-wing outrage toward migrants. Then, the current Republican Party standard-bearer found himself in even more legal hot water after the New York attorney general's lawsuit alleging Trump and his eldest children committed fraud. During climate week, Democratic Govs. The GOP has had other bad weeks in the past — and so has the Democratic Party. I left the ranks of the Republican Party because I was worried it had fundamentally lost its way.
Which is why some business owners in Florida were perplexed when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent legal asylum seekers from San Antonio, Texas, to Martha’s Vineyard on two flights earlier this month. Asylum seekers are legally able to work in the United States while they await their asylum cases. Whether the asylum seekers intended to go to Florida or not, business owners there are signaling they would welcome them. Florida granted 7,101 asylum seekers permanent political asylum status between 2018-2020, just behind California and New Jersey. Gautam believes if more asylum seekers are granted permanent status, it will be “a game changer” for the longevity of his business and workforce.
MIAMI—In closely divided Florida, gubernatorial candidates usually tack toward the middle in the general election after courting their party bases in the primary. Not Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis . Last week, he sent two planes of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, infuriating immigrant-rights groups, triggering lawsuits and garnering praise from some Republicans and conservative media outlets. Mr. DeSantis recently campaigned for conservative GOP candidates in Kansas and Pennsylvania while asserting that Florida has “gotten redder.” His speeches often focus on critical race theory, school policies on gender issues and liberals, who he says are “trying to render the conservative half of the country second-class citizens.”
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas also criticized Republican governors for sending migrants to other cities in an interview with José Díaz-Balart on MSNBC. Migrants line up after having arrived by bus in El Paso, Texas, on Tuesday. Magnus said that despite the releases and the busing of migrants to Northern cities, the Border Patrol is managing the influx. El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser said the city’s shelters are full, which is why he, like Republican governors, has begun busing migrants out of the city. Unlike Republican governors, Leeser is notifying cities that will be receiving migrants from El Paso.
Vertol is based in the Florida Panhandle city of Destin, in Gaetz’s congressional district, and near Keefe’s home city as well. State and federal campaign finance data show Vertol contributed $2,500 to the North Florida Neighbors super PAC backing Gaetz’s first congressional bid in 2016. After DeSantis was elected, Vertol in 2019 contributed another $10,000 to the Republican Party of Florida, which is ultimately controlled by the governor. And Vertol contributed another $1,000 in June to state Rep. Jay Trumbull Jr.’s state Senate campaign. His father, Jay Trumbull Sr. had been appointed by DeSantis to the Florida Transportation Commission, which oversees the Florida Department of Transportation, the agency in charge of the Vertol contract.
One would think that those perpetuating the “open border” myth would be eager to seize every opportunity to strengthen border security. This action — and similar ones orchestrated by other GOP governors — have also deliberately elevated the “open border” narrative, which falsely represents that unlawful immigrants are waltzing into the U.S. through a porous southern border in droves. Contrary to the “open border” myth, U.S. borders are guarded by a vast and well-funded national security agency that has grown far larger and more powerful in recent years. Nick Ut / Getty Images fileOne would think that those perpetuating the “open border” myth would be eager to seize every opportunity to strengthen border security. Characterizing the humanitarian challenge at the southern border as a solely U.S. “open border” problem also presents an inaccurate picture of the global forced displacement crisis.
Migrant Flights Obscure the Real DeSantis Divide
  + stars: | 2022-09-22 | by ( Daniel Henninger | )   time to read: 1 min
The list of contenders is long but we have a winner—political outrage. The past week produced faux political outrage for the record books when Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis flew 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Gavin Newsom called it “almost monstrous,” adding, “I say that quite thoughtfully.” White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre likened the governor to Guatemalan smugglers. Unsurpassable is a long piece by six CNN staffers that says flying 50 migrants to the Vineyard “has revived memories of strikingly similar tactics employed by southern segregationists 60 years ago.”
The arrival of thousands of migrants in New York, Washington, Chicago and beyond has sent officials in those cities scrambling to establish a system of support services, with mixed success. The Office of Migrant Services in Washington, D.C., will offer urgent medical care and connection to resettlement services. Phillips said migrants have been calling volunteer groups in the city “constantly” with problems, leaving volunteers in rapid-response mode. Mental health services are lackingStill, Enriquez said, there is a major hole in that care: mental health services. Mental health screenings are also part of the initial medical checkups at city health centers, Jochum said.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has defended flying the migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, saying that Massachusetts and its so-called sanctuary cities were better equipped to care for them. A Florida legislator has filed a lawsuit against Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials, challenging the legality of the state’s use of public funds to fly nearly 50 migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week. The legislation also required the state to receive at least two bids to carry out the effort.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks after the primary election for the midterms during the "Keep Florida Free Tour" at Pepin's Hospitality Centre in Tampa, Florida, U.S., August 24, 2022. But introduced as "America's governor," DeSantis' one-hour speech sounded like a presidential-style campaign address heavy on his Florida track record. The X-factor remains former President Donald Trump, a fellow Republican who has strongly suggested he will launch another White House run. A USA Today/Suffolk poll released on Wednesday showed DeSantis leads Trump 48%-40% among Florida Republicans in a 2024 presidential primary contest. We're about getting Ron DeSantis to run and electing him so we beat Joe Biden and save our country."
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre accused DeSantis of not wanting a workable, bipartisan solution on immigration. “Obviously,” DeSantis said, “it’s sad that Martha’s Vineyard people deported them the next day. Ray Ewing / Vineyard Gazette via APThe migrants who were flown to Martha’s Vineyard weren’t deported; they were moved to a military base near Cape Cod. “If you say you’re a sanctuary state, then don’t complain. Share in the pain — whether you’re president, God or anyone else.”Marc Caputo reported from Florida and Lauren Egan reported from Delaware.
This law is designed to lower the costs of acquiring clean energy solutions while enabling accessibility and accelerating the adoption of affordable, clean energy products and services. Here are four trends that will likely reshape your sustainability goals and questions businesses should ask to accelerate climate action. Scaling up of commercial clean energy solutionsThe new law will inject $369 billion into the US clean energy economy, financing renewable power, clean energy equipment manufacturing, electric vehicles, and much more. Here are questions to consider when scaling your clean energy portfolio:Given cost competitiveness and accessibility of clean energy, how will scaling-up clean energy solutions influence your bottom line? To prepare your operations to scale your sustainability goals, consider these questions when preparing your data:Currently, how is ESG data used to inform business operations and sustainability goals?
Migrants who were flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, under a new program by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sued DeSantis, a Republican, and other state officials Tuesday, alleging they were victims of fraud for political purposes. Taryn Fenske, a spokesperson for DeSantis, said in a statement that the migrants chose to board the flights. "The transportation of the immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard was done on a voluntary basis," Fenske said. DeSantis has insisted that no laws were broken, and he has pledged to continue his administration’s $12 million program to relocate migrants.
Total: 25