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Climate change may be driving the rapid spread of Candida auris, a deadly fungus, across the US. Three charts show how extreme weather and environmental changes help spread disease. Nicolas Armer/picture alliance via Getty ImagesA leading theory on this fungus's sudden emergence and wide spread is that it's fueled by climate change. Whatever survives, however, is adapted to extreme heat — including the fever our bodies produce to kill off pathogens. David Ryder/Getty ImagesHumans and their infrastructure are more vulnerable to the devastating impacts of disease when they're compromised by extreme weather.
Emily Cahill, a software engineer, was one of 12,000 people laid off by Google in January. She told Insider she's starting a wellness club after struggling with Lyme disease in college. Cahill shared her journey with Lyme disease with Insider and how being laid off was a launching pad to start her own business. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by a bite from an infected tick and includes symptoms like high temperatures, fatigue, and loss of energy. Being laid off 'freed' herCahill said being laid off "freed me up a lot" because work was so time consuming.
Managing requests for disability accommodations can be a tricky and time consuming process. Disclo grabbed $5 million in seed funding from General Catalyst in February using this pitch deck. In February, Atlanta-based Disclo raised $5 million in seed funding led by General Catalyst. Disclo provided Insider with the pitch deck it used to land $5 million from General Catalyst and other investors. Here's the deck Disclo used to get $5 million from General Catalyst.
Three years later, at least 65 million people worldwide are estimated to have long COVID, according to an evidence review published last month in Nature Reviews Microbiology. An analysis of thousands of health records by the RECOVER trial found that non-Hispanic white women in wealthier areas were more likely than others to have a long COVID diagnosis. Researchers said that likely reflected disparities in access to healthcare, and suggests that many cases of long COVID among people of color are not being diagnosed. She has since been diagnosed with long COVID and can no longer work. Other infections such as Lyme disease can result in long-term symptoms, many of which overlap with long COVID.
[1/2] Pfizer company logo is seen at a Pfizer office in Puurs, Belgium, December 2, 2022. REUTERS/Johanna GeronFeb 17 (Reuters) - Drugmaker Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) and France's Valneva (VLS.PA) will stop testing a Lyme disease vaccine in roughly half of U.S. patients in a late-stage study, the companies said, citing a breach of clinical trial guidelines by a third-party contractor. Pfizer still expects to submit marketing applications for the experimental vaccine in the United States and Europe in 2025. The trial was expected to include around 6,000 participants aged 5 and older across Europe and United States, where Lyme disease is highly endemic. Paris-listed shares of Valneva fell nearly 10% to 5.72 euros following the news and U.S.-listed shares of Pfizer were down marginally in premarket trading.
Both companies have released results from RSV vaccine trials with efficacy results strong enough to expect expedited approval from the FDA. The companies — which have been involved in litigation brought by Moderna alleging mRNA patent infringement, a claim Pfizer disputes — are both expected the FDA approval process for the RSV vaccine to occur soon. We can use the same, the same equipment and raw materials as the Covid vaccine." The RSV approval process is just one part of a widening vaccine industry for these two companies. "Every strain is treated as suspicious and we start working on it to see if it can overcome the vaccine," Bourla said.
House bows are becoming a popular way for real-estate agents to add pizzazz to newly sold homes. House bows are often purchased by local realtors to celebrate closings or drum up interest in a property, and by particularly spendy gifters looking to surprise their family members or spouses with a new abode. King Size BowsSteven Rosenfield, the owner of Giant Bows in Old Lyme, Connecticut, has observed a similar bump in business. Hughes charges around $600 plus shipping for an average 6-foot, two-loop house bow. A King Size Bow used for decoration.
Research published Monday has confirmed a link between a Covid infection and a debilitating heart condition called POTS, or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, that has been diagnosed in some patients with long Covid. POTS was also linked, to a lesser degree, to Covid vaccination with an mRNA vaccine, according to the new study. He also said that the link between POTS and Covid vaccination needs to be confirmed with further studies. Other vaccines have also been linked to POTS in early accounts, but further research did not establish a causal link. The link between an infection — including Covid — and POTS, however, is more well-established.
How to Actually Enjoy the Holidays
  + stars: | 2022-12-07 | by ( Hannah Seo | Catherine Pearson | Dana G. Smith | )   time to read: +20 min
Economic worries have made this holiday season particularly stressful for some. The holiday season can bring out the absolute worst in some kids. Some parents welcome that break from structure, and that’s OK. “Parents get to decide what works and what doesn’t work with their family,” Dr. Naumburg said. “Gratitude and savoring are the opposite.”Dr. Kurtz recommended starting a simple gratitude practice early in the holiday season. As the holidays unfold, make an effort to savor the season, Dr. Kurtz said.
A Lyme vaccine was pulled from the market 20 years agoThere's already been one US Food and Drug Administration-approved vaccine for Lyme disease. GSK — then called SmithKline Beecham — made a Lyme vaccine that was approved by the FDA in 1998. If the phase 3 study results are positive, the companies are aiming to get FDA approval for the vaccine in 2025. Lyme disease is a growing problemLyme disease has become much more of a concern since 2002. In 2022, a study estimated that 15% of the global population had contracted Lyme disease at some point in their lifetimes.
The research will look at whether the drug can effectively treat depression when other therapies have failed. COMPASS Pathways, a United Kingdom-based pharmaceutical company that focuses on psilocybin research, is conducting the study. Most psychedelics, including psilocybin, are illegal at the federal level in the U.S. No one knows for sure how it might work to treat depression. Nayak was also not involved with the COMPASS study, but does conduct research on psilocybin for other mental health conditions. A re-enactment of a COMPASS Pathways psilocybin therapy session.
Lauren Nichols, who has long COVID, takes a break and rests in a lounge bed in the office in her home in Andover, Massachusetts, U.S., August 3, 2022. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterResearchers chasing long COVID cures are eager to learn whether the drug can offer similar benefits to millions suffering from pain, fatigue and brain fog months after a coronavirus infection. Younger, author of a scientific review of the drug as a novel anti-inflammatory, in September submitted a grant application to study LDN for long COVID. It worked so well that he ran a pilot study among 38 long COVID patients. He studied LDN in 18 long COVID patients, with 11 showing improvements, and said he believes larger, formal trials could determine whether LDN offers a true benefit.
In fact, there's so much material it could make several great country music songs. And, and it feels good," Twain told CNN's Chris Wallace in a conversation for his new show, "Who's Talking to Chris Wallace?" Twain is currently working on her sixth full-length solo project, her first solo album since 2017. While the album was the bestselling country album that year and won a Grammy, purists said her music wasn't country enough. Shania Twain, performing here in 2018, has a new album debuting.
A new study shows extreme weather, ocean changes, and land disruption have already helped spread more than 200 pathogens. That's an extreme case of climate change creating new contact between humans and infectious diseases, but the phenomenon is widespread. Extreme heat waves, for example, can kill off many infectious viruses, bacteria, fungi, and the creatures that spread them. Whatever survives, however, is adapted to extreme heat — including the fever our bodies produce to kill off pathogens. David Ryder/Getty ImagesHumans and their infrastructure are more vulnerable to the devastating impacts of disease when they're compromised by extreme weather.
Înțepăturile căpușelor ce pot fi infectate cu diferiți agenți patogeni, are loc molipsirea populației cu maladii grave, precum boala Lyme, encefalita de căpuşă, febra hemoragică Crimeea Congo, febra Q etc. Preferă păduri umbroase și umede, poienițe cu multă iarbă, câmp deschis cu arbuști, parcuri, bazine acvatice cu o vegetație abundentă etc. Semnul cel mai evident și frecvent al bolii Lyme este „eritemul migrator”, o leziune cutanată ce apare la 60-80% persoane agresate de căpușe. În cazul prezenței pe corp a căpușei se vor depune eforturi de înlăturare operativă și inofensivă. La efectuarea procedurilor de înlăturare a căpușei nu se recomandă răsucirea, smulgerea, strivirea acesteia, sau aplicarea uleiurilor, ojei etc.
Persons: ANSP Locations: encefalita, Crimeea Congo, inghinală, smulgerea
Pentru a nu fi ușor identificată și înlăturată înainte de a se putea hrăni, căpușa secretă salivă ce conține substanțe anestezice. Potrivit Agenției Naționale de Sănătate Publică, anual, în Republica Moldova sunt înregistrate peste 100 de cazuri de infectare cu boala Lyme. Însă, simptomele celor infectați cu boala Lyme se lasă așteptate de la câteva zile, până la câteva săptămâni sau chiar luni. Aceasta mai este numită și „boala cu 1000 de fețe” din cauza că afectează întregul organism, iar simptomele sunt asemănătoare cu alte boli. Unele studii arată că la cel puțin 10% din persoanele infectate cu boala Lyme suferă de probleme severe de inimă.
Persons: Căpușele Organizations: Lyme Locations: Republica Moldova, căpușă
Sursa foto: kidadl.comMușcătura de căpușe la copii; Medic infecționist: „Poate cauza boli grave”Venirea sezonului cald presupune ieșiri mai frecvente în aer liber, plimbări în parc, în pădure sau câmp. Alături de bucuria timpului petrecut afară apare și riscul de fi mușcat de căpușă. Această maladie se manifestă la om în urma unei înțepături sau mușcături a unei căpușe contaminate și a unui contact direct om-insectă de 17h - 48h”, a spus medicul infecționist. De asemenea, trebuie verificate hainele și corpul copiilor, dar și a blănii animalelor de companie. Stadiul I presupune depistarea precoce a bolii care durează 1-4 săptămâni din momentul înțepăturii.
Persons: Mariana Avricenco, Mariana, căpușe Locations: borelioza, Lyme, Crimeea, Congo
Mare atenţie la căpuşe dacă planificaţi plimbări sau picnicuri la iarbă verde. Numărul celor care au fost înțepați de aceste insecte este în continuă creştere. De la începutul primăverii, zeci de oameni au solicitat ajutorul medicilor. "La începutul lunii mai au apărut primele adresări din acest an şi numărul lor este în continuare în creştere. Una din maladiile care le transmite căpuşa şi care se întâlnelşte frecvent la noi în ţară este bolerioza sau se mai numeşte boala lyme.
Locations: căpuşe, creştere, ţară, Capitală
Câteva zile cu temperaturi mai calde au dus la apariţia căpușelor. S-au înregistrat şi primele cazuri de persoane înţepate, potrivit Institutului de Medicină Urgentă. Potrivit medicilor, aceste insecte, mici şi aparent inofensive, sunt de fapt purtătoare de microbi periculoşi. "Evoluează în trei etape, de la mușcătura căpușei în locul injectării părintele va găsi în câteva zile până la două săptămâni un eritem, o roșeață, cu marginile roşii şi cu interiorul palid. Cei care au de suferit din cauza căpuşelor nu sunt doar oamenii, ci şi animalele care se pot infecta de piroplasmoză.
Persons: Irina Secu, Iurie Samson . Specialiştii
Wikimedia CommonsWhen Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean and touched down in North America in 1492, he changed the world forever. He bridged the "old" world in Europe, Africa, and Asia with the "new" world in the Americas. Along with their own set of diseases at the time, Columbus' arrival created a devastating concoction of maladies. "But it also launched a clash of infectious diseases." AdvertisementOf the estimated 250,000 natives in Hispaniola, Columbus' first stop in the Americas in 1492, new infectious diseases wiped out a staggering 236,000 Indigenous people by 1517 — nearly 95% of their population.
Persons: Christopher Columbus, Stephen Prescott, Organizations: Wikimedia, Stephen Prescott , Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Malaria Locations: West Indies, North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas, Columbus, Stephen Prescott , Oklahoma, Hispaniola, Lyme
Total: 20