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The facilities of an oil company in Erbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan. BAGHDAD—The central Iraqi government and Kurdish authorities struck a deal Tuesday to end a standoff over oil sales that had blocked nearly 500,000 barrels a day in exports and sent crude prices rising. Kurdish authorities said the deal would allow oil exports to begin flowing again through a pipeline from Iraqi Kurdistan to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, where crude often makes its way to Europe. Oil companies that had shut off production in recent days said they were planning to immediately restart operations.
But he says ridding the nation of Saddam has just created anarchy for others to bleed the country dry. Under Saddam's rule minorities were tolerated and not singled out for their religious beliefs, but were oppressed if they opposed the government. After the fall of Saddam, they were targeted by Islamists for their religious beliefs and labelled apostates or devil worshippers. A CHRISTIAN: PASCALE WARDAWhen U.S.-led forces invaded, Iraqi Christian Pascale Warda was in London lobbying European leaders to depose Saddam. It was the same under Saddam," said Warda, who had several members of her family executed by the state.
Before Sudani formed his government he struck a deal with the KDP, which dominates the administration in Erbil, capital of the semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq. Under the Iraqi constitution, the Kurdish region is entitled to a portion of the national budget. A spokesman for the KRG, Jotiar Adil, said the "politically motivated" court was trying to spoil the deal between Erbil and Baghdad. A source with knowledge of the meetings said Erbil and Baghdad remained far apart on the hydrocarbon law. Additional reporting by Ali sultan in Sulaimaniya; Editing by Michael Georgy and Hugh LawsonOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
BAGHDAD, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Iraq will discuss with Washington this week how to pay dues owed to Russian oil companies despite sanctions, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said on Monday. There are sanctions in place that should not be imposed on the Iraqi side because the cooperation with Russian companies is ongoing and there are active Russian companies in Iraq," Hussein said during a news conference with visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Baghdad. Russian investments in Iraq are believed to be worth more than $10 billion, mostly in the oil industry. Huessin said that one of the main issues he and Lavrov talked about was how to pay bills owed to Russian energy companies such as Lukoil and Gazprom that do business in Iraq even though Russia is under international sanctions. Hussein stated during a joint press conference with Lavrov that Iraq is calling for peaceful solutions and encouraging dialogue between Russia and Ukraine to end the war.
DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 17 (Reuters) - A long-running dispute on oil revenue-sharing between Iraq's national government and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region may be resolved within months with agreement on a hydrocarbons law, Iraqi Kurdish Prime Minister Masrour Barzani said on Tuesday. Agreement on regular budget payments from Baghdad would help authorities in the Kurdish Regional Government resolve payment delays to international oil companies in the region, as well as easing a backlog in salary payments for KRG employees. Asked about the timing for agreement on the hydrocarbon law, Barzani said it should be within months. Under the Iraqi constitution, the KRG is entitled to a portion of the national budget. The standoff has affected the KRG's ability to pay international oil companies (IOCs) operating on its territory and to pay thousands of local employees.
TENSE STANDOFFAfter Rasoul's death, the KDP-dominated Regional Security Council accused a PUK security agency of the killing. It detained six men it identified as operatives involved and issued arrest warrants for another four senior PUK security officials, according to security council statement a week after the attack. Long-simmering mistrust between the two sides had already deepened this year due to a wave of defections from PUK security agencies. The senior PUK official told Reuters there had been eight. "It could've easily turned ugly," the senior PUK official said.
The missile strikes are part of Iran’s campaign to retaliate against outside groups and foreign governments that it has blamed for supporting unrest at home. Iran launched drones and missiles against Kurdish groups in northern Iraq on Monday, the second time in a week, as the Islamic Republic intensifies efforts to suppress a two-month-old protest movement inside its bordersIran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, said Monday it targeted Kurdish military bases in Erbil and Sulaimaniyah, alleging factions there are fomenting unrest in Iran.
Iranian missiles and drones struck the headquarters of Kurdish groups near the cities of Erbil and Sulaimaniyah in Iraq on Monday. Iran attacked Kurdish groups in northern Iraq with drones and missiles on Monday after weeks of warnings from Tehran that it would target foreign actors it accuses of orchestrating a two-month-long antigovernment protest movement at home. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, targeted bases of Kurdish groups near the cities of Erbil and Sulaimaniyah, leaving at least two people dead and nine injured, according to Iraqi Kurdistan’s regional government. It was the second major attack in the region since the protests began, though the IRGC has fired artillery at less populated areas on multiple occasions.
Local officials and security sources said the attacks had struck targets near Erbil and Sulaimaniya. The Revolutionary Guards have attacked Iranian Kurdish militant opposition bases in Iraq's Kurdish region since the death of Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini on Sept. 16 triggered nationwide unrest. Iran has accused Iraq-based Kurdish militants of fomenting the unrest and threatened strikes against armed Iranian Kurdish dissidents. In an attack by the Guards in September, 13 people were killed and 58 were wounded near Erbil and Sulaimaniya. A media and public relation official with the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI), an exiled Iranian Kurdish opposition party, told Reuters two of its fighters were killed in attacks on four of its offices.
AP Photo/Efrem LukatskyUkraine's military claims to have shot down over 1,000 Russian drones, but unmanned aerial systems continue to proliferate. Ukraine is also using its fair share of unmanned aerial systems. Special operators vs. dronesA member of the Iraqi federal police with a destroyed drone used by ISIS in Mosul in March 2017. "But now with everything from quad-copters that very small up to very large unmanned aerial vehicles, we won't always have that luxury." DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP via Getty ImagesGenerally, US special operators can take out unmanned aerial systems in two ways.
Iran attacked northern Iraq on Wednesday with more than 40 ballistic missiles and armed drones, one of which was shot down by a U.S. warplane as it headed toward the city of Erbil where American troops are based, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials. The strikes were by far the largest and most deadly in recent days by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has carried out repeated bombardments of Kurdish areas in northern Iraq since last week, after publicly blaming Iranian Kurdish separatist groups based there for fomenting unrest that has swept across Iran.
As Iran struggles to quell a wave of street protests at home, the regime launched a drone and missile attack on an Iranian-Kurdish opposition group in neighboring Iraq on Wednesday, Kurdish and U.S. officials said. The Iranian attack left at least nine people dead and 32 wounded, Kurdish authorities in the area said. Smoke billows following an Iranian cross-border attack in the area of Zargwez, about 9 miles from Sulaimaniyah, Iraq, on Sept. 28, 2022. The U.S. condemned the Iranian attack as an assault on Iraq’s sovereignty and accused the regime of trying to divert attention from domestic turmoil. No U.S. troops were wounded or killed in the Iranian attack.
Smoke rises from the Iraqi Kurdistan headquarters of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran, after Iran's Revolutionary Guards' strike on the outskirts of Kirkuk, Iraq September 28, 2022. REUTERS/Ako RasheedDUBAI, SULAIMANIYA, Iraq Sept 28 (Reuters) - Iran's Revolutionary Guards said on Wednesday they fired missiles and drones at militant targets in the Kurdish region of neighbouring northern Iraq, where an official said nine people were killed. A senior member of Komala, an exiled Iranian Kurdish opposition party, told Reuters that several of their offices were struck as well. The Revolutionary Guards, Iran's elite military and security force, said after the attacks that they would continue targeting what it called terrorists in the region. Protests erupted in Iran this month over the death of a young Iranian Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, in police custody.
A protest following the death of Mahsa Amini in front of the U.N. office in Erbil, Iraq. TEHRAN—Iran shelled militant opposition groups in the semiautonomous Kurdistan region of northern Iraq on Saturday, according to state media, an attack that comes during nationwide protests over the death of a young Kurdish woman in police custody that have rocked the country. The Revolutionary Guards, Iran’s security force, launched the artillery attacks against “anti-Iran terrorist groups” in the Iraqi Kurdistan region on Saturday, the Guards said in a statement carried by the state news agency, IRNA.
Kurdish protesters rally in Erbil over Mahsa Amini's death
  + stars: | 2022-09-24 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
People take part in a protest following the death of Mahsa Amini in front of the United Nations headquarters in Erbil, Iraq September 24, 2022. Protestors carrying placards with Amini's photograph gathered outside the United Nations compound in Erbil chanting"Death to the dictator" - a reference to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Amini's death has reignited anger over issues including restrictions on personal freedoms in Iran, the strict dress codes for women and an economy reeling from sanctions. "We are not against religion, and we are not against Islam, we are secularists, and we want religion to be separate from politics," said protester Maysoon Majidi, who is a Kurdish Iranian actor and director living in Erbil. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterEditing by Angus MacSwanOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
"În jurul orei locale 12.30, baza aeriană Ain Al-Assad (din vestul Irakului - n.r.) a fost atacată de 14 rachete. Ele au căzut peste bază şi în perimetrul său. Au fost activate sistemele de apărare. Noile atacuri survin la o săptămână, după atacurile americane asupra unor poziţii ale Forţelor Populare de Mobilizare - o puternică grupare paramilitară pro-iraniană în Irak şi Siria - care au ucis zece combatanţi.
Persons: Ain Al - Assad, - Assad Locations: Ain, Irakului, Anbar, SUA, Bagdad, Internaţional Erbil, irakian, Irak, Siria
Atacul, care a avut loc în jurul orei 19:30 GMT, nu a provocat victime şi nici daune materiale, iar pompierii au controlat un început de incendiu, se arată în comunicat.Aeroportul din Erbil, unde se află o bază militară a coaliţiei internaţionale de combatere a grupării jihadiste Stat Islamic, a fost deja vizat în aprilie de un atac cu o dronă încărcată cu explozivi.Interesele SUA în Irak au fost ţinta unor atacuri repetate şi în creştere în ultimele luni.Luni, o dronă-capcană care viza ambasada SUA la Bagdad a fost doborâtă la câteva ore după un atac cu rachete asupra unei baze din vestul Irakului, unde se află trupe americane SUA.Statele Unite acuză în mod sistematic facţiuni pro-iraniene ca fiind responsabile pentru aceste operaţiuni.Noua utilizare a dronelor dă bătăi de cap coaliţiei deoarece bateriilor de apărare C-RAM, instalate de armata SUA pentru a-şi apăra trupele, le pot scăpa aceste dispozitive.Aceste noi atacuri au loc la o săptămână după cele americane împotriva poziţiilor Hachd al-Chaabi, forţe paramilitare pro-iraniene care acţionează în Siria şi Irak, în urma cărora au fost ucişi 12 luptători.Hachd al-Chaabi, o prezenţă paramilitară importantă în Irak, salută în mod regulat lansarea de rachete şi drone-capcane, dar nu îşi asumă niciodată responsabilitatea atacurilor.Ca semn al îngrijorării în legătură cu noi atacuri cu drone, SUA au anunţat recent că oferă până la trei milioane de dolari pentru informaţii despre atacurile ce vizează interesele americane în Irak.
Locations: Erbil, SUA, Irak, Bagdad, Irakului, Siria
Amina și copiii eiAmina locuia în Crimeea înainte ca Rusia să anexeze peninsula. „Soțul ei a fost ucis pentru că a pus întrebări incomode [conducerii militare ISIS]”. După cum a declarat Roman Mașoveț, șeful adjunct al Biroului Președintelui Ucrainei, operațiunea specială a fost coordonată „direct” de Președintele Vladimir Zelensky. Reprezentanții autorităților Kurdistanului Irakian au oferit ajutorul necesar — au transferat-o pe Amina și copiii ei dintr-o tabără siriană la Erbil. Dar realitatea a fost diferită: de fapt, în acea seară, nu 9, ci 49 de persoane trebuiau să se întoarcă în Ucraina.
Persons: Fatima Boiko, Amina, Zaborona, bem, Boiko, Președintele Vladimir Zelensky, Vadim Skibitsky, ISIS Organizations: Statul, Statul Islamic, Statului Islamic, Aeroportul Zhuliany, Apărării, Ministerul, Externe, Ministerul Apărării, Organizația Internațională Locations: Kiev, Siria, Amina, Crimeea, Rusia, Lvov, Turcia, Statul Islamic, Roj, Siriei, Vest, Al, băltoace, Erbil, Irakian, Roman, Ucrainei, Apărării, Ucraina, Germania, Franța, Kazahstan, Kârgâzstan
Sursa foto: GettyImagesAtac cu rachete asupra aeroportului din Bagdad unde sunt staţionate trupe americane: Este al doilea în 10 zileDouă rachete au vizat duminică seară aeroportul din Bagdad, unde staţionează soldaţi americani. Este al doilea atac de acest fel în zece zile, în contextul în care Washingtonul încearcă să reia dialogul cu Teheranul, ai cărui aliaţi din Irak revendică în mod regulat tiruri de rachete, relatează AFP, citată de Agerpres. Unul dintre cele două proiectile a căzut în vecinătatea bazei aeriene a aeroportului Bagdad, unde sunt staţionate trupele coaliţiei antijihadiste conduse de Washington, a precizat un responsabil al serviciilor de securitate. Al doilea a fost interceptat de sistemele de apărare C-RAM, bateriile antiaeriene instalate de americani pentru a-şi proteja oamenii în Bagdad şi în Kurdistanul irakian după zeci de atacuri cu rachete, a continuat responsabilul sub acoperirea anonimatului. Zeci de alte salve de rachete i-au vizat pe americani din toamna anului 2019 sub administraţia Donald Trump, înregistrându-se morţi şi răniţi.
Persons: Joe Biden, Donald Trump, irakieni, Bagdadul Organizations: Agerpres, Albă Locations: Bagdad, Irak, Washington, irakian, irakiene, Iranului, Erbil, ţării, Statele Unite, Teheran, Iran, Viena
Papa Francisc urmează să „viziteze Bagdad, legat de memoria lui Avraam, orașul Erbil, precum și de Mosul și Qaraqosh, în câmpia Ninivei”, în timpul vizitei sale din 5-8 martie, anunță Vaticanului, potrivit CNN. „Programul vizitei va fi făcut public în timp util și va lua în considerare evoluția pandemiei”, se mai spune în comunicat. Ministerul de Externe din Irak a transmis că vizita Papei „reprezintă un eveniment istoric și un sprijin pentru toți irakienii”. „De asemenea, reprezintă un mesaj de pace pentru Irak și pentru regiune în ansamblu, afirmă unitatea poziției umanitare în confruntarea cu extremismul și conflictele și promovează diversitatea și toleranța. Țara a cunoscut un exod al creștinilor în ultimele decenii, deoarece Irakul a fost devastat de conflicte violente și ascensiunea ISIS.
Persons: Papa Francisc, Avraam, irakian, ISIS Organizations: CNN, Ministerul, Externe, Țara Locations: Bagdad, Erbil, Mosul, Qaraqosh, Vaticanului, Irak, Irakului
Total: 20