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WASHINGTON, Oct 11 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate formally kicked off debate on Tuesday on the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, a must-pass $817 billion bill setting policy for the Pentagon and including provisions to compete with China and Russia and boost Taiwan and Ukraine. The text of the latest version of the NDAA was not immediately available, but Senate aides said it would include elements of a bill to significantly enhance security assistance for Taiwan that was passed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in September. The NDAA also includes new funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, authorizations for new weapons systems and a host of other provisions. This NDAA confronts China and Russia by fully investing in the Pacific Deterrent Initiative, the European Deterrent Initiative and Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative," Senator Jack Reed, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a Senate speech. The NDAA has passed every year since 1961.
Sometimes they are treated in ways that are illegal to treat prisoners, let alone kids seeking mental health treatment. But former patients from residential treatment facilities whom Times Opinion interviewed said they received one-on-one therapy only once a week, if that. The company owns dozens of hospitals and hundreds of behavioral health facilities and makes about $11 billion a year. In 2017, when he was 15 years old, his mother, Renee Hanania, sent him to a UHS facility in Virginia. America’s patchwork mental health treatment is still insufficient.
Senator Joe Manchin's bill to speed energy permitting as a handout to fossil fuel companies, but clean energy advocates said the bill's failure would hinder the rapid expansion renewable power needs to combat climate change. Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pulled Manchin's bill from temporary government funding legislation on Tuesday after it did not gain enough support. Clean energy backers said the permitting provision could still be attached to other bills later this year that must be passed, such as a big appropriations legislation. Jesse Jenkins, a clean energy expert at Princeton University, tweeted on Tuesday that the permitting bill had been "a big mixed back for climate & the environment." "We still need to build new clean energy & transmission at unprecedented pace!"
President Joe Biden's Democrats, who control both chambers of Congress, are expected to avoid an embarrassing partial government shutdown just six weeks before the Nov. 8 midterm elections, when control of Congress will be at stake. The bill, which would extend overall government funding through Dec. 16, was facing resistance because of an energy permitting reform measure. The spending provisions include $12.3 billion in new money to help Ukraine turn back Russia's invasion, House of Representatives Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro said in a statement. In addition, it authorizes Biden to direct the drawdown of up to $3.7 billion for the transfer to Ukraine of excess weapons from U.S. stocks. The last time Congress allowed funding to lapse was in December 2018, when Democrats balked at paying for then-President Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall, leading to a record, 35-day impasse and partial government shutdown.
A Tuesday evening Senate procedural vote is designed to speed action once Democrats and Republicans put the finishing touches on legislation. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urged his fellow Republicans to vote against the temporary funding bill because of the Manchin provision, Politico reported. And I would hope my friends would look at it that way," Manchin said in an interview with CNN, referring to the inclusion of his permitting reforms in the temporary funding bill. The last time Congress allowed funding to lapse was in December 2018, when Democrats balked at paying for then-President Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall. Following a record, 35-day impasse and partial government shutdown, Trump found ways to circumvent Congress to some degree, but the wall never was completed.
The bill would set $12.3 billion in new funding to help Ukraine turn back Russia's invasion, House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Rosa DeLaura said in a statement. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urged his fellow Republicans to vote against the temporary funding bill because of the Manchin provision, Politico reported. SPENDING BILL STILL EXPECTED TO PASSEven if Tuesday's procedural vote fails, House and Senate leaders are expected to switch gears to promptly pass the spending bill by their Friday midnight deadline. The last time Congress allowed funding to lapse was in December 2018, when Democrats balked at paying for then-President Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall. Following a record, 35-day impasse, Trump found ways to partially circumvent Congress, but the wall never was completed.
WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - A group of lawmakers including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Senator John Cornyn on Tuesday called on U.S. President Joe Biden to issue an executive order on outbound investments to China and others. Congress has been considering legislation that would give the U.S. government sweeping new powers to block billions in U.S. investment into China. White House national security official Peter Harrell earlier this month said that the Biden administration has not yet made a final decision on a potential outbound investment mechanism regulating U.S. investments in China. Harrell stressed that any measure targeting such investments should be narrowly tailored to address gaps in existing U.S. authorities and specific national security risks. "When we cede our manufacturing power and technological know-how to foreign adversaries, we are hurting our economy, our global competitiveness, American workers, industry and national security.
Manchin's permitting reform plan was struck from a must-pass government funding bill on Tuesday. Progressives opposed it for environmental reasons, while Republicans want an even stronger bill. It's a major defeat for the West Virginia Democrat, who might otherwise have a hard time passing it. The bill would've green-lit a pipeline in Manchin's home state of West Virginia. The removal of Manchin's permitting reform legislation represents an unusual defeat for the usually-pivotal conservative Democrat.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urged his fellow Republicans to vote against the temporary funding bill because of the Manchin provision, Politico reported. Republicans have been angry at Manchin after he helped Democrats pass a bill this summer addressing climate change and lowering some healthcare costs. SPENDING BILL STILL EXPECTED TO PASSEven if Tuesday's procedural vote fails, House and Senate leaders are expected to switch gears to promptly pass the spending bill by their Friday midnight deadline. The last time Congress allowed funding to lapse was in December 2018, when Democrats balked at paying for then-President Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall. Following a record, 35-day impasse, Trump found ways to partially circumvent Congress, but the wall never was completed.
The government could face its first shutdown in years if Congress doesn't pass a short-term funding bill this week. Sen. Joe Manchin's push for a bill to streamline fossil fuel projects is the major holdup. Some details of the CR have circulated, although it hasn't been officially announced yet — but the major roadblock is Manchin's permitting reform proposal. Preventing a shutdown with short-term fundingTraffic is piling up around Manchin's bill, but the rest of the resolution faces less pushback. Some progressives and environmentalists have defended aspects of Manchin's bill.
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) holds up a visual aid while speaking to reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., September 20, 2022. Senator Joe Manchin on Friday warned that bipartisan opposition to his bill to overhaul energy permitting could derail his plan to attach it to temporary spending legislation and pass it by the end of the month. Manchin, who was interrupted by protesters opposed to the fossil fuel focus of his permitting plan, said that if Congress fails to reform the permitting process, it would jeopardize the clean energy investments the larger bill incentivizes. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Friday said the Biden administration continues to support congressional efforts to reform the energy permitting process. "We are very excited at DOE about the potential for streamlining permitting on clean energy projects," Granholm told reporters.
Rep. Bennie Thompson wants DOJ and DHS to investigate Ron DeSantis' migrant trafficking. Thompson urged both agencies to investigate the Florida governors' activities ASAP. Ron DeSantis might have broken while flying unsuspecting migrants around the country, Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson urged the Biden administration on Thursday. The chair of the House Homeland Security Committee called DeSantis' behavior into question in a letter to the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security leaders. Gavin Newsom has also urged Garland to investigate DeSantis.
Senator Joe Manchin on Wednesday released an energy permitting bill to speed approvals for natural gas pipelines and power transmission for renewable energy, legislation that some fellow Democrats criticized and will likely need to be amended in order to gain enough support. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterThe wider funding bill needs approval of the House and Senate and to be signed by President Joe Biden to become law. Manchin's staff told reporters he believes the funding bill will get 60 votes needed to pass the Senate with the permitting measure attached. The bill also sets a two-year target for environmental reviews on energy projects that need to be completed by more than one federal agency. In the House of Representatives, 77 Democrats this month asked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in a letter to keep the side deal out of the funding bill.
Circuit Court of Appeals, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in her confirmation hearing in Washington that she would follow the June ruling despite having fought to preserve abortion rights. read more"Dobbs is now the law of the land, and I will follow it, as I will follow all Supreme Court precedents," Rikelman said, referring to the Supreme Court case by its name, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. Democrats are seeking to highlight Republican opposition to abortion rights ahead of the Nov. 8 midterm elections in which control of Congress is at stake. The conservative-majority Supreme Court overturned its landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that had legalized abortion nationwide. But Rikelman said her personal views do not matter because as a lower court judge, she would be bound by U.S. Supreme Court precedent, including its decision in the Dobbs case, which she promised to "absolutely" follow.
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) holds up a visual aid while speaking to reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., September 20, 2022. Senator Joe Manchin will unveil his full energy permitting bill on Wednesday to speed fossil fuel projects and offer incentives for renewable energy electricity transmission, legislation that faces an uphill battle. Manchin, an important swing vote in the 50-50 Senate, reached a side deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer during talks for the wider Inflation Reduction Act for his permitting measure to be voted on this fall. "I've never seen stranger bedfellows than Bernie Sanders and the extreme liberal left siding up with Republican leadership" and its rank-and-file senators, Manchin said. But Schatz said the bill has a chance if it offers incentives for renewable energy including transmission lines.
John Kelly gave Trump a stark warning when he refused to lower flags in honor of John McCain's death. Kelly told Trump that he should reconsider because people will "piss" on his grave, according to an upcoming book. Trump kept flags raised at full staff until pressure from parties caused him to cave. "If you don't support John McCain's funeral, when you die, the public will come to your grave and piss on it," Kelly told Trump, according to an upcoming book from journalists Susan Glasser and Peter Baker. And in 2018, Trump signed a national defense bill that had been named after McCain, but Trump didn't mention his name once.
Hillary Clinton said sending migrants to Martha's Vineyard is "literally human trafficking." Republican lawmakers are sending migrants to blue cities after blaming Democratic policies for a rise in migration. Martha's Vineyard is an exclusive vacation destination where former President Barack Obama has a holiday home, and Bill and Hillary Clinton often visit. Other Democratic politicians also condemned the Martha's Vineyard stunt, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying it amounted to "crimes against humanity on refugees." Martha's Vineyard residents appeared to pull together to welcome the migrants by quickly coordinating shelter, meals, and healthcare.
Interest rates are rising as the Federal Reserve attempts to combat inflation by slowing down the economy. In response, Democrats are pushing the Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to address the inflation crisis in a new way. It's a catchy name that's garnered a lot of media attention, but the political risks of tying the bill directly to the inflation crisis could damage the Democratic Party in the midterm elections. A growing number of economists believe that because the current inflation crisis was inspired by both pandemic-related supply-chain issues and runaway corporate greed, the Fed's actions are unnecessary and will cause an avoidable recession. In order to study its effects, we need to explore what's in the Inflation Reduction Act.
FILE PHOTO: U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks to reporters following the Senate Democrats weekly policy lunch at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., July 19, 2022. REUTERS/Elizabeth FrantzWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Thursday that Democrats would add provisions on insulin to the energy, tax and prescription drug bill they are aiming to pass next week. Schumer and Democratic Senator Joe Manchin announced on Wednesday a deal for a bill that Democrats will try to pass under a parliamentary maneuver that requires a simple majority vote instead of 60 votes like most legislation in the Senate.
Recently, he spoke with author Tom Bergin about the problem with CEOs acting like shareholders. A 2021 study found that typical CEO compensation has risen 1,322% since 1978, while worker compensation over that same time only increased by 18%. The problem with CEOs behaving as shareholdersThe National Bureau of Economic Research reports that in 1980, stock options were rarely included in CEO compensation. When they were a part of the compensation package, average stock options rarely made up even 20% of the total direct pay for CEOs. But today, according to Lawrence Mischel from the Economic Policy Institute, "Stock-related compensation comprises around 85% of CEO compensation."
In a recent episode, he spoke with economist Mark Paul about the role of the Congressional Budget Office. They run these economic models that I think are the most important policy models out there." The CBO's models are built from flawed assumptions that don't necessarily reflect how legislation might actually behave in the real world. "In the economics literature, what we find is that on average public investment is at least as productive as private investment — and often more so," Paul said. "In fact, there's this really well-known review that shows that public investment is 50% more productive on average than private investment."
Anual, pe 22 aprilie, marcăm Ziua Mondială a Pământului. Industria de la acea vreme a aruncat fum și gunoaie, fără a se gândi la consecințe. Iar din păcate poluarea aerului a fost acceptată ca un semn de prosperitate. Inspirat de mișcarea anti-război studențească, senatorul Nelson a dorit să insufle energia protestelor anti-război cu o conștiință publică emergentă despre poluarea aerului și a apei. Ziua Pământului din 1970 a realizat o aliniere politică rară, obținând sprijinul republicanilor și democraților, bogaților și săracilor, locuitorilor urbani și fermierilor, liderilor de afaceri și muncitori.
Persons: Gaylord Nelson, Statele Unite ., California, Nelson, Pete McCloskey, Denis Hayes Organizations: Ziua Locations: America, Wisconsin, Statele Unite, Santa Barbara, republican
Michigan Democratic Sen. Gary Peters purchased up to $15,000 American Electric Power Company Inc. stock on January 15. American Electric Power Company generates 73% of its power from fossil fuels, including 45% from coal. Peters, who last month became chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, made the stock purchase on January 15, his disclosure indicates. American Electric Power Company spokesperson Tammy Ridout declined to comment on Peters' stock purchase, saying," We don't comment on individual shareholders' investments." Peters' stock purchase of American Electric Power Company isn't his first energy company investment.
Legea prin care Parlamentul decide data alegerilor a primit aviz favorabil la Senat prin efortul senatorului Șerban Nicolae, iar dacă această lege este votată, Parlamentul ar putea decide amânarea alegerilor. ”Felicitări Șerban Nicolae!!! Pentru a amâna alegerile din 6 DECESEmbrie, Șerban a reușit să țină ședința comisiei juridice azi și a obținut raport de ADMITERE! Pleșoianu mai atrage atenția că Șerban Nicolae a primit și amenințări din cauză că a susținut avizul favorabil în Comisia Juridică de la Senat. ”Evident, Partidul Neomenesc Letal (PNL) îl amenință pe Șerban Nicolae cu DNA-ul pentru că se luptă pentru viața și sănătatea românilor!”, dezvăluie deputatul.
Persons: Șerban Nicolae, Liviu, Șerban, ! !, Adriana Neagoe Organizations: Parlamentul, BUCUREȘTI, PSD, Camera, DNA Locations: Senat, PNL
Murdoch family, 1987: Lachlan, James, Anna and Rupert. The second season of HBO’s “Succession,” whose fictional media family, the Roys, bears a striking resemblance to the Murdochs, airs this summer. ‘A press dictatorship’To understand how the Murdoch empire works, it is essential to return to its origins. The bigger Murdoch’s empire became, the more power he had to clear away obstacles to further its expansion. Like his father, Lachlan considered the idea of meddling with such an important profit driver a form of madness.
Persons: , Rupert Murdoch, Murdoch, Jerry Hall, Lachlan’s, Lachlan, , Hall, President Trump, Theresa May, Robert A, consummating, Rupert, Elisabeth, Anna, James, David Graves, Rex, Prudence, Murdoch’s, Patricia Booker, Anna Mann, jockeying, Murdoch didn’t, ” Murdoch, Ron Galella, ‘ I’ve, Graham, Jeff Bezos, William R, Hearst, George Hearst, Ochs, Sulzberger, Arnold Newman, HBO’s, Australia —, , don’t, Trump, Rutger Bregman, Tucker Carlson, Carlson, — Murdoch, Dow Jones, Bancroft, , Keith Murdoch, Keith, Joseph Lyons, Tom Roberts’s, ” Lyons, , I’ll, ” Rupert Murdoch, Aubrey Hart, Roberts, ” Keith, Margaret Thatcher’s, Thatcher, revel, John Major, Neil Kinnock, Joseph Stalin, Britain’s, Roy Cohn —, Joseph McCarthy, Ronald Reagan’s, Roger Stone Jr, Murdoch weaponize, Reagan’s, Stone, Reagan, George H.W, Bush, L.A, Ted Turner, Roger Ailes, Nixon, George H.W . Bush, Time Warner, Rudolph W, Giuliani, Post —, Fox, Monica Lewinsky, ” David Frum, George W, Sumner, Peter Mathew, Fairfax, Chase Carey, Talib Kweli, Rawkus, Kathryn Hufschmid, Kathryn, ” Lachlan, Sarah O’Hare, Lachlan doesn’t, Chris Mitchell, — he’d, Wendi Murdoch, Wendi, Jules Stein, Leonardo DiCaprio, James warily, Ivanka Trump, Ivanka’s, Jared Kushner, Kushner, Ivanka, Wendi’s, Donald Trump, Ailes, Rudolph Giuliani’s, Corey Lewandowski, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bret Baier’s, Baier, Stephen F, Hayes, ” Trump, Tell Hayes, Sean Hannity, Sinclair —, Doug Mills, Megyn Kelly, — “ You’ve, — Trump, Kelly, Charles Krauthammer, John Kasich, James’s, Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, Hillary, Clinton, United States —, Paul Gigot, Obama, Al Drago, Anthony Hilton, Hilton, Rodrigo Duterte, Viktor Orban, europhiles, Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson, David Cameron, feckless, Leveson, Robinson, Mick Jagger, Margaret Thatcher, Nigel Farage, Evgeny Lebedev, Carlo Allegri, Murdoch lounging, What’s, lodestar, David Rhodes, Rhodes, Ben Rhodes, Kevin Hagen, he’d, Trump’s, Jeff Rovin, Satan, James Murdoch, Clint Spaulding, Patrick McMullan, James Stavridis Organizations: Northern, Fox News Channel, Sun, European Union —, Downing, Walt Disney Company, Century Fox, Disney, Getty, News Corp, Trust, Washington Post, Hearst Corporation, United, The New York Times, Arnold Newman Properties, Fox, White, Broadway, Fox News, Trump White, Street, Melbourne Herald, Weekly Times, , Eugenics Society of Victoria, Oxford, Murdoch, Fleet, The, British government’s, Sky Television, Britain’s “, Labor, Trump, Gov, Reagan’s, New, New York Post, The Boston Herald, CNN, Time, Republican, Post, Pew, Republicans, CBS, Viacom, British Sky Broadcasting, Australia spearfishing, Harvard, The Harvard, Rawkus Records, Princeton, Kawasaki, Hollywood, New York Observer, York mayoral, Fox & Friends, Trump International Golf Club, Gateway, America, New York Times, Clinton Climate Initiative, Labor Party centrist, Pacific Partnership, Tea Party, European Union, Freedom Party, Nazi, London, Press Association, Associated Press, Brexit Times, United Nations, Reuters, Photographers, CBS News, Democrat Locations: Macedonia, Southern, San Francisco, Los Angeles, California, United States, Britain, London, Australia, Australian, Sydney, Lachlan, Davos, New York, Dutch, Iraq, British, Gallipoli, Adelaide, White Australia, Luxembourg, York, George H.W ., Midtown Manhattan, Manhattan, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Indonesia, Oregon, Fiji, Murdoch, Cavan, Beverly Hills, L.A, Caribbean, earshot, West Palm, Des Moines, Iowa, Ohio, Clinton, Trump, Downing, Brussels, Europe, Philippines, Manila, Bangkok, Cannes, , Trump’s, Scotland, Aberdeen, Ailes’s, Russian
Total: 25