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CNN —A Russian politician died of – as of yet – unknown causes after falling ill on a plane on Saturday, the latest in a string of mysterious deaths among Russian elites. Russia’s Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education, Pyotr Kucherenko, 46, died while returning from a trip to Cuba on Saturday, according to the ministry. “Kucherenko was feeling ill while on a plane with a Russian delegation that was returning from a business trip to Cuba. Russia's Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Pyotr Kucherenko died while returning from Cuba. Mysterious deaths pile upKucherenko’s demise is not the first unexplained Russian death to spark interest.
MOSCOW, May 3 (Reuters) - A video circulating on Russian social media on Wednesday appeared to show a plume of smoke over Moscow's Kremlin, after what the presidential administration said was a Ukrainian drone attack aimed at President Vladimir Putin, who has a residence in the walled complex. The video was posted in the early hours of Wednesday on a group for residents of a neighbourhood that faces the Kremlin across the Mosvka River and picked up by Russian media, including the Telegram channel of the military news outlet Zvezda. Separately, the Kremlin said that the May 9 Victory Day parade would go ahead in Moscow despite the incident, the state-run TASS news agency reported. Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Kevin LiffeyOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
The Kremlin said Russia reserved the right to retaliate, and hardliners demanded swift retribution against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said in comments sent to Reuters: "Ukraine has nothing to do with drone attacks on the Kremlin. Another video circulating on Russian social media appeared to show a plume of smoke over the Kremlin after the purported attack. Russia marks the occasion with a huge military parade on Red Square, for which seating has already been erected. Ukraine typically declines to claim responsibility for attacks on Russia or Russian-annexed Crimea, though Kyiv officials have frequently celebrated such attacks with cryptic or mocking remarks.
The following are details of Russia's nuclear arsenal, how big it is and who commands it. NUCLEAR SUPERPOWERRussia, which inherited the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons, has the world's biggest store of nuclear warheads. Around 1,500 of those warheads are retired (but probably still intact), 2889 are in reserve and around 1588 are deployed strategic warheads. The United States has around 1644 deployed strategic nuclear warheads. The Russian president is the ultimate decision maker when it comes to using Russian nuclear weapons, both strategic and non-strategic, according to Russia's nuclear doctrine.
What is Russia's nuclear arsenal, how big is it and who commands it? NUCLEAR SUPERPOWERRussia, which inherited the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons, has the world's biggest store of nuclear warheads. Around 1,500 of those warheads are retired (but probably still intact), 2889 are in reserve and around 1588 are deployed strategic warheads. The United States has around 1644 deployed strategic nuclear warheads. The Russian president is the ultimate decision maker when it comes to using Russian nuclear weapons, both strategic and non-strategic, according to Russia's nuclear doctrine.
France's GTT ceases its activities in Russia
  + stars: | 2023-01-02 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Jan 2 (Reuters) - French engineering group Gaztransport & Technigaz (GTT) (GTT.PA) said on Monday it was stopping its activities in Russia after analysing the latest European sanction packages which include a ban on engineering services with Russian firms. Meanwhile, terms of GTT's exit from the Gravity Based Structure (GBS) projects with Saren B.V - a joint-venture between Renaissance Heavy Industries Russia and Saipem's (SPMI.MI) Russian subsidiary - are being finalised. "These elements will have a financial impact mainly from 2023," GTT said in a statement, adding that its order book would no longer include projects in Russia. GTT added that annual targets will exclude revenue and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) generated by the last services in progress in Russia from 2023 onwards. ($1 = 0.9384 euros)Reporting by Dina Kartit, edited by Tomasz Janowski and Louise HeavensOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Sputnik/Russian Presidential Press Office/Kremlin via REUTERSDec 23 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin on Friday told Russia's defence industry chiefs to up their game to ensure that the Russian army quickly got all the weapons, equipment and military hardware it needed to fight in Ukraine. "It's also important to perfect and significantly improve the technical characteristics of weapons and equipment for our fighters based on the combat experience we have gained." Since tens of thousands of Russian troops swept into Ukraine on Feb. 24 in what Putin called "a special military operation", Moscow has ceded around half of the territory it initially seized. On Friday, he told defence industry chiefs he wanted to hear their proposals on how to iron out unspecified problems and wanted defence industry specialists to work directly with frontline forces to refine weapons and hardware on a regular basis. The defence industry is under pressure to deliver.
Over recent years, NATO allies and Russia have scaled up military exercises in the region; Chinese and Russian warships conducted a joint exercise in the Bering Sea in September. Four Arctic experts say it would take the West at least 10 years to catch up with Russia's military in the region, if it chose to do so. "NATO is increasing its presence in the Arctic with more modern capabilities," NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg told Reuters. Now NATO and Arctic allies are changing their stance. Sweden and Finland have begun investing in surveillance and deterrence capabilities and military hardware including jets so their air forces can fight alongside Arctic NATO allies.
Oct 18 (Reuters) - Russia's Duma has indefinitely stopped broadcasting live plenary sessions to protect information from "our enemy", a leading lawmaker said on Tuesday as parliament's lower house debated topics related to the war in Ukraine. Russia uses the term "special military operation" to describe what Ukraine and its Western allies say is a war of imperial conquest. Another deputy, Andrei Svintsov, said the broadcast restriction was imposed because most issues under discussion at the moment related to the "special military operation". We understand that there may be some sensitive information from government representatives, from deputies," Svintsov said. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterReported by Filipp Lebedev; Editing by Mark TrevelyanOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
WHAT ARE TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS? Academics and arms control negotiators have spent years arguing about how to define tactical nuclear weapons (TNW). The clue is in the name: they are nuclear weapons used for specific tactical gains on the battlefield, rather than, say, destroying the biggest cities of the United States or Russia. The atomic bomb dropped by the United States on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945 was about 15 kilotons. The president is the ultimate decision maker when it comes to using Russian nuclear weapons, both strategic and non-strategic, according to Russia's nuclear doctrine.
Russian soldiers were frustrated by unsuitable military equipment as early as March. Recordings obtained by The New York Times reveal phone calls made by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. One man told his girlfriend how his comrades stole NATO armor off dead Ukrainian soldiers. The Russian military has resorted to pulling obsolete equipment out of storage, including Soviet-era equipment such as T-62 tanks. Prior to the Ukraine war, the Russian military was widely regarded as one of the most powerful in the world.
After Ukrainian forces stage ambushes and cut off the key access route to the capital, Russian soldiers tell their relatives that the military strategy is failing. … That’s what we’re fucking going to do, it seems. “Frankly speaking, nobody understands why we have to fight this war," Sergey tells his girlfriend. Replay‘I’ll quit at once.’Frustrated by continuous setbacks and fearing for their lives, Russian soldiers say they are fed up with the military. As quickly as they came, the Russian soldiers in northern Kyiv withdrew, regrouped and pivoted east, where Russian-backed separatists have been waging war for over eight years.
Centrul Federal pentru Sănătatea Animalelor a început să dezvolte vaccinul în primăvară, după ce autorităţile au stabilit că virusul ar putea fi transmis de la oameni la unele animale domestice.Rusia a devenit prima ţară care a aprobat un vaccin destinat oamenilor - Sputnik V - în luna august, şi se află în proces de administrare a acestuia la nivel naţional. Peste 150.000 de persoane au fost deja vaccinate.Studiile clinice se vor încheia în ianuarie, iar procesul de aprobare va începe, probabil, la sfârşitul lunii februarie, după cum a declarat pentru Reuters Iulia Melano, asistentă a directorului Autorităţi Federale Sanitar-Veterinare din Rusia, Rosselkhoznadzor.Luna trecută, Danemarca a dispus sacrificarea tuturor celor 17 milioane de nurci din fermele sale după ce s-a ajuns la concluzia că o tulpină a virusului, care a fost transmisă de la oameni la nurci, a suferit mutaţii şi s-a răspândit înapoi la oameni.Rusia se aşteaptă la solicitări pentru noul vaccin din partea crescătorilor de animale pentru blană din ţară, dar şi din Statele Unite şi Uniunea Europeană.Ivan Nesterov, directorul interimar al companiei de stat Russian Sable, a declarat luna trecută pentru postul de televiziune Zvezda că Rusia testează un vaccin şi îşi va vaccina populaţia de nurci odată ce procesul va fi încheiat, scrie Comerţul mondial cu blănuri, în valoare de peste 22 miliarde de dolari pe an, se resimte după decizia Danemarcei de a ucide milioane de nurci de fermă.Pe fondul îngrijorărilor cu privire la un deficit de blănuri de nurcă, în contextul în care Danemarca era principalul exportator, preţurile au crescut cu până la 30% în Asia, potrivit Federaţiei Internaţionale a comerţului cu Blănuri (IFF).
Organizations: Reuters, Zvezda Locations: Rusia, Danemarca, nurci, oameni.Rusia, Statele Unite, Danemarcei, Asia
Echipa antrenată de Mircea Lucescu și Emil Caras, Dinamo Kiev, și-a aflat adversarul din șaisprezecimile Ligii Europei. În această fază a competiției ucrainenii vor întâlni campioana Belgiei, Club Brugge.O altă formație din Ucraina, Șahtar Donețk, va avea și ea un adversar valoros. "Minerii" vor juca cu deținătoarea titlului în Israel, Maccabi Tel Aviv.O confruntare extrem de interesantă promite a fi cea dintre Benfica Lisabona și Arsenal Londra. Gruparea engleză are un parcurs perfect în actuala ediție a turneului. Meciurile din Liga Europei vor putea fi urmărite CANAL 5.
Persons: Mircea Lucescu, Emil Caras, Mikel Arteta, Tottenham Hotspur Organizations: Dinamo Kiev, Europei, Maccabi, Benfica Lisabona, Arsenal Londra, Liga Europei.Marea, Manchester United, Real Sociedad, AC Milan, Țrvena Zvezda, Glasgow Rangers, Liga Europei Locations: Belgiei, Ucraina, Șahtar Donețk, Israel, Maccabi Tel, Țrvena, Țrvena Zvezda Belgrad, Glasgow
Centrul Federal pentru Sănătatea Animalelor a început să dezvolte vaccinul în primăvară, după ce s-a stabilit că virusul SARS-CoV-2 se transmite de la oameni la animale, scrie Reuters, citată de Agerpres. Vaccinul rusesc destinat animalelor vizează în special iepurii, nurcile şi pisicile. Rusia se aşteaptă la solicitări pentru noul vaccin din partea crescătorilor de animale pentru blană din ţară, dar şi din Statele Unite şi Uniunea Europeană. Două cazuri de COVID-19 au fost înregistrate la pisici din Rusia, însă populaţia sa de nurci nu a fost afectată, potrivit Rosselkhoznadzor. Comerţul mondial cu blănuri, în valoare de peste 22 miliarde de dolari pe an, se resimte după decizia Danemarcei de a ucide milioane de nurci de fermă.
Persons: Iulia, OMS, Ivan Nesterov Organizations: Agerpres, Uniunea Europeană, Zvezda Locations: Rusia, Danemarca, nurci, Statele Unite, Danemarcei, Asia
Rusia îşi va vaccina preventiv populaţia de nurci împotriva COVID-19, după ce alte ţări au identificat cazuri de transmitere a virusului la aceste animale, a declarat şeful interimar al companiei naţionale a blănurilor la un post tv al Ministerului Apărării. Potrivit Reuters, citată de Agerpres, Ivan Nesterov, şeful interimar al companiei Samurul rus a făcut aceste afirmaţii luni, la postul Zvezda TV. În interviul de pe Zvezda TV, Ivan Nesterov poate fi auzit afirmând că autorităţile testează în prezent vaccinul şi că plănuiesc să vaccineze populaţia de nurci atunci când procesul este finalizat. El a spus că virusul nu a fost depistat la nurcile din Rusia şi măsura este una preventivă, adăugând că Rusia nu are nicio confirmare ştiinţifică privind transmiterea virusului de la nurci la oameni. Mai multe țări au identificat cazuri de COVID-19 la nurci, printre care Danemarca şi Statele Unite, a declarat Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS).
Persons: Reuters, Ivan Nesterov Organizations: Ministerului Apărării, Zvezda, Agriculturii, OMS Locations: Rusia, nurci, Danemarca, Statele Unite
Total: 16