She was sturdy, close to my height, and in the crux of her arms was my newborn daughter, Dylan.
The nurse fixed her gaze on me without so much as a glance at my wife Reggie, the doctor or my daughter, who admittedly was not a viable suspect.
We stood there for a tense moment — Reggie and the doctor looking confused, the nurse looking murderous and me looking innocent to the point of looking guilty, before the nurse unswaddled the blanket covering Dylan’s legs.
Then that formidable nurse, someone I had never seen before, announced she was taking Dylan away to clean her up.
“On the other hand,” I rebounded with conviction, “just try scrubbing that D off of her foot.”Manning's wife, Reggie, holds their baby daughter, Dylan.
Ed Manning, Dylan, “, Reggie, ” Manning naps, ”, Ed Manning “, Dylan Manning, Reggie sighed, I’m, Love