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On Tuesday afternoon, the governor’s office issued a news release announcing that the wildfires were creating hazy conditions in New York City and elsewhere, urging residents to limit exposure and saying state experts were monitoring the situation. On Wednesday morning, as many New Yorkers woke up to a thick blanket of haze, the governor spoke to reporters in Albany about the situation, saying it was “an emergency crisis” and warning it could last several days. Asked about the wisdom of declaring a state of emergency, Ms. Hochul said that it was unnecessary. “A state of emergency is a mechanism you use when there’s something you can do about it,” she said. “We don’t have a lot we can do about the circumstances for contaminated toxic air coming into our airspace, so there’s not a need for deploying resources or bringing money to the table.”
Persons: , Jay Varma, Bill de Blasio, Hochul, there’s Organizations: Cornell Center for Pandemic Prevention, Mexico City, state’s Department of Environmental Conservation Locations: Beijing, Mexico, New York City, Albany
In early May, the mayor twice claimed that New York City schoolchildren “start their day going to the corner bodega buying cannabis and fentanyl,” despite there being little evidence of the trend. The mayor recently told reporters that nearly half of New York City’s hotel rooms were occupied by migrants, suggesting that the influx of asylum seekers was hurting the tourism industry and taking rooms away from vacationers. City Hall officials later walked back Mr. Adams’s claim, explaining that the mayor had meant to say that migrants had taken up 40 percent of the occupancy in the city’s midsize hotels. Hotel industry leaders said that migrants had not hurt tourism and that more than 20,000 rooms remained unoccupied. “At a time when the city is facing real crises, how can New Yorkers tell if the mayor is telling the truth when he keeps misleading them?” said Monica Klein, a Democratic political strategist and a deputy press secretary for former Mayor Bill de Blasio.
Persons: , Adams’s, Adams, , Monica Klein, Bill de Blasio Organizations: New, bodega, City, Independent, Democratic Locations: New York City, New York
When a homeless man was choked to death on the New York City subway earlier this month by another passenger, Mayor Eric Adams had an uncharacteristically guarded response. For more than a week, he did not denounce the killing, as many of his Democratic colleagues immediately had, or express much sympathy for the victim, Jordan Neely. Instead, the mayor chose a more detached view, noting that there were “serious mental issues in play here.”“I was a former transit police officer, and I responded to many jobs where you had a passenger assisting someone,” he said on CNN. “And so we cannot just blatantly say what a passenger should or should not do in a situation like that.”The mayor’s response was the most recent example of him tacking away from the city’s left, creating a wedge with some of his Democratic colleagues. Mr. Adams has been pushing more moderate, sometimes even conservative, views on issues like rent, religion and his signature theme, improving public safety — a sharp turn from his Democratic predecessor, Bill de Blasio, and from progressive leaders who have recently won mayoral elections in cities like Chicago and Los Angeles.
Possible rationales include Murdoch's contempt for Carlson's religiosity and Carlson's insistence on hewing to conspiracy theories about the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Internal correspondence unearthed in a defamation lawsuit against Fox News showed Carlson used sexist expletives to refer to a female Fox executive and a guest. The company last week agreed to pay $787.5 million to settle a defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems. Carlson was one of many Fox News hosts who promoted false election conspiracies, the subject of the defamation suit, on their shows. Fox News is still facing a similar defamation suit from another voting machine manufacturer.
CNN —Harry Belafonte, the dashing singer, actor and activist who became an indispensable supporter of the civil rights movement, has died, his publicist Ken Sunshine told CNN. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Belafonte, left, plays a school principal in a scene from the film "See How They Run" in 1952. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Belafonte poses with the Emmy Award he won in 1960 for the musical special "Tonight With Belafonte." Fred Sabine/NBCU/Getty Images Belafonte and other recipients of Albert Einstein Commemorative Awards display their medallions after being honored in 1972. He is survived by his wife Pamela, his children Adrienne Belafonte Biesemeyer, Shari Belafonte, Gina Belafonte, David Belafonte, two stepchildren Sarah Frank and Lindsey Frank and eight grandchildren.
The NYPD's robotic dogs are "out of the pound" again, mayor Eric Adams announced earlier this week. Adams announced during a press conference earlier this week that the city spent $750,000 on two robotic canines the NYPD calls "Digidogs. " He said the dogs can "save lives" in situations where "you can't have police officers going inside because it's dangerous." The announcement comes just two years after the NYPD halted an experiment with the robotic dogs. In addition to the robot dogs, the NYPD will begin testing the StarChase pilot, a device that shoots a GPS-tracker to a stolen car, and the K5 ASR, an outdoor security robot, Adams said during the press conference.
Where New York’s Asian Neighborhoods Shifted to the Right
  + stars: | 2023-03-05 | by ( Jason Kao | )   time to read: +15 min
In last year’s governor’s election, voters in Asian neighborhoods across New York City sharply increased their support for Republicans. And predominantly Asian areas — precincts with a majority of eligible Asian voters — have undergone a pivotal shift. Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area Note: The precinct in Kensington is mostly Indian and Bangladeshi. Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area Flushing, 2022 Murray Hill Bayside Flushing Northern Blvd. Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area Detail area state senate race Bensonhurst Sunset Park McDonald Ave. 65th St. New Utrecht Ave. 8th Ave.
CNN missed the New Year's Eve countdown in Central time zone. Instead it rang in 2023 with footage of crowds dancing to Juvenile's 'Back That Azz Up'CNN barred on-air talent from drinking this year, following concerns over past NYE coverage. But it was not to be, as the network completely missed the countdown in the Central time zone, instead ringing in 2023 with on-screen footage of host Don Lemon and revelers in New Orleans dancing to Juvenile's "Back That Azz Up." Split screen footage, meanwhile, showed muted images of fireworks and celebrations in Nashville, where revelers and organizers had not missed the moment. Either way, the footage will likely join the long list of past epic New Year's Eve broadcast fails.
Cel puţin unul dintre ei a scos o armă şi a tras. Fluxul de arme ilegale care ajunge în New York trebuie să se oprească", a adăugat el. Times Square, unul din principalele puncte turistice din New York înainte de pandemie, s-a schimbat de când teatrele au fost forţate să închidă în martie 2020. Schimburile de focuri s-au înmulţit brusc în New York din vara anului 2020 şi după mişcarea împotriva inegalităţilor rasiale. Conform celor mai recente statistici oficiale, New York a înregistrat 149 de schimburi de focuri în aprilie, faţă de 56 în aprilie 2020.
Persons: prinşi, Împuşcăturile, calls, anonymous, Bill de Blasio Organizations: Times Square, 44th Street, West 44th Street, Times Square Alliance, asociaţie Locations: New York, 7th, 44th, Rhode Island, Manhattan, Dermot, West 44th, denunţat, Brooklyn, Times
„Camera pentru îmbrățișări” dispune de fante astfel încât vizitatorii să își poată introduce mâinile ca să îi îmbrățișeze pe cei dragi. Singurul contact pe care l-au avut a fost printr-o uşă de sticlă şi astfel nu a existat contact fizic", a explicat Sordillo”, a declarat Saveria Sordillo, anagajată a căminului. „A fost emoţionant, un moment de bucurie intensă”, a mărturisit el cu lacrimi în ochi. „Să-i simt mâinile calde în ale mele a fost magnific”, a declarat ea foarte mişcată. „A fost foarte frumos, e bine să poţi să-i strângi mâna.
Persons: Moreno, Assunta, Alfano, Carmine, Blasio Organizations: Moreno Magliaro Locations: Avellino, Napoli, Montefalcione
Şcolile publice din New York vor începe să se redeschidă, iar elevii vor fi testaţi săptămânal. Procesul va începe cu şcolile primare pentru elevii ai căror părinţi sunt de acord cu un regim de testare săptămânal pentru noul coronavirus, a anunţat primarul Bill de Blasio. „Este o abordare nouă, deoarece avem atât de multe dovezi acum despre cât de sigure pot fi şcolile”, a declarat de la Blasio reporterilor, spunând că valoarea de referinţă de 3% a fost anulată indicând cercetări care arată că elevii de vârstă mică mici par a fi mai puţin vulnerabili la COVID-19 . Duminică, media pe şapte zile a testelor pozitive a oraşului a fost de 3,9%, a spus de Blasio. Cancelarul şcolilor Richard Carranza, care s-a alăturat primarului la o conferinţă de presă, a declarat, că el crede că, cu noile măsuri, oraşul ar putea „păstra în siguranţă şi cu succes şcolile deschise pe durata acestei pandemii”.
Persons: Bill de Blasio, Reuters, şcolilor Richard Carranza Locations: New York, SUA
În imaginile difuzate la sfârşitul săptămânii de New York Post se pot vedea participanţii cântând şi dansând la această nuntă celebrată pe 8 noiembrie. "Nu cunoaştem numărul exact al oamenilor" prezenţi la nuntă, dar suntem siguri că a fost prea multă lume, a spus primarul în cadrul unui briefing de presă. "Se pare că a existat un efort foarte deliberat de a ascunde evenimentul, ceea ce face ca lucrurile să fie şi mai inacceptabile", a adăugat Bill de Blasio. "Este inacceptabil ca oamenii să organizeze un eveniment atât de mare când ştim că promovează transmiterea" virusului, a spus, la rândul său, şeful serviciilor de sănătate din New York.Duminică, guvernatorul statului New York, Andrew Cuomo, a cerut, de asemenea, anchetarea acestei nunţi organizate "în flagrantă desconsiderare" a legii.Cu toate acestea, autorităţile au părut că doresc să evite să acuze direct comunitatea evreilor ortodocşi din New York.Pandemia a alimentat tensiuni puternice între primăria democrată a New York-ului şi această comunitate acuzată că nu respectă regulile de distanţare şi în rândul căreia se numără mulţi susţinători ai lui Donald Trump.Tensiunile au atins un nivel ridicat în octombrie, când mai multe cartiere din Brooklyn în care trăiesc evrei ortodocşi au înregistrat o creştere accentuată a numărului de contaminări.Guvernatorul a impus restricţii, inclusiv limitarea la zece persoane a prezenţei în lăcaşurile de cult şi închiderea unor magazine ne-esenţiale, provocând uneori proteste violente şi acuzaţii de antisemitism din partea acestei comunităţi.De atunci, autorităţile au intensificat acţiunile de prevenţie în aceste cartiere, iar rata rezultatelor pozitive la teste - în creştere în tot oraşul - pare să fi revenit la media generală, scrie
Persons: Bill, Blasio, Andrew Cuomo, Donald Trump.Tensiunile Organizations: New, New York Post Locations: New York, New York.Duminică, ortodocşi, New York.Pandemia, Brooklyn
Şcolile publice din metropola New York, care s-au redeschis după multe ezitări la sfârşitul lunii septembrie, se vor închide de joi după ce rata de cazuri pozitive pentru COVID-19 a atins 3%, relatează AFP. "Am atins pragul de 3% de cazuri pozitive la teste: din păcate, acest lucru înseamnă că şcolile vor fi închise începând de joi, 19 noiembrie, ca măsură de precauţie", a scris miercuri pe Twitter primarul Bill de Blasio.Măsura era de aşteptat, deşi controversată: testele au arătat că rata de cazuri pozitive în şcoli era mult mai mică faţă de rata medie din oraş.
Persons: Bill, Blasio.Măsura Locations: New York
The rising cost of rent has prompted some states like New York, Oregon, and California to retool their rent laws. The high upfront cost of a security deposit can dissuade some renters from moving into a new location. Cincinnati recently passed a "Renter's Choice" law, which required landlords of a certain size to provide alternatives to security deposits. Rental properties typically charge both the first month's rent and a one-month's rent security deposit, which puts many apartments out of reach for a median American. A new slew of "renter's choice" laws have been hitting the desks of local, state, and national politicians, offering renters the choice between a traditional security deposit or security deposit insurance.
Persons: Bernie Sanders, Ankur Jain, Scott Stringer, Stringer, Bill de Blasio, Ben Carson, Mike Rudoy, Rudoy, Reichen Kuhl, he's, Kuhl Organizations: Democratic, Federal, Consumer Finances, Legislators, U.S . Department of Housing, Urban Locations: New York , Oregon, California, Cincinnati, of New York, New York, New York City, Virginia, New Hampshire, Reichen
This is “The Daily.” Last week, E. Jean Carroll came forward with the most serious allegation yet of sexual assault by the president. michael barbaroMegan, can you take us back to last Friday, when New York magazine published an article about E. Jean Carroll? e. jean carroll Because it’s Donald Trump, and I’ve got — it’s a thing. e. jean carroll I may have tried to hit him with my purse, I don’t know. e. jean carroll Went out through the building, got to Fifth Avenue, had my purse, because I picked up my phone.
Total: 15