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Bats carry killer viruses. Scientists suggest ways to cope.
  + stars: | 2023-05-19 | by ( )   time to read: +6 min
“I have to think on a landscape scale.”Research in Australia also is deepening scientists’ understanding of bats. Flying foxes travel long distances in search of food, dispensing seeds and pollinating trees along the way. As deforestation destroyed habitats and further disrupted the food supply, the bats have increasingly formed year-round roosts near people, they noticed. Native gums flowering around Gympie lured the flying foxes away from horse paddocks and more urban areas. In fact, the most dangerous areas for spillover aren’t rare, pristine habitats absent of humans, scientists say.
[1/5] A platypus is released by CEO of Taronga Zoo Cameron Kerr and Scientists back into Sydney's Royal National Park for the first time in over fifty years, in Sydney, Australia, May 12, 2023. ... Read moreSYDNEY, May 14 (Reuters) - The platypus, a species unique to Australia, was reintroduced into the country’s oldest national park just south of Sydney on Friday in a landmark conservation project after disappearing from the area more than half a century ago. Four females were released on Friday into the Royal National Park, which was established in 1879 and is the second oldest national park in the world. No confirmed platypus sightings have been reported in the park, located about 35 kilometres or one hour’s drive south of Sydney, since the 1970s. The platypuses, which live along Australia's east coast and in Tasmania, were collected from various locations across south-eastern New South Wales state and subjected to various tests before relocation.
CNN —Ocean surface heat is at record-breaking levels. Since La Niña ended in March, ocean temperatures seem to be on a rebound, scientists say. Worrying impacts of ocean warmingWhatever the reasons behind the increase in ocean heat, the impacts are potentially catastrophic if temperatures continue to head off the charts. For now, ocean surface temperatures have started to fall, even if they remain high for this time of year. As scientists continue to analyze the reasons for record ocean warming, they are clear records will continue to be smashed as the climate crisis intensifies.
REUTERS/Natalie Thomas/SINGAPORE, March 29 (Reuters) - Rapidly melting Antarctic ice is dramatically slowing down the flow of water through the world's oceans, and could have a disastrous impact on global climate, the marine food chain and even the stability of ice shelves, new research has found. The "overturning circulation" of the oceans, driven by the movement of denser water towards the sea floor, helps deliver heat, carbon, oxygen and vital nutrients around the globe. But deep ocean water flows from the Antarctic could decline by 40% by 2050, according to a study published on Wednesday in the journal Nature. Ocean overturning allows nutrients to rise up from the bottom, with the Southern Ocean supporting about three-quarters of global phytoplankton production, the base of the food chain, said a second study co-author, Steve Rintoul. Reporting by David Stanway; Additional reporting by Gloria Dickie in London; Editing by Alex RichardsonOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
[1/3] Students walk past stalls during the orientation week at The University of Sydney, in Camperdown, Australia February 15, 2023. 'BIG RUSH'The shortage has meanwhile jumpstarted one of the few subsets of Australian residential property, the student accommodation sector, that languished during COVID. Before 2020, Chinese students accounted for about 40% of the A$40 billion ($27 billion) Australia made educating foreigners annually. But China's reopening has raised the issue about the availability of beds in a "welcome sign" for investors, said Brad Williams, managing director of AMP Capital's diversified infrastructure trust, Australia's third-largest owner of purpose-built student accommodation. Tomas Johnsson, CEO of UniLodge Australia, the country's biggest operator of purpose-built student accommodation, said some developers were even paying more to speed up construction.
A green comet is whizzing past the earth for the first time since the ice age. The green comet, which last passed through the inner solar system about 50,000 years ago, will be at its brightest during this time. Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) taken at NAOJ Mitaka Campus on January 31, 2023. Another green comet, called ISON, passed Earth in 2013. As it approaches the sun, the heat turns the ice into gas creating an atmosphere around the comet called the coma.
Some teachers said they’ve also heard of students being required to film short videos that elaborate on their thought process. Public schools in New York City and Seattle, meanwhile, have already banned students and teachers from using ChatGPT on the district’s networks and devices. Reid, the professor at Coastal Carolina University, believes teachers should work with ChatGPT and teach best practices in the classroom. Reid said teachers could encourage students to plug an assignment question into the tool and have them compare that result to what they personally wrote. “Like with other new technologies, this could be a tool instructors use to help students express their ideas,” she said.
Thomas Huxley thought “the smallest fact is a window through which the Infinite may be seen.” His ideas moved from minute particulars to universal propositions. In 1869 he coined the word “agnostic’” to denote a method of thinking that required empirical data rather than biblical revelation to accept the existence of God. The Huxley tenets entailed wrestling with conscience, psychological stresses, spiritual anxiety, and anguish. Her focus is on two eminent scientific thinkers, Thomas (1825-1895) and his grandson Julian Huxley (1887-1975), but she does not provide a conventionally structured family biography following a neat chronological sequence. His descendants became investigators and thinkers who worked with high intensity to clarify some of the boldest, most contentious ideas of the 19th and 20th centuries.
A source who was present at the weapons discussions said they involved the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of National Defence. A second person familiar with the matter said talks on drones and helicopters began before the arms fair and have involved more weapons. The U.S. embassy in Hanoi declined to comment, but Ambassador Marc Knapper has said the U.S. stood ready to discuss any military item Vietnam might want to acquire. Sources and analysts said Vietnam is also considering deals with suppliers from Israel, India, and European and Northeast Asian countries. In the last decade, Israel has been the second-biggest seller of weapons to Vietnam after Russia.
A source who was present at the weapons discussions said they involved the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of National Defence. A second person familiar with the matter said talks on drones and helicopters began before the arms fair and have involved more weapons. The U.S. embassy in Hanoi declined to comment, but Ambassador Marc Knapper has said the U.S. stood ready to discuss any military item Vietnam might want to acquire. Sources and analysts said Vietnam is also considering deals with suppliers from Israel, India, and European and Northeast Asian countries. In the last decade, Israel has been the second-biggest seller of weapons to Vietnam after Russia.
A plant worker uses a crane to lift a cask of molten aluminum a Century Aluminum Company plant in Hawesville, Ky. in 2017. Of the five remaining facilities, only the Century Aluminum Sebree plant in Robards, which employs 625 workers, and a smaller Alcoa plant in Massena, New York, run at full capacity. Phillip McKenna/NBC NewsSteinsen, of Century Aluminum, said the company has no plans to shut down its Sebree facility in Robards. In 2015, when the U.S. aluminum production was in steep decline, the EPA ended its industry partnership. In 2019, 7,510 metric tons of PFCs were emitted from global aluminum production, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Geophysical Research — Atmospheres.
In written testimony submitted to the U.S. International Trade Commission in 2017, Century Aluminum executives said aluminum producers were being "decimated" by "unfair practices of Chinese aluminum producers." "The continued viability of the aluminum industry outside of China, and especially in the United States, is dependent upon a prompt and effective solution to China's overcapacity and overproduction." Steinsen, of Century Aluminum, said the company has no plans to shut down its Sebree facility in Robards. A spokesperson for the agency said, "EPA continues to track facility specific emissions from the aluminum industry through the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program." In 2019, 7,510 metric tons of PFCs were emitted from global aluminum production, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Geophysical Research — Atmospheres.
SEOUL, South Korea — The first warning came around four hours before the crush turned deadly in Seoul’s Itaewon neighborhood as revelers celebrated Halloween. Emergency workers aid victims of the crush in the Itaewon district of Seoul on Sunday. Two women console each other near a memorial outside a subway station in Seoul, two days after the deadly Halloween surge. Yoon said police have launched an internal probe into the officers’ handling of the emergency calls and other issues, including the on-the-spot response to the crowd surge in Itaewon that night. Noting that screams were heard over the phone, the transcript of the call says: “We are going to be crushed to death here.
[1/2] A woman uses her mobile phone as she walks past in front of an Optus shop in Sydney, Australia, February 8, 2018. This week 37 countries, including Australia, will meet at the White House with the goal of tackling ransomware and other cyber crime. Australian cybersecurity insurance premiums rose by an average of 56% year-on-year in the second quarter, said insurer Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc (MMC.N). The average Australian cybersecurity base salary is A$105,000, according to jobs website Glassdoor. Neil Curtis, an Australian cybersecurity executive of U.S. technology contractor DXC Technology Co (DXC.N), who runs a programme retraining military veterans in cybersecurity, said he had requests for about 300 trained personnel in the next six months.
SYDNEY, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Australia-based environmental artist Marina DeBris aims to portray the power of one person in the planet's fight against marine pollution with her latest sculpture showcased at a Sydney beach exhibition. "Just a drop in the ocean, Said 7.8 billion people" is on display at Sculpture by the Sea, which opened on Friday. DeBris, who begins her day by picking up rubbish washed ashore on beaches, has been transforming the trash into sculptures and wearable art since 2009. Her art has been called "trashion", which she says has raised awareness about single-use plastics and pollution in the oceans. A study by the University of New South Wales last year found 84% of rubbish found on Australian beaches was plastic and about 40% of marine debris was caused by littering.
SYDNEY, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Australia's biggest health insurer said on Thursday a criminal had apparently stolen customers' medical information as part of a massive breach of data, fuelling concern about a wave of high-profile cyber attacks. The company did not say how many of its 4 million customers were likely to have been affected but warned the number was likely to rise. 2 telco Optus, owned by Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (STEL.SI), revealed a month ago that data of up to 10 million customers may have been stolen. read moreUntil now, most public commentary has focused on the risk that hackers would use stolen data to access bank accounts. Larger Optus rival Telstra Corp Ltd (TLS.AX) has disclosed a small breach of employee data, while No.
A home is inundated by floodwaters, following heavy rains and severe flooding in the McGraths Hill suburb of Sydney, Australia, July 6, 2022. Another contributor is the Indian Ocean Dipole - a climate phenomenon that affects rainfall patterns near the Indian Ocean, including Australia. For the coming months, Santoso predicted conditions would ease as the effect of La Nina and Indian Ocean Dipole dissipate, especially over summer. Even so, the country's weather forecaster expects that with another La Nina underway, eastern Australia should experience above-average rainfall in spring and early summer. With rivers high and dams full across much of eastern Australia, any rainfall now has the potential to cause widespread flooding, the forecaster said this month.
Pământul găzduiește circa 50 de miliarde de păsări care fac parte din 9 700 de specii cunoscute, estimează un studiu australianTerra găzduieşte circa 50 de miliarde de păsări, aproape de şase ori mai mult decât numărul oamenilor, potrivit unei estimări realizate de oameni de ştiinţă australieni şi publicată în revista Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences. Cercetătorii au asociat sondaje ştiinţifice ale unor specii individuale care trăiesc în anumite zone de distribuţie cu cele aproape un miliard de înregistrări din baza de date ornitologică online eBird. Cercetătorii au ajuns la concluzia că există relativ puţine specii comune şi multe specii rare. Printre cele mai răspândire 10 specii de păsări din lume se numără vrabia de casă (1,6 miliarde), graurul (1,3 miliarde), pescăruşul cu inel (1,2 miliarde) şi rândunica (1,1 miliarde). „Există un număr considerabil de exemplare de păsări în lume (50 de miliarde), dar a înţelege pe deplin de ce şi cum fiecare populaţie a ajuns la mărimea actuală va fi primordial pentru studiul viitor al evoluţiei, ecologiei şi conservării”, au menţionat cercetătorii.
Persons: William Cornwell Organizations: Academy, Sciences, University Locations: New South Wales, Sydney, Noua Zeelandă, Madagascar
În SUA, uraganele şi incendiile de vegetaţie au cauzat pierderi de aproximativ 60 de miliarde de dolari. Un sezon musonic neobişnuit de ploios a fost asociat unora dintre cele mai devastatoare furtuni în Asia, unde au fost înregistrate unele dintre cele mai mari pierderi. Bilanţul deceselor a fost însă mai mic decât cel din India. Acesta a fost unul dintre cele mai puternice cicloane înregistrate vreodată în Golful Bengal în timpul sezonului pre-musonic. „La fel ca 2019, 2020 a fost plin de extreme dezastruoase”, a spus dr. Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick de la Climate Change Research Centre al University of New South Wales din Australia.
Persons: Ciclonul Amphan, Ciara, Christian Aid, . Sarah Perkins, Ea Organizations: ONU, University Locations: Asia, China, India, SUA, inundaţiile, Bengal, Golful Bengal, Africa, Orientul Mijlociu, Africii, Irlanda, Sudan, New South Wales, Australia
Superioritatea procesului de fuziune nucleară, acelaşi proces care se desfăşoară în mod natural în interiorul Soarelui, este dată de faptul că el oferă un potenţial energetic enorm şi nu poluează radioactiv. Potenţialul energetic al acestei reacţii de fisiune nucleară a fost folosit pentru a distruge oraşele japoneze Hiroshima şi Nagasaki şi a pune capăt astfel celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial, pentru a păstra echilibrul puterilor în timpul Războiului Rece şi pentru a obţine electricitate în centralele nucleare. Reacţia inversă fisiunii, cea de de fuziune nucleară, este însă şi mai puternică. Deocamdată însă nu există niciun reactor de fuziune nucleară rentabil din punct de vedere economic. În plus, sfericitatea acestui reactor va permite plasmei superfierbinţi să-şi menţină forma cilindrică la interior, o formă mult mai eficientă, ce devine o ţintă ideală pentru sistemele laser cilindrice folosite.
Persons: Heinrich Hora, Hora Organizations: University, Hora Locations: New South Wales, Australia, Cernobîl, Fukushima, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Total: 20