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The words some doctors use are often misunderstood by patients and their families, leaving them feeling confused and vulnerable, according to researchers. "You could be the smartest doctor in the world, yet you're useless if your patients don't understand what you are saying," Pitt said. An 'impressive' chest X-rayTake the word "impressive." But when doctors say a patient's chest X-ray is "impressive," they really mean, "This worries me." "If somebody is using medical jargon, a phrase that you don't understand, feel free to say, 'Excuse me, I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Almost all children catch RSV at some point before they turn 2, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Here’s how to assess when to keep your child home from school and when to visit the pediatrician, according to experts. Ideally, public health professionals would like it if no child showing symptoms were sent to school or day care, where they could potentially spread infections Schaffner said. Again, here is where schools may have different policies and it becomes important to check with written information, a school administrator or school nurse, Wen said. “Parents should know that treating RSV and other respiratory infections is the bread and butter of pediatricians and emergency physicians,” Wen said.
Most of the worst of respiratory illnesses remain concentrated in Southern states like Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. There are signs that flu is ramping up in other areas such as Colorado, New Mexico and Texas, according to the CDC. Such widespread flu activity this early in the typical flu season hasn't been recorded in the U.S. in more than a decade. "We don't have any," a pharmacist in Charlotte, North Carolina, told NBC News, adding that the drug is on backorder, at least at her pharmacy. North Carolina's flu activity remains "very high" according to the latest CDC report.
And health care systems nationwide continue to feel the strain of a respiratory virus season that has hit earlier and harder than usual. There have been about 8 flu hospitalizations for every 100,000 people this season – rates typically seen in December or January. While the Covid-19 emergency declaration remains in place, the federal government has not made a formal emergency declaration around children’s health care. HHS and the CDC are in regular contact with health care leaders and providers, actively monitoring situational needs and ready to provide assistance on a case-by-case basis, an HHS spokesperson told CNN. They also urge all those eligible to get their flu and Covid-19 vaccines, along with other routine vaccinations.
CNN —About half of the US – 22 states, along with Washington, DC, New York City and Puerto Rico – is reporting high or very high respiratory illness activity, as flu season sweeps through the country weeks earlier than usual. “Among the people who study flu, there’s a little saying: ‘If you’ve seen one flu season, well, you’ve seen one flu season,’ ” said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. Although the numbers are especially high for this time of year, experts say the trends are otherwise following an expected pattern, and the early arrival of flu season doesn’t necessarily mean it will last longer or be more severe. It’s not like we’re seeing a lot of hospitalizations without a lot of illness.”Flu activity has been highest in the South, CDC data shows. And millions fewer flu vaccines have been distributed this season than at this point in previous years.
CNN —With Thanksgiving just two weeks away, people who are eligible for an updated Covid-19 vaccine booster but still haven’t received the shot will need to roll up their sleeves Thursday to get as much protection as possible before the holiday. After getting the updated Covid-19 vaccine, that biological process can take about 10 to 14 days. Health officials say it’s fine to get the updated Covid-19 booster and flu vaccine at the same time. The vaccine candidate contains components of the companies’ updated Covid-19 booster and their investigational flu vaccine. Moderna is also developing a combined flu and Covid-19 mRNA vaccine and another combination vaccine targeting flu, Covid-19 and RSV.
An experimental RSV vaccine for pregnant women from Pfizer is effective at protecting newborns against severe illness for at least six months, the company said in a press release Tuesday. The vaccine was also about 70% effective against severe infections through the first six months of life. Pfizer said in a statement that it is currently not conducting an RSV vaccine trial in infants. Pfizer's RSV vaccine could be "a major step forward so that we can attack this last really bad communicable disease of the neonatal period," Schaffner said. Aside from pregnant women, Pfizer is testing its vaccine in older adults, who are also at risk for severe RSV infections.
CNN —Flu season has ramped up early in the United States, and flu hospitalizations are worse than usual for this time of year, according to data published Friday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s been more than a decade – since the H1N1 swine flu pandemic – since flu hospitalization rates have been this high at this point in the season. “We’re in a bit of a race with the virus,” he said, with the flu season starting at least a month earlier than usual. “The flu season will be with us for at least a few more months. And the flu season is ramping up amid the surge of RSV that is filling pediatric hospitals and an ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
That there is no RSV vaccine for kids is not for lack of interest, experts say. But a trial gone wrong many years ago and a tricky target protein have made developing an RSV vaccine difficult. Researchers’ attempts to develop an RSV vaccine go back decades, according to Dr. Ofer Levy, the director of the Precision Vaccines Program at Boston Children's Hospital. In August, Pfizer announced that its experimental RSV vaccine was nearly 86% effective in preventing severe illness in adults ages 60 and older. GSK, however, said it abandoned its efforts last year to develop a pediatric RSV vaccine, because trials suggested it wasn't effective.
Chickenpox vaccines have virtually wiped out severe complications and deaths in American children from the highly contagious virus, a new report finds. Chickenpox —which is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, a type of herpes virus — was considered just a normal part of growing up until the vaccine became available in 1995. The chickenpox vaccine implementation is “a tremendous achievement,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Mona Marin, a medical epidemiologist at the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease. An estimated 90.3% of children have been vaccinated against chickenpox by age 2, according to the CDC. The CDC recommends two doses of chickenpox vaccine for children, teens and adults who have never had the disease.
CNN —A surge in respiratory illnesses among children is beginning to put a strain on hospitals. In addition, hospitals are seeing a rise in cases of respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, a common cold virus that can be associated with severe disease in young children and older adults. Connecticut Children’s Hospital in Hartford is over capacity due to children admitted for RSV, WTNH reports. We’ve never seen this before, and it’s creating challenges,” Dr. Juan Salazar, executive vice president and physician-in-chief at Connecticut Children’s Hospital told WVIT. The rise in cases is also coming earlier in the year than doctors would usually expect.
There has been evidence that the omicron variant tends not to burrow deeply into the lungs as much as previous variants. How quickly do omicron symptoms appear? What is the duration of omicron symptoms? Although much about the omicron variant remains unknown, some experts say it could lead to long Covid, even with mild cases. The BA.5 omicron subvariant accounted for nearly 80% of new Covid cases as of Oct. 8, according to the CDC.
Oamenii nevaccinați nu riscă doar sănătatea lor, ci și pe a celor din jur. "Oamenii nevaccinați sunt fabrici de variante posibile. Dar trebuie să se înmulțească pentru a o face. Variante ale Covid-19 au apărut peste tot în lume - varianta B.1.1.7 sau Alpha a fost văzută pentru prima dată în Anglia. Și SUA au înregistrat mai multe variante proprii.
Persons: CNN dr, William Schaffner, CNN Andrew Pekosz, Johns Hopkins, . Organizations: CNN, Universității Vanderbilt, Alpha, Beta, Organizația Mondială a Sănătății Locations: Anglia, Africa de Sud, India, SUA
Sursa foto: ProfimediaOamenii nevaccinați sunt „fabrici" pentru noi variante ale Covid-19, spun specialiștii în boli infecțioaseOamenii nevaccinați nu riscă doar sănătatea lor, ci și pe a celor din jur. Devin un risc și mai mare dacă sunt infectați cu coronavirus, deoarece singura sursă de noi variante de coronavirus este corpul unei persoane infectate, spun specialiștii în boli infecțioase. "Oamenii nevaccinați sunt fabrici de variante posibile. Dar trebuie să se înmulțească pentru a o face. Variante ale Covid-19 au apărut peste tot în lume - varianta B.1.1.7 sau Alpha a fost văzută pentru prima dată în Anglia.
Persons: CNN dr, William Schaffner, CNN Andrew Pekosz, Johns Hopkins, . Organizations: CNN, Universității Vanderbilt, Alpha, Beta, Organizația Mondială a Sănătății Locations: Anglia, Africa de Sud, India, SUA
Ai fost infectat recent cu coronavirus, însă nu știi când poți să te vaccinezi. Specialiștii recomandă să te tratezi de infecție ca să nu mai fii contagios, iar ulterior poți să-ți pui prima doză. Mai mult, s-a descoperit că persoanele care au fost infectate până la vaccinare dezvoltă un răspuns mai puternic al sistemului imunitar după cele doze, în comparație cu persoanele care nu au fost infectate niciodată. Persoanele cu simptome severe sunt sfătuite să aștepte cel puțin 20 de zile înainte de vaccinare. Dacă ai fost expus la COVID-19, trebuie să stai în carantină timp de 14 zile și să monitorizezi simptomele.
Persons: William Schaffner Organizations: Organizația Mondială a Sănătății, Universității Vanderbilt, ABC News Locations: SUA, New England
Не все покупки заражены, да и простое прикосновение к ним не приводит к тому, что человек сразу же заболевает COVID-19, передает Стоит помнить, что пока нет надёжных научных сведений, указывающих на то, что вирус передаётся через еду. При онлайн-покупке продуктов люди также не могут быть полностью уверенными в том, что те, кто отвечает за расстановку товаров на полках магазинов, кто собирает продукты в пакеты для доставки, и курьеры полностью здоровы. Это когда продукты питания инфицируются бактериями, живущими на кожных покровах человека, инструментах, рабочих поверхностях. Поэтому и важно соблюдать правила гигиены и постоянно мыть руки и дезинфицировать поверхности.
Persons: Дональд Шаффнер Organizations: Ратгерский университет Locations: США
Una dintre cele mai importante recomandări ale autorităţilor priveşte spălatul pe mâini cu apă şi săpun pentru cel puţin 20 de secunde. Dr. Williams mai explică faptul că anual patru coronavirusuri sunt transmise între oameni, dar fără a provoca victime. Cum reuşte spălatul pe mâni să ofere o protecţie aşa extinsă? Studiile au arătat faptul că eficienţa acestui gest comun este datorată caracteristicilor săpunului dar şi a alcoolului, altă substanţă care afectează patogenii şi structurii coronavirusului. Astfel, explică cercetătorul, săpunul dezintegrează lipidele coronavirusului, eliminând stratul exerior al acestuia şi dezactivând capacitatea acestuia de a intra în celulele umane.
Persons: Dr . John Williams, CNN, Dr . Williams, Williams, mâni, Medici, dr . Williams Williams, Dr . William Schaffner Organizations: Universităţii Vanderbilt Locations: Pittsburg, Statele, Statele Unite ale Americii
Total: 17