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18 mentions found

Venezuela opposition removes interim President Guaido
  + stars: | 2022-12-31 | by ( Mayela Armas | )   time to read: +2 min
Supporters say opposition control of foreign assets is not at risk and the dissolution is necessary for unity ahead of the elections. "There are already tools to protect the assets in the United States, the United Kingdom, Portugal," said Justice First lawmaker Juan Miguel Matheus. Both the article eliminating the interim government and the article creating the assets commission passed with 72 votes in favor, 29 against and 8 abstentions. Guaido, whose Voluntad Popular party did not back the effort, had urged lawmakers to replace him instead of dissolving the interim government. The United States will continue to support the opposition, the assembly and the interim government "regardless of what form it takes," a spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council said on Friday.
CARACAS, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Opposition lawmakers in Venezuela seeking the removal of Juan Guaido as the country's interim president said on Thursday that foreign assets will not pass to the government of President Nicolas Maduro if Guaido is removed from his post. Three of four major opposition groups - Justice First, Democratic Action and A New Era - are backing a bill to oust Guaido and create a five-member commission to manage foreign assets, especially U.S.-based refiner Citgo, a subsidiary of state-owned oil company PDVSA. The effort received initial approval from the assembly last week, despite warnings from Guaido that Maduro could take control of assets abroad, but must be voted on a second time. But Maduro has remained in control of nearly all Venezuela's institutions, including its security forces, and Guaido's interim government, which has control over some foreign assets and runs many embassies, has seen international support wane. The Supreme Court in the United Kingdom - where Maduro has sued for access to the gold - has ruled British courts are bound to accept their government does not recognize Maduro as Venezuela's president "for any purpose."
Venezuela opposition vote to remove Guaido's interim government
  + stars: | 2022-12-22 | by ( )   time to read: +3 min
Acting as congress chief and interim president following Nicolas Maduro's disputed re-election as president in May 2018, Guaido in 2019 appointed the board of Citgo, a subsidiary of state oil firm PDVSA. While mostly powerless at home where Maduro's government exercises control over nearly all institutions, including security forces, Guaido's interim government has supervised the foreign assets and runs many embassies. If approved next week, opposition lawmakers will then choose five representatives for the board of directors that will head assets held abroad, and Guaido's interim presidency, along with his government, will be removed. Guaido has been the face of Venezuela's opposition abroad since he declared himself interim president in 2019. Talks between the opposition and Maduro's government hosted by Mexico ended earlier this month with no further negotiations scheduled.
CARACAS, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Venezuelan opposition parties are seeking to remove Juan Guaido as head of Citgo, the country's most important asset abroad, and block his interim government from extending its mandate by another year, spokespeople from the country's main opposition parties said on Wednesday. But opposition political parties propose instead to replace Guaido with a commission of five parliament-appointed members to govern Citgo's assets, and block the one-year extension. Parties looking to replace Guaido have proposed delegating the functions of the interim government to the new commission. Three of Venezuela's largest opposition parties support the motion, Marquina said, while the fourth - which Guaido belongs to - supports the interim government. Guaido's failure to extend his leadership may spell trouble for the boards controlling those assets, whose legitimacy rests on the recognition of Guaido as Venezuela's interim leader.
David Rivera, a Republican who served from 2011 to 2013, was arrested at Atlanta’s airport, said Marlene Rodriguez, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami. To justify the large payments, PDV USA allegedly created “phony contracts” backdated to March 20, 2017 — the day before the consulting agreement took effect. Rivera’s consulting contract had all the hallmarks of a sham, according to PDV USA, which since 2019 has been run by directors appointed by the U.S.-backed opposition. Rivera never met in person with anyone from Citgo or PDV USA while supposedly working on its behalf. “The written record is bereft of any evidence that Interamerican performed any of the contracted services,” PDV USA argues in the new filings.
Venezuela's Maduro could miss Lula inauguration
  + stars: | 2022-12-02 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
BRASILIA, Dec 2 (Reuters) - Heads of state and governments will be attending President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's inauguration on Jan. 1, but one might have trouble entering Brazil - Venezuela's leftist president, Nicolas Maduro. Lula's transition team have not sent out invitations yet, but aides said that all countries with diplomatic ties to Brazil would be invited. An order signed in August 2019 under outgoing far-right President Jair Bolsonaro barred high-ranking Venezuelan government officials from visiting Brazil. She plans to leave Brazil before Lula becomes president. "She wasn't going to wait and give them the chance to tell her to leave," said a spokesperson for Belandria.
BOGOTA, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Colombia could be open to buying Venezuelan fertilizer maker Monomeros, Finance Minister Jose Antonio Ocampo said on Wednesday, at a time when higher fertilizer prices have contributed to inflationary pressure. Though Monomeros is based in the Colombian city of Barranquilla, it is owned by Pequiven, which is a unit of Venezuelan state-owned oil company PDVSA. The government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro regained control of Monomeros' board of directors in mid-September, following a couple of years when it was controlled by opposition leader Juan Guaido. The recent changes to Monomeros' management occurred at a time when relations between Colombia and Venezuela - particularly in economic and military cooperation - have strengthened, following the election of Colombian President Gustavo Petro. Reporting by Carlos Vargas and Nelson Bocanegra Writing by Oliver Griffin Editing by Mark PotterOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
The United States on Saturday granted Chevron a six-month license to operate in Venezuela, reinstating oil trading privileges it had, while preventing exchanges of cash and requiring the crude cargoes go to U.S. refiners. Executives at Venezuelan state firm PDVSA initially welcomed the authorization for a partial return to the United States, once the country's most important market. In addition, European oil companies Eni (ENI.MI) and Repsol won U.S. approvals to take Venezuelan crude for debt repayment. Chevron's Venezuelan oil cargoes face potential seizures by creditors that have arbitration claims and court judgments, said trading experts and lawyers. Washington placed tight reins on the oil imports to win support from a Congress skeptical of deals with Maduro.
Venezuela Opposition Leader Juan Guaidó Vows to Fight On
  + stars: | 2022-11-10 | by ( Kejal Vyas | )   time to read: 1 min
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó keeps in his office a countdown to 2024, when presidential elections are supposed to take place. CARACAS, Venezuela—Hunched over a tablet at his office in a rundown shopping center, the man the U.S. considers Venezuela’s legitimate president watched videos of the country’s authoritarian leader, Nicolás Maduro, as he shook hands with world leaders at the United Nations climate summit in Egypt. It was the latest sign of the isolated situation for Juan Guaidó as the head of Venezuela’s opposition, which despite widespread support at home and abroad has been unable to remove Mr. Maduro from office.
[1/2] Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro speaks at the meeting with Colombia's President Gustavo Petro (not pictured) at Miraflores Palace, in Caracas, Venezuela November 1, 2022. "We are working on resuming the dialogue process in November," said one of the people familiar with the arrangements. Maduro and Colombia President Gustavo Petro said in a joint statement on Tuesday they hoped for "a successful return" to the dialogues. This makes resumption of talks crucial for the opposition coalition, which has been diminished by exile, imprisonment of leaders, internal fractures and lack of funds. The talks were abandoned by Maduro's envoys a year ago after disagreements over the extradition of an ally of the Venezuelan president who faces money laundering charges.
But most opposition representatives visiting Washington this week told U.S. officials they would not continue backing him or anyone else as their leader for another year of interim government. Venezuelan opposition representatives who attended the meetings in Washington and a spokesperson for Citgo did not immediately provide a comment. The U.S. State Department said it recognized Guaido and coordinates with his administration "on the steps needed to move forward on a negotiated solution that leads to the restoration of democracy to Venezuela." Five of six opposition-party representatives told State Department officials on Tuesday they would not support Guaido or any other interim leader, the four sources said. read moreUnder U.S. President Donald Trump's administration, the United States recognized Guaido as rightful leader in January 2019, and dozens of other countries followed suit.
Juan Guaidó in Caracas last month. In 2019, the U.S. and dozens of other countries recognized him as Venezuela’s legitimate president. Venezuela’s biggest opposition parties are moving to remove Juan Guaidó as their leader and phase out a U.S.-led strategy in which he was recognized as the legitimate president in an effort to remove Nicolás Maduro from power, according to several people familiar with the discussions. Leaders of three of the largest parties that make up the opposition coalition said during meetings in Panama last week that they would no longer support Mr. Guaidó as the so-called interim president after his term expires on Jan. 5, these people said. While there was no formal vote on the measure, the main parties—A New Era, Democratic Action and Justice First—control a majority of Venezuela’s exiled congress, whose support is essential for Mr. Guaidó to continue in office.
Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterDelaware District court judge Stark last year approved the sale of shares in PDV Holding, whose only asset is Citgo shares, to pay Canadian miner Crystallex $970 million. Citgo is the crown jewel of Venezuela's overseas assets, and has split from its Caracas-based ultimate parent, Venezuelan state-run oil firm PDVSA. Judge Stark's process sets a nine-month calendar after the official launch date before he reviews a high bid. The number of shares sold would only be enough to cover the Crystallex judgment and any others the court attaches to the case. Koch Minerals and Koch Nitrogen last week applied to the Delaware District Court to link their $387 million judgment.
Venezuelan President Maduro may use Leonard as a bargaining chip for US recognition, AP reported. With his capture, experts are speculating whether disputed Venezuelan President Maduro will use the prisoner as a bargaining chip to win recognition from US President Joe Biden's administration, AP reported. He also overcharged the Navy by over $35 million for services, NBC reported,With his arrest, experts told AP Francis' conditional return may be used as leverage to prompt official recognition from the Biden administration. A law enforcement official in Venezuela told AP the extradition is seen as unlikely because the Biden administration recognizes opposition leader Juan Guaidó — not Maduro — as the country's legitimate ruler. Guaidó declared himself interim president of Venezuela in January 2019 amid nationwide protests against authoritarian president Nicolas Maduro.
Ministrul apărării Diego Molano a indicat pe Twitter că Santrich "ar fi murit" împreună cu "alţi delincvenţi" în timpul unor "ciocniri în Venezuela".El a precizat că "informaţia este în curs de verificare", dar a subliniat că, "dacă este confirmată, aceasta dovedeşte că narcocriminalii îşi găsesc refugiu în Venezuela".Potrivit revistei columbiene Semana, "surse venezuelene înalt plasate" au confirmat moartea lui Santrich în timpul luptelor "între grupuri ilegale".Înainte de a se refugia, Santrich a fost acuzat de Statele Unite de trafic de droguri. El a fost arestat în 2018 cu scopul de a fi extrădat, însă Curtea Supremă columbiană a dispus eliberarea sa în 2019. El a negat întotdeauna acuzaţiile vorbind despre un "o înscenare". Washingtonul a oferit până la 10 milioane de dolari pentru capturarea sa şi a lui Marquez.Un comunicat, semnat "A doua Marquetalia", dar a cărui veridicitate nu a fost încă stabilită, acuză Bogota, asigurând că Santrich a fost ucis într-o "ambuscadă executată de comandouri ale armatei columbiene la 17 mai" pe teritoriul venezuelean în Serrania de Perija ( la nord de Anzii Cordilieri). Relaţiile dintre cei doi vecini, opuşi ideologic, sunt foarte tensionate, notează Agerpres.
Persons: Diego Molano, Santrich, El, Nicolas Maduro, Juan Guaido Organizations: Supremă columbiană Locations: Venezuela, Statele Unite, Bogota, Anzii Cordilieri, Columbia, Venezuelei
Aceste alegeri vor fi primele după alegerile legislative din 2020 şi prezidenţialele din 2018 care au văzut realegerea preşedintelui Nicolas Maduro în 2018. "CNE s-a născut dintr-un mare dialog cu toate sectoarele opoziţiei, toate sectoarele, cu excepţia unuia! Sectorul extremist, pucist, care a facilitat loviturile, sancţiunile, atacurile. Dacă Guaido doreşte să integreze dialogurile în curs, bun venit! Dar să nu se considere şef, conducătorul suprem al unei ţări care nu-l recunoaşte", a spus preşedintele socialist.
Persons: Nicolas Maduro, Juan Guaido, Miercuri, Henrique, prezidenţiale.Nicolas Locations: Statele Unite, Norvegia, anunţul
Aceste violențe ar putea continua în 2021 și ar putea pune în pericol negocierile, reaprinzând cu totul conflictul, mai ales în condițiile în care trupele americane se retrag. În plus, nu este exclusă nici o revoltă socială, cu atât mai mult cu cât coronavirusul a scufundat și mai mult economia Venezuelei și a provocat o criză de alimente și de combustibil. În toamnă, au fost proteste în Columbia și chiar atacuri asupra venezuelenilor, care sunt învinovățiți pentru creșterea ratei infracțiunilor și a șomajului. În cele din urmă, China a dat un restart economiei și a profitat de pe urma paraliziei mondiale prin acțiuni de afirmare tot mai îndrăznețe. Vânzările de armament ale administrației Trump către Taiwan au ajuns la niveluri record, totalizând 18,3 miliarde de dolari în patru ani și incluzând avioane de luptă și torpile din clasa avansată.
Persons: Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Pentagonul, Biden, coreean Kim Jong, Kim Jong, Joe Biden, Trump, Biden ., ISIS, Assad, Qaida, Cameron Hudson, Nicolas Maduro, Hugo Chavez, Juan Guaido, Maduro, Va Organizations: ABC News, Washington Post, Trump, islamiști, ONU, Atlantic Council Locations: Caucaz, Africii, Himalaya, SUA, Rusia, China, India, Kashmir, Pakistanul, Coreea de Nord, Coreei de Nord, coreean, Statele Unite, Viena, Golfului Persic, Irak, Siria, Africa, Nigeria, Niger, Mozambic, Congo, Cabo, Sahara, Mali, Burkina Faso, Afganistan, Yemen, Yemenul, afgan, Qatar, Arabia Saudită, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Iran, Turcia, Europa, Bab, Cornului Africii, Etiopia, Tigray, Eritreea, Sudanul vecin, Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudanul de Sud, Venezuela, Americii Latine, Venezuelei, Columbia, Peru, Beijing, Hong Kong, Chinei de Sud, Nepal, Japonia, Australia, Taiwan, Chinei, Taiwanului
Aceste violențe ar putea continua în 2021 și ar putea pune în pericol negocierile, reaprinzând cu totul conflictul, mai ales în condițiile în care trupele americane se retrag. În plus, nu este exclusă nici o revoltă socială, cu atât mai mult cu cât coronavirusul a scufundat și mai mult economia Venezuelei și a provocat o criză de alimente și de combustibil. În toamnă, au fost proteste în Columbia și chiar atacuri asupra venezuelenilor, care sunt învinovățiți pentru creșterea ratei infracțiunilor și a șomajului. În cele din urmă, China a dat un restart economiei și a profitat de pe urma paraliziei mondiale prin acțiuni de afirmare tot mai îndrăznețe. Vânzările de armament ale administrației Trump către Taiwan au ajuns la niveluri record, totalizând 18,3 miliarde de dolari în patru ani și incluzând avioane de luptă și torpile din clasa avansată.
Persons: GettyImages, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Pentagonul, Biden, coreean Kim Jong, Kim Jong, Joe Biden, Trump, Biden ., ISIS, Assad, Qaida, Cameron Hudson, Nicolas Maduro, Hugo Chavez, Juan Guaido, Maduro, Va, Trump . GettyImages Organizations: Washington Post, Trump, islamiști, ONU, Atlantic Council Locations: SUA, Rusia, China, Himalaya, India, Kashmir, Pakistanul, Coreea de Nord, Coreei de Nord, coreean, Statele Unite, Viena, Golfului Persic, Irak, Siria, Africa, Nigeria, Niger, Mozambic, Congo, Cabo, Sahara, Mali, Burkina Faso, Afganistan, Yemen, Yemenul, afgan, Qatar, Arabia Saudită, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Iran, Turcia, Europa, Bab, Africii, Cornului Africii, Etiopia, Tigray, Eritreea, Sudanul vecin, Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudanul de Sud, Venezuela, Americii Latine, Venezuelei, Columbia, Peru, Beijing, Hong Kong, Chinei de Sud, Nepal, Japonia, Australia, Taiwan, Chinei, Taiwanului
Total: 18