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Now, many Israelis are getting the date tattooed on their bodies to commemorate the dead and missing, and bear witness to the collective tragedy. University student Gal Nishman got a tattoo on his back in black and blue ink combining a Star of David with the numerals 7/10. On the other, there is blue, the Star of David, Israel, (showing) that we're here to win." She also had a large lotus flower tattooed on her forearm, saying it represented Israeli residents of the south. "It grows with glory and flourishes even in murky water, especially in murky water," she said.
Persons: Roey Benezri, Levy, Gal Nishman, David, haven't, Sheli Eliel, Hadas, Crispian Balmer, Nuha Sharaf Organizations: REUTERS, Reuters, Hamas, University, Thomson Locations: Gaza, Eilat, Israel, EILAT, Magan Michael
Half of Israel's Hotel Rooms Filled With Gaza War Evacuees
  + stars: | 2023-10-16 | by ( Oct. | At A.M. | )   time to read: +1 min
By Steven ScheerJERUSALEM (Reuters) - Half of Israeli hotel rooms are being used to house families evacuated from communities near the Gaza Strip, where an Oct. 7 rampage by Hamas gunmen triggered a cross-border war, the head of the Israel Hotel Association said on Monday. Israel has 56,000 hotel rooms and 28,000 are being provided to evacuees with the state footing the bill, said association chief executive Yael Danieli. She told a parliamentary panel debating compensation for residents impacted by the war that an additional 27,000 from border towns near Lebanon were expected. The Israeli-Lebanon border has seen an increase in hostilities as the Gaza war rages. Yogev Gardos, Israel's budget director, said the country's initial response was to finance the military's needs and now it would turn to the economy as a whole.
Persons: Steven Scheer JERUSALEM, Yael Danieli, Danieli, Isrotel, Yogev, Steven Scheer, Kirsten Donovan Organizations: Israel Hotel Association Locations: Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Herzliya, Red, Eilat
People walk into Jerusalem's Old City via Jaffa Gate, as the conflict wreaks havoc across the tourism sector October 11, 2023. REUTERS/Sinan Abu Mayzer/File Photo Acquire Licensing RightsJERUSALEM, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Half of Israeli hotel rooms are being used to house families evacuated from communities near the Gaza Strip, where an Oct. 7 rampage by Hamas gunmen triggered a cross-border war, the head of the Israel Hotel Association said on Monday. Israel has 56,000 hotel rooms and 28,000 are being provided to evacuees with the state footing the bill, said association chief executive Yael Danieli. She told a parliamentary panel debating compensation for residents impacted by the war that an additional 27,000 from border towns near Lebanon were expected. The Israeli-Lebanon border has seen an increase in hostilities as the Gaza war rages.
Persons: Sinan Abu Mayzer, Yael Danieli, Danieli, Isrotel, Yogev, Steven Scheer, Kirsten Donovan Organizations: REUTERS, Rights, Israel Hotel Association, Thomson Locations: City, Jaffa, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Herzliya, Red, Eilat
Israel Takes Rare Step of Evacuating Entire Southern Town
  + stars: | 2023-10-15 | by ( )   time to read: 1 min
Israeli authorities have asked the 30,000 inhabitants of Sderot, an Israeli city near the Gaza Strip, to evacuate by Monday, according to the city’s Facebook page. The rare step taken comes as the Israeli army is gearing up for a land invasion in Gaza, following the Oct. 7 surprise attack by Hamas militants in nearby rural communities in Israel. The municipality told residents they could relocate in designated hotels in Eilat, a town by the Red Sea, as well as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Locations: Sderot, Israeli, Gaza, Israel, Eilat, Red, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv
Footage released by the IDF showed members of the navy's "Snapir" unit fighting off Hamas militants. The IDF said militants "were swimming toward the shoreline in an attempt to infiltrate Israel by sea." The Palestinian militant group Hamas' sea attack came as part of a wider wave of surprise attacks by land, sea, and air on October 7. The footage appears to show Israeli troops shooting and throwing grenades or depth charges from Defender-class boats at Hamas fighters. The insurgents on-board were thrown into the Mediterranean Sea and then attempted to swim toward the coast, the IDF said.
Persons: , paragliders, Gerald R, It's Organizations: Service, Israel Defense Forces, Palestinian, Hamas, YouTube, Israel's 916th Patrol Squadron, Navy, Unit, Twitter, YouTube Israel, Defense, British, Royal Marines, Ford, Israel, Hezbollah Locations: Israel, Israel's, Haifa, Ashdod, Eilat, Israeli, Iran, Lebanon, Gaza
STOCKHOLM/AMSTERDAM, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Airlines wrestled with the safety risk of evacuation operations in Israel on Thursday, with carriers including Dutch KLM cancelling flights while sister airline Air France mounted a special relief flight chartered by the French foreign ministry. Israel's parliamentary finance committee meanwhile approved a plan to provide a state guarantee of $6 billion to cover insurance against war risks to Israeli airlines. The framework will grant Israeli airlines cover against war risks, thereby ensuring the continuity of air operations. Foreign airlines have struggled to find a common approach and the head of European budget giant Ryanair (RYA.I) said it was up to governments to plot the way forward. PATCHY RESPONSEGermany's Lufthansa (LHAG.DE) said it was sticking to its plans for evacuation flights on Thursday and Friday, while continuing to ground commercial flights to Israel.
Persons: Ben Gurion, Ben Smith, Ed Bastian, Sasha Gainullin, Rafael Schvartzman, Obama, Anna Ringstrom, Bart H, Meijer, Tim Hepher, Joanna Plucinska, Julia Payne, Carolyn Cohn, Steven Scheer, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Doyinsola, Terje Solsvik, Deborah Kyvrikosaios, Diane Craft Organizations: Airlines, Dutch KLM, Air France, Palestinian, Israel's, Norwegian Air, Insurance, Reuters, Foreign, Ryanair, KLM, Boeing, Lufthansa, Dubai's Emirates, Delta Air Lines, International Air Transport Association, Regulators, U.S . Federal Aviation Administration, Thomson Locations: STOCKHOLM, AMSTERDAM, Israel, Palestinian, Tel Aviv's, Ben, Gaza, Tel Aviv, Eilat, Emirates, United States, Europe, U.S, Ben Gurion
Levy recalled harrowing moments holding a door closed against militants as his kids hid under a bed. The sirens and rocket attacks "aren't new," 45-year-old Levy told Insider in an interview on Tuesday. Homes across the village of Nirim were destroyed, and cars were burned to stop residents from being able to escape, Levy told Insider. AdvertisementAdvertisementWhen the attackers got to the shelter, they tried to open the door, Levy said. Levy said the militants banged on the shelter door and threw different objects at it before giving up and moving to the next house.
Persons: Shai Levy's, Levy, , Shai Levy, who's, Shai Levy Levy's, General Antonio Guterres, Guterres, Gerald R, Alisa Shodiyev Kaff Organizations: Service, IDF's Paratroopers Brigade, Hamas, Sunday, Israel, UN, Palestinian Health Ministry, Ford Carrier Strike Locations: Gaza, Israel's, Israel, Nirim, Eilat
The situation remains fluid and all information is subject to sudden change, but here’s what travelers need to know following the attacks. Among the locations Hamas has claimed it is targeting is Ben Gurion International Airport, Israel’s international hub, located just outside Tel Aviv. As for Israeli airlines, El Al, the country’s flag carrier, issued a statement on October 8 saying it would continue to operate as usual. Meanwhile, Delta Air Lines has issued guidance for passengers with flights booked to or from Tel Aviv between October 7-14. “The situation in Israel continues to be unpredictable,” said the US Embassy in Israel in a statement, which advised American citizens in Israel to contact the embassy in Jerusalem or the consulate in Tel Aviv.
Persons: Benjamin Netanyahu, CNN’s Nic Robertson, Ben Gurion’s, Ilan, Asaf Ramon, El Al, Ben Gurion, Élisabeth Borne, , Bruno Mars, CNN’s Nicole Goodkind, Sophie Jeong Organizations: CNN, Israeli, Hamas, Ben Gurion International Airport, Asaf Ramon International Airport, El Al Airlines, El Al, El, Arkia Airlines, International, German, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Group Airlines, BFM, Air France, Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific Airways, Korean Air, Korean, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, United, Air, Hainan Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, Royal Air Marcoc, Federal Aviation Administration, FAA, Reuters, of European Football Associations, Estonia, “ UEFA, Embassy, Front Command Locations: Israel, Tel Aviv, Red Sea, Eilat, El, Rome, Milan, Athens, Hong, Incheon, Air Canada, Hainan, Switzerland, Germany, , Tel Aviv’s, Gaza, Jerusalem, Lebanon
JERUSALEM, July 30 (Reuters) - Israel will build a 100 billion shekel ($27 billion) rail expansion that will connect its outlying areas to metropolitan Tel Aviv and, in the future, could provide overland links to Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday. The announcement followed a trip by top U.S. officials to Saudi Arabia last week to advance a possible forging of formal relations between the Muslim powerhouse and Israel. The government in 2010 approved a similar multi-billion shekel initiative for a nationwide network that did not gain traction. "I would like to add that in the future we will also be able to transport cargo by rail from Eilat to our Mediterranean, and will also be able to link Israel by train to Saudi Arabia and the Arabian peninsula," he said in televised remarks. Israel's finance minister said the idea was to have the high-speed, north-south rail link ready in the next 10 years.
Persons: Benjamin Netanyahu, Netanyahu, Dan Williams, James Mackenzie, David Evans Organizations: Tel, U.S, Israel, Thomson Locations: Israel, Tel Aviv, Saudi Arabia, Eilat
Israel to build fibre-optic link between Europe and Asia
  + stars: | 2023-06-18 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
JERUSALEM, June 18 (Reuters) - Israel will build a 254-kilometre (158 mile) fibre-optic cable between the Mediterranean and Red Sea, creating a continuous link between Europe and countries in the Gulf and Asia, the Finance Ministry said on Sunday. The project, said EAPC Chief Executive Itzik Levy, "will position Israel as a communication land bridge connecting the Gulf countries and Asia to Europe." It will be available to any telecom company licensed in Israel under a 25-year lease, the ministry said. EAPC, or the Europe Asia Pipeline Company, offers its pipeline as an alternative to the Suez Canal. The ministry said the fibre-optic deployment along the pipeline route will help monitor any changes in terrain and detect possible leaks.
Persons: Itzik Levy, Ari Rabinovitch, James Mackenzie, David Evans Organizations: Finance, Sunday . State, Israel, Europe Asia Pipeline Company, Thomson Locations: Israel, Red, Europe, Gulf, Asia, Ashkelon, Eilat, Suez
Black sea urchins. The epidemic only affects the black sea urchins, and was even killing them in the research lab's tanks, and Eilat's aquarium -- which all use freshly circulating seawater. Black sea urchins feed on the algae that grows on the reef. The first step, needed in the coming weeks, is to establish "broodstock populations" that will eventually help repopulate and reintroduce the black sea urchins into the region. But the surviving sea urchins that could be used to do so are themselves under threat.
Persons: Omri Bronstein, Bronstein, we've, Bornstein, they're, " Bronstein, Omri Omesi, Omesi, he's Organizations: CNN, Tel, Tel Aviv University, Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences, Israel Nature, Parks Authority Locations: Eilat, Israel, Aqaba, Tel Aviv, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Turkey, Caribbean, Syria, Lebanon
Amidst reports of a migrant rush toward the U.S-Mexico border in March 2023, social media users have circulated a photo of a barricade along Israel’s border with Egypt claiming that it shows a fortified fence that Mexico has built along its border with Guatemala. The photo, accompanied by a description that says, “This is the border fence Mexico has built on their border with Guatemala to keep out freeloaders. The original photograph is more than a decade old and was shot on Feb. 15, 2012, in western Israel, along a 150-mile-long border fence with Egypt. Reuters has reported on Mexico’s struggles to control migrants coming in through its southern border (here), (here), (here), (here). The 2012 photograph shows Israel’s border fence with Egypt and not a structure along Mexico’s border with Guatemala.
A Thai businesswoman and transgender advocate bought the Miss Universe Organization for $20 million, making her the first woman to own the global beauty pageant in its 71-year history, her company announced Wednesday. The Miss Universe Organization, which was co-owned by former President Donald Trump between 1996-2015, was bought by Endeavor’s IMG in 2015. Miss Universe, Harnaaz Sandhu of India, waves after being crowned Dec. 12, 2021, in Eilat, Israel. The Miss Universe pageant, which started in 1952, broadcasts in 165 countries. The pageant featured its first transgender contestant in 2018, when Miss Spain, Angela Ponce, competed for the crown.
Avioanele vor fi redirecţionate către aeroportul Ramon de lângă Eilat, în sudul Israelului, au precizat autorităţile aeroportuare.Această decizie nu afectează deocamdată zborurile care decolează de pe aeroport.Marţi seara, autorităţile israeliene au suspendat temporar traficul aerian dinspre şi spre aeroportul internaţional Ben Gurion din Tel Aviv, din cauza numeroaselor rachete trase dinspre Fâşia Gaza de către islamişti ai Hamas asupra metropolei israeliene.De luni seara, de la începutul escaladării militare între Hamas, mişcare islamistă armată aflată la putere în Fâşia Gaza, şi Israel, în jur de 1.600 de rachete au fost trase dintre enclava palestiniană spre teritoriul israelian, potrivit celui mai recent bilanţ al armatei.De partea israeliană, şapte persoane au fost ucise, printre care un copil de şase ani şi un soldat, în tiruri de rachete, inclusiv rachete antitanc, dinspre Fâşia Gaza.La rândul său, armata israeliană a lovit puternic Fâşia Gaza şi a continuat loviturile joi dimineaţa. Potrivit celui mai recent bilanţ al ministrului sănătăţii din Fâşia Gaza, confruntările din ultimele zile s-au soldat cu 67 de morţi, printre care 17 copii, şi 400 de răniţi.
Persons: internaţional Ben Gurion, mişcare Organizations: Hamas Locations: Eilat, Israelului, internaţional, Tel Aviv, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, israelian
(video) Ploaie de rachete între Israel și Fâșia Gaza. Militanții palestinienii au ripostat marți seara cu 130 de rachete trase asupra Tel Avivului, după ce turnul Hanadi din Fâșia Gaza a fost lovit în atacul israelian. Decesul ei ridică la trei numărul persoanelor care și-a pierdut viața, marţi, în Israel, în atacurile cu rachete din Fâşia Gaza. Situaţia din Cisiordania şi Ierusalimul de Est a fost tensionată de la începutul Ramadanului, luna sfântă de post şi rugăciune a musulmanilor. Numeroşi palestinieni au devenit furioşi după ce poliţia israeliană a restricţionat accesul în unele zone din Oraşul Vechi.
Persons: Hamas . Premierul, Ben Gurion Autorităţile, Aeroportul Internaţional Ben Gurion, Premierul, Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Netanyahu . Premierul, Benny Gantz, Ismail Haniyeh, violenţele Organizations: Hamas, Iron, Jerusalem, Aeroportul Internaţional, Dome, Armata israeliană, BBC, Israelul Locations: Israel, Fâșia Gaza, israeliană Tel Aviv, Gaza, israeliană, israeliene, Tel Avivului, Tel Aviv, Holon, Eilat, Israelului, israelian, Comandanţi, Ismail, Cisiordania, Ierusalimul, Est, Oraşul Vechi, Ierusalimului
Total: 15