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3 mentions found

Ce platforme locale sau de peste hotare să urmărești dacă vrei să-ți alegi cariera mai ușorTinerii sunt mereu în căutarea informațiilor cu privire la „cum să aleagă mai bine cariera” sau domeniul de studii după liceu/gimnaziu. De unde se informează tinerii despre viitoarea carierăCa să aflăm răspunsul la această întrebare, am intervievat mai mulți tineri cu privire la acest aspect. Se pare că o carieră în acest domeniu este destul de profitabilă și e în tendințe să studiezi economia în zilele noastre. Am completat odată un chestionar la dezvoltarea personală legat de carieră și rezultatele confirmă cele menționate mai sus: comunicarea e punctul meu forte. Și pentru că surse și oportunități sunt destule, nu ne rămâne decât să le urăm succes și încredere în propriile forțe tinerilor care vor opta pentru una dintre ele.
Persons: Mădălina Gheorghiță, Dumitru Stoica, Adelina Ciobanu, Iulia, Alina Organizations: Jurnalism, Google, App Store Locations: Moldova, Capitală, străinătate
According to “Bullying among adolescents from the Republic of Moldova” Study conducted in 2019 by UNICEF Moldova, 86,8% of the total number of students of 6th to 12th forms are affected by bullying. Expected Deliverables for Task 2:One training package for professionals in providing direct services to children and adolescents affected by bullying. Management arrangements: "The National Consultant will work under the supervision of the project manager of the Joint actions to end bullying in Moldova project. in the area of bullying prevention and providing direct services to children and adolescents affected by bullying;Knowledge of Moldovan context in field of child protection. Please refer to the position you are applying to in the subject section of the application e-mail.
Persons: ALEG, Disbursements Organizations: Terre des, Moldovan, Protection Systems, Migration, Justice, Terre des hommes Foundation, UNICEF Moldova, Terre, Terre des hommes, Tdh, Pedagogical Assistance Services, Friendly Health, hommes, Youth Friendly Health, National, International Locations: Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Terre, Terre des, Terre des hommes Moldova, hommes Moldova, Russian
According to “Bullying among adolescents from the Republic of Moldova” Study conducted in 2019 by UNICEF Moldova, 86,8% of the total number of students of 6th to 12th forms are affected by bullying. Expected Deliverables for Task 2:One training package for professionals in providing direct services to children and adolescents affected by bullying. Management arrangements:The International Consultant will work under the supervision of the project manager of the Joint actions to end bullying in Moldova project. Qualifications and Skills requiredQualifications:Relevant academic education;Strong understanding of bullying and all its forms, cultural practices and attitudes and behaviours that relate to it. Please refer to the position you are applying to in the subject section of the application e-mail.
Persons: ALEG, Disbursements Organizations: Terre des, Moldovan, Protection Systems, Migration, Justice, Terre des hommes Foundation, UNICEF Moldova, Terre, Terre des hommes, Tdh, Pedagogical Assistance Services, Friendly Health, hommes, Youth Friendly Health, National Locations: Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Terre, Terre des, Terre des hommes Moldova, hommes Moldova
Total: 3