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North Jutland, DenmarkSouthern Europe swells with crowds during summer, and it can also get hot to the point of extremely uncomfortable in July and August. Temperatures in Seville and other spots in southern Spain recently exceeded the 110˚ Fahrenheit mark (43.3 Celsius). MontenegroLeave Croatia’s jam-packed Dubrovnik to the hordes of “Game of Thrones” hangers-on and make for less-trampled spots in neighboring Montenegro instead. It’s just 40 minutes from the popular beaches of Taormina, which are flooded with “White Lotus” fans this summer. There are beaches all around the peninsula, but if you only hit two, Mylopotamos and Fakistra on the Aegean side are the can’t-miss spots.
Persons: , Tania Swasbrook, Swasbrook, it’s, Jack Ezon, he’s, , ” Ezon, you’ve, Mads Østergaard, Moritz, St, Du, Marianne Fabre, Lanvin, Vin de Bonté, ” Fabre, Arlindo Serrão, Serrão, ” Serrão, Dolev Azaria, Azaria, Portonovi, Spain Spain’s Costa, Spain Spain’s Costa de la Luz, Manni Coe of, TOMA, ” Coe, El Rompido, Italy Lipari, Diego Fiore, Dario Ferrante, Absolute, Ferrante, ” Ferrante, Andreas Heide, Barba, Alan Mandic, ” Mandic, Andria Mitsakos, Mitsakos Organizations: CNN, Allianz Partners, Vgari, CNN Travel, Croatia, Michelin, Tri, Villa, , SAS, France International, gravitate, Cannes, Lodging, Le, Adobe, Alentejo ‘, , New, UNESCO, Costa de la, Spain Spain’s Costa de la, del Sol, Albanian Locations: Europe, Tuscany, Slovenia, Croatia, Kotor, Montenegro, Italy, France, Pantelleria, Paros, Spain, Portugal, North Jutland, Denmark Southern Europe, Seville, Denmark, Cold Hawaii, , Jutland, Aalborg, Denmark’s, , Newark, United States, Moritz, Switzerland, St, Engadin, Badrutt’s, Swiss, Nice, Montpellier, l’Espiguette, L’Oyat Plage, Alentejo, Lisbon, Algarve, Comporta, Dubrovnik, “ Montenegro, New York City, Como, Costa de, Costa de la Luz, Spain Spain’s Costa de, Barcelona, del, Manni Coe of Andalusia, Tarifa, El, Cadiz, Huelva, Mazagón, Aeolian, Sicily, Amalfi, Caribbean, Salina, Filicudi, Mount Etna, It’s, Taormina, Senja, Norway, Svalbard, Lofoten, Northern Norway, Zadar, Split, Hvar, Silba, Pelion, Greece, Mykonos, Albania, Ksamil . Albania's, Balkan
They covered 1,100 kilometers (684 miles) with over 33,000 meters of elevation gain in 16 days, 16 hours and 56 minutes -- all under extreme weather conditions. The duo recently ran the entire border of Lesotho (pictured) in 16 days. Look through the gallery to see more of the world's most extreme foot races. Hide Caption 1 of 12 Photos: These are some of the most extreme foot races on Earth Everest: It's hard to imagine climbing Mount Everest -- let alone running it. Hide Caption 3 of 12 Photos: These are some of the most extreme foot races on Earth Iditarod Trail: Everest isn't the only cold-weather trail.
Ian Agrimis is the founder of photography and video company Capture Unlimited. He has to remain unnoticed and does activities like cliff jumping before clients do to get the shot. He was there for two years, he told Insider, before he and his entire team were laid off. He keeps a tight team on-site, he said, often pairing up with a photographer while he focuses on video. When someone does occasionally ask for a still or a shorter video, he added, it will only be posted on a private Instagram account.
Redeeming credit card rewards for a stay in the Maldives can save you thousands of dollars. I'll no longer use points for Maldives resorts after an all-inclusive stay that was a much better value. As COVID-19 was sweeping the globe, speculative bookings to faraway places like the Maldives plummeted amid the uncertainty in future travel restrictions. In order to generate revenue, many hotels in the Maldives started offering great deals on fully refundable all-inclusive package deals. Here's how seven days at The Standard Huravalhi Maldives permanently changed my booking approach to one of my favorite destinations.
Persons: , I'd, Marriott, Ethan Steinberg, we'd, It's, I'm, Shak, Ethan Steinberg Gudaguda, I've, they're, they'll, who's, Zinah, Ethan Steinberg We'd Organizations: Service, Marriott, Malé Locations: Maldives, Malé, Maldivian, KULA, Regis
In 2017, Nadhira Alharthy met the first Omani man to climb Everest. “I was not planning to go to Ama Dablam from the beginning. She says the technical know-how and full-body strength required to climb Ama Dablam surpassed Everest. “There is no way for mistakes on Ama Dablam because it’s like you are climbing a big wall. Courtesy Nadhira AlharthyAhead of her expedition to Ama Dablam, she earned messages of support from her Muslim fans on social media, where she has now amassed over 16,000 followers.
Осенью "Божественная комедия" - бессмертное произведение великого поэта и основоположника итальянского языка Данте Алигьери - выражаясь языком гения, спустя века наконец "сможет увидеть звезды". Мартене движет желание "воплотить сквозь существующие сегодня барьеры мятежный дух Данте Алигьери", поскольку в его не теряющем своей актуальности произведении отражена суть человеческой личности как в ее самых высоких, так и низменных проявлениях. В качестве эпиграфа для космической миссии ISS-Expedition 66 были выбраны финальные строфы "Божественной комедии". Лететь на МКС будет не сама книга, а ее текст, который нанесут лазером на лист, сделанный из титана и золота. Ожидается, что космонавты не только выпустят "Божественную комедию" в открытый космос на радость путешествующим по нему инопланетянам, но и отправят на Землю 700 уникальных пронумерованных и подписанных астронавтами копий.
Persons: Scripta Maneant, Данте Алигьери, Данте, Рафаэль Мартене, Алигьери, Джанни Гранди Organizations: ISS, Международная космическая станция, МКС Locations: Болонья, Земля
Список предпринимателей, выигравших государственные тендеры, возглавляет Игорь Галямов, контролируемые им компании подписали договоры на общую сумму 725 205 085 млн леев. А список предприятий – фирма Галямова Irinda Prim SRL с контрактами на общую сумму 369 154 451 леев. Согласно финансовому отчёту, доход от продаж в 2019 году составил 226,7 млн леев, в 2018 – 253 млн, в 2017 – 88 млн леев. Эта компания выиграла гостендеры на сумму 301 млн леев и находится в списке предприятий на втором месте. Оборот предприятия в 2019 году был 238,7 млн леев, в 2018 – 244,8 млн, в 2017 – 99 млн.
Persons: – Irinda Prim SRL, Irinda Prim, Prim, – Dromas,, Игорь Галямов, Галямов, Марин Сырбу, Петр Дачин Organizations: Институт европейской политики и реформ (), Программа развития ООН (ПРООН), ПРООН Locations: Servtrans, Молдова, Республика Молдова, Комрат, Чимишлии
Probele colectate de pe cel mai înalt munte din lume au o mulțime de microplastice prezente, iar cauza este deocamdată controversată. Cea mai mare concentrație a fost găsită în tabăra de bază - 79 de fibre microplastice pe litru de zăpadă - care este un nivel ce dăunează ecosistemelor. Cu toate acestea, acele calități creează, în mare parte, criza globală de mediu pe care o vedem astăzi. Acum există o recunoaștere globală a necesității de a lua măsuri și chiar Nepalul a impus reglementări privind expedițiile pe munte, pentru a încerca să limiteze problemele de mediu create de deșeuri. Acest studiu și cercetările noastre continue subliniază importanța creării unor materialelor care au calitățile materialelor plastice, dar fără moștenire durabilă și dăunătoare”.
Persons: Richard Thompson Organizations: National Geographic, Universitatea din Locations: Universitatea din Plymouth
Разумеется, не бесплатно: бизнесмен из США решил монетизировать идею и предлагает туристам подводные экспедиции на легендарный лайнер. Стоктон Раш признается, что не намерен превращать "Титаник" в туристическую достопримечательность, но рассчитывает на прибыль. Скульптура вместо селфиВ Соборе Святого Иакова в Испании обнаружили древнее "селфи". Как пишет РИА Новости, бюст одного из строителей, вытесанный в камне, обнаружила в святой обители историк искусств Дженнифер Александер, проводившая там исследования. Собор Святого Иакова в Сантьяго-де-Компостела начали строить в конце XI века, он считается шедевром романской архитектуры и внесен в список объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
Persons: Стоктон Раш, Титаник, Дженнифер Александер, Каменщик, Иаков Organizations: Sputnik, Sputnik Moldova, селфиВ Соборе Святой Иаков, РИА Новости, ЮНЕСКО, ЕвроПульс Locations: Irish, КИШИНЕВ, США, Ньюфаундленд, Испания, СантьягодеКомпостела, Копенгаген, Дания, Молдова
Climbers who ascend higher than 26,000 feet on Mount Everest enter the "death zone." In the death zone, climbers' brains and lungs are starved for oxygen, their risk of heart attack and stroke is increased, and their judgment quickly becomes impaired. In 2019, at least 11 people died on Everest, almost all of whom spent time in the death zone. These extra, unplanned hours in the death zone might have put the 11 people who perished at higher risk, though it's hard to determine the specific causes of each death. Temperatures in the death zone never rise above zero degrees Fahrenheit.
British food: 20 best dishes
  + stars: | 2019-03-22 | by ( Anna Pallai | )   time to read: +8 min
CNN —If British food has come in for a bit of mockery over the years, it isn’t because the recipes are wrong. Eating British food is not just eating. Like 95% of all British cuisine, it is comprised entirely of eggs, flour, milk and fat. By the age of 16, the average British child will have eaten this dish 4,160 times. Layer one pudding on top of another pudding on top of another and cover it all with whipped cream.
Persons: they’re, that’s, Suzanne Plunkett, CNN We’re, Prozac, Margaret Thatcher, carbs Suzanne Plunkett, Proust, haddock, CNN Can’t, Queen, England, it’s, , Union Jack, Cliff Richard, Johnson Organizations: CNN, Scottish, Wimbledon Locations: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Yorkshire, Eton, Britain, China, Japan, Union, Dover, Iceland, Europe, America, scone, India
Total: 11