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I was thoroughly charmed by the house, which blended old styling with new. While some rooms felt unsettling to walk through, I'd love to return one day as an Airbnb renter. Next time, though, I'll bring a large group of friends — just in case there are any spirits lurking around. Jakob Menendez
Phil Marchand grew up in the "Henry Derby House" in Salem and said the third floor feels eerie. Marchand turned the house into an Airbnb for $1,295 a night and said guests claim to see ghosts. The house I rent on Airbnb was built in 1838 in Salem, Massachusetts. A lot of guests who have stayed at the house say it's haunted. When I lived in the house, there was definitely an eerie feeling to itA hallway on the "haunted" third floor.
“Collectively, we represent the backbone of an American economy facing tremendous workforce challenges as a result of the pandemic. Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that DACA was illegal but allowed more than 600,000 current DACA recipients to keep their status while a lower court reviewed a new DACA rule the Biden administration put forward. He is predicted to rule against the new DACA rule ultimately, because he found its previous iteration illegal. “Tragically, the 5th Circuit and courts have made it clear that not only did they rule the current DACA rule is illegal, but the new DACA rule will be illegal, too,” said Todd Schulte, the president and executive director of FWD.US, a group that has advocated for DACA to continue. “Now, no one trusts Democrats of the Biden administration to actually enforce the law and crack down on illegal immigration.
Phil Marchand is the owner of the historic Henry Derby House in Salem, Massachusetts. In 2015, he turned the bed and breakfast he was running into an Airbnb that caters to large groups. The Henry Derby House was built in 1838 in Salem, Massachusetts. The room off of the kitchen that Phil and Jocelyn Marchand lived in while running the bed and breakfast. If we don't end up moving back into the house at some point, we'll probably keep it as an Airbnb.
WASHINGTON, Oct 16 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden will act "methodically" in deciding how to respond to Saudi Arabia over oil output cuts, but options include changes to U.S. security assistance, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday. Sullivan, speaking on CNN, said no changes to the U.S.-Saudi relationship were imminent as Biden re-evaluates it. Senator Bob Menendez, a Democrat who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called for a halt to most U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia after the OPEC+ move. Biden's options "include changes to our approach to security assistance to Saudi Arabia, but I'm not going to get ahead of the president. "The use of a nuclear weapon on the battlefield in Ukraine is the use of a nuclear weapon on the battlefield in Ukraine.
President Joe Biden warned Tuesday that Saudi Arabia would face "consequences" after OPEC+ last week announced the biggest cut in oil production since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Senior Democrats on Capitol Hill have condemned the decision by Saudi Arabia, the de facto leader of the oil-producing alliance, to reduce the global supply of petroleum. "There’s going to be some consequences for what they’ve done with Russia," Biden said of Saudi Arabia in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. Asked by Tapper whether it's time for the U.S. to rethink its relationship with Saudi Arabia, Biden said, "Yes." Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who chairs the Foreign Relations Committee, called on the Biden administration Monday to "immediately freeze" U.S. cooperation with Saudi Arabia.
Washington has since the 1940s provided billions of dollars in military and security aid to Saudi Arabia. A file photo of cannisters containing Patriot missiles to intercept missiles fired at Saudi Arabia or its neighboring countries. We must pull all US troops out of Saudi Arabia, stop selling them weapons & end its price-fixing oil cartel." "The White House has few good options despite Biden's warning of 'consequences' after the cut," he said, noting U.S. lawmakers' threats of anti-trust legislation and removal of U.S. military assets from Saudi Arabia. While both courses of action would send a clear message, this could backfire for both the U.S. and for crude prices.
The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is calling on the Biden administration to "immediately freeze" U.S. cooperation with Saudi Arabia after OPEC+ announced it would reduce daily oil production. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia chose the latter in a terrible decision driven by economic self-interest," Menendez said. “The United States must immediately freeze all aspects of our cooperation with Saudi Arabia, including any arms sales and security cooperation beyond what is absolutely necessary to defend U.S. personnel and interests,” he added. The alliance said it would cut oil production by 2 million barrels a day, which is likely to increase gas prices. 2 Democrat in the Senate, accused Saudi Arabia of “conspiring with Vladimir Putin to punish the U.S. with higher oil prices” last week.
WASHINGTON, Oct 11 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden is re-evaluating the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia after OPEC+ announced last week that it would cut oil production, White House national security spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday. "And certainly in light of the OPEC decision, I think that's where he is." Biden is willing to work with Congress on the future of Saudi relations, Kirby added. Biden was disappointed in the OPEC+ decision, Kirby said, and "he's willing to work with Congress to think through what that relationship ought to look like going forward." "And I think he's going to be willing to start to have those conversations right away.
"The United States must immediately freeze all aspects of our cooperation with Saudi Arabia, including any arms sales and security cooperation beyond what is absolutely necessary to defend U.S. personnel and interests," Senator Bob Menendez said in a statement. "As Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I will not green-light any cooperation with Riyadh until the Kingdom reassesses its position with respect to the war in Ukraine. "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia chose the latter in a terrible decision driven by economic self-interest." The leaders of the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees review major international arms deals, which generally do not go ahead without their approval. Saudi Arabia is the largest customer for U.S.-made military equipment.
Sen. Bob Menendez threatened to block cooperation with Saudi Arabia. Menendez went on to excoriate Saudi Arabia, OPEC's leading member, accusing it of helping "underwrite Putin's war through the OPEC+ cartel." The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia chose the latter in a terrible decision driven by economic self-interest," Menendez said. Relations between the US and Saudi Arabia have been on shaky ground for years, largely since the brutal 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi by agents of the Saudi government. On the campaign trail, President Joe Biden pledged to make Saudi Arabia a "pariah" over Khashoggi's murder.
Sen. Bob Menendez lauded Biden's recent $20,000 student-loan forgiveness announcement. But he said borrowers still need more answers before payments resume next year. He wants additional details on the PSLF waiver and income-driven repayment plans. Biden promised loan forgiveness on the campaign trail, and Menendez said it marks "an important step towards restoring faith in the American Dream." The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) waiver.
În numeroasele aspecte, talibanii par să se afle "în momentul de faţă într-o situaţie mai bună din punct de vedere militar decât în orice alt moment din 2001 încoace", relevă o analiză realizată în luna martie de serviciul pentru cercetări al Congresului. "Unii oficiali afgani ar bănui că talibanii intenţionează să rămână la masa negocierilor până când se vor asigura că SUA se retrag complet din Afganistan, după care vor profita de avantajul pe care îl au în teren pentru a prelua controlul asupra ţării prin forţă", conform aceleiaşi analize.După anunţul preşedintelui Joe Biden privind retragerea tuturor militarilor americani din Afganistan până pe 11 septembrie a.c., membri ai Congresului sunt preocupaţi nu doar în ce priveşte impactul acestei retrageri asupra operaţiunilor antiteroriste ale SUA, ci şi asupra viitorului statut al femeilor şi minorităţilor din Afganistan, precum şi asupra miliardelor de dolari din banii contribuabililor americani oferiţi anual acestei ţări ca ajutor extern.Congresmeni din întregul spectru politic american sunt pesimişti în ce priveşte capacitatea guvernului de la Kabul de a rezista în faţa talibanilor, fără o prezenţă militară a SUA. Or, dacă talibanii răstoarnă guvernul civil, aşa cum au făcut în anii 1990 după retragerea sovietică, există serioase preocupări că această grupare fundamentalistă va încerca să elimine progresele înregistrate în ce priveşte accesul fetelor şi femeilor la educaţie şi reprezentarea lor în societate. "Nu cred, în niciun caz, că Senatul SUA va susţine continuarea asistenţei pentru Afganistan, în cazul în care talibanii îşi asumă un rol conducător, ce pune capăt progreselor societăţii civile şi privind drepturile femeilor", a spus Menendez.Săptămâna trecută, secretarul de stat al SUA Antony Blinken a anunţat că departamentul său va aloca anul acesta aproape 300 de milioane de dolari ca asistenţă civilă suplimentară pentru Afganistan.Zalmay Khalilzad a asigurat în cursul audierii că în discuţiile sale cu participanţii la negocierile de pace din Afganistan a subliniat că "problema drepturilor omului şi în special ale femeilor este a doua după terorism pe scara importanţei politice în SUA".
Persons: afgani, Joe Biden, SUA ., îşi, SUA Antony Blinken Locations: SUA, Afganistan, american, Kabul
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