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Why China won't bail out its real estate sector
  + stars: | 2022-10-25 | by ( Evelyn Cheng | )   time to read: +6 min
A year after Chinese developer Evergrande 's debt problems began rattling investors, the country's real estate troubles have only gotten worse. Some homebuyers refused to pay their mortgages due to construction delays, while property sales plunged. He expects Beijing will want to gradually resolve the problems in real estate and reduce the industry's role in the economy. Explosive growth in China's real estate industry over the last two decades minted tycoons who were not afraid of flaunting their wealth. It contrasts with an average four to five quarters for previous real estate slumps in China, the report said.
BEIJING — China's latest leadership appointments point to greater emphasis on relations with the U.S.Foreign Minister Wang Yi joined the new Politburo, the second-highest level of power, state media announced Sunday. The changes showed that Yang Jiechi, a long-time diplomat closely involved with U.S.-China relations, did not stay on in the Politburo. Yang has headed the party's central committee foreign affairs office and was widely expected to retire. Qin Gang, China's ambassador to the U.S., also made the list of new central committee members released Saturday. "I think there may be a chance to certainly ease the tensions, hopefully, given the challenges China faces in keeping the Chinese economy growing," Yang said.
Elemy, a $1.15 billion startup, promised families and healthcare providers quick access to autism care for kids. The current and former Elemy employees who spoke to Insider for this story requested anonymity because they feared retaliation from the company. ABA therapy, while somewhat controversial, is the most widely used treatment to teach kids with autism new skills and discourage challenging behaviors. At the direction of leadership, Elemy employees on the business-development team told those organizations to send their kids with autism, according to four former employees directly involved in forming referral relationships. Each ABA company performs its own expensive, time-consuming behavior assessments, and some insurers pay for only one assessment every six months, he said.
Investor Sven Henrich asked Musk (via his Twitter account "@northmantrader") if the report was true. As CNBC previously reported, Musk posted a series of tweets earlier this month seeking support for what he thought would be the best outcome for Russia's war on Ukraine. Musk proposed UN-supervised votes in Ukraine about whether certain regions of the nation under siege should join Russia. Publicly opining on war could prove risky for Musk and SpaceX, cautions J2 Ventures founder and Managing Partner Alex Harstrick. Musk has also recently sounded off, in an interview with Financial Times, about his vision for resolving China's conflict with Taiwan.
Hong Kong CNN Business —As tensions between China and Taiwan simmer at their highest point in decades, officials in both places have clashed in recent days over an unsolicited idea from billionaire Elon Musk. Taiwan, a democracy of 23 million people, strongly objects to Beijing’s claims to the island. In a briefing on October 7, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said the “Taiwan question is China’s internal affair.”“China’s position on resolving the Taiwan question is consistent and clear. We remain committed to the basic principle of peaceful reunification and ‘one country, two systems,’” he said. “Which Elon Musk do you like more?” Zelensky asked his Twitter followers, using the social media platform’s poll function.
Elon Musk has weighed in on China-Taiwan relations, and Taiwanese politicians are not impressed. But critics have argued that the national security law passed in 2020 in Hong Kong has eroded some of the freedoms promised under the one country, two systems arrangement. On Saturday, Qin Gang, China's ambassador to the U.S., thanked Musk for his suggestion of a special administrative zone for Taiwan. The ambassador added Taiwan "will enjoy a high degree of autonomy as a special administrative region, and a vast space for development." However, Taiwan has repeatedly rejected a one country, two systems arrangement.
WASHINGTON, Oct 9 (Reuters) - China's ambassador to the United States thanked Elon Musk for proposing a special administration zone for Taiwan, while Taiwan's de facto ambassador to Washington reprimanded the billionaire saying its "freedom and democracy are not for sale." "Taiwan sells many products, but our freedom and democracy are not for sale," Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan's de facto ambassador to Washington, tweeted on Saturday. "Any lasting proposal for our future must be determined peacefully, free from coercion, and respectful of the democratic wishes of the people of Taiwan." Musk was responding to a question about China, where his Tesla (TSLA.O) electric car company operates a large factory. In tweets posted on Saturday, the Chinese ambassador wrote: "I would like to thank @elonmusk for his call for peace across the Taiwan Strait and his idea about establishing a special administrative zone for Taiwan."
CATL is the world's largest electric vehicle battery maker and supplier to the likes of Tesla and Ford. The world's largest electric vehicle battery maker CATL is evaluating whether to expand its battery swapping business to international markets, a senior executive told CNBC. In January, the Chinese battery manufacturer launched its battery swapping business called EVOGO in China across 10 cities. Instead, drivers can rent battery packs from CATL and put them into the car when their other battery runs out. Li Xiaoning, executive president of overseas commercial application at CATL, told CNBC in an interview on Thursday, that the company is also evaluating expansion of its battery swapping product into Europe.
Qilai Shen | Bloomberg | Getty ImagesBEIJING — Chinese electric car start-up Xpeng has released its most expensive car to date, marking the company's foray into a higher price range. On Wednesday night, Xpeng announced its newest car, the G9 SUV, will be priced from 309,900 yuan ($44,270) to 469,000 yuan. The price range makes Xpeng's latest car generally cheaper than new SUV offerings this fall from Nio and Li Auto. Nio's ES7 sells for 468,000 yuan to 548,000 yuan, while Li Auto's Li 9 lists a price of 459,800 yuan. BYD, the dominant local leader in China's electric car market, sells in an even lower price range.
Nio’s battery swap stations also promise to send drivers out with a new, fully-charged battery in just a few minutes, faster than current charging alternatives. In China, Nio set up a company with partners including battery giant CATL to buy the battery packs for leasing and then collect subscription fees from Nio users. Over the past year, Nio has been experimenting with battery leasing and swapping in Norway for its ES8, an electric-drive SUV. The company has sold 800 of the SUVs and installed two swapping stations in Norway, executives said. Nearly all the buyers in Norway and more than half in China have opted for battery leasing, said Shen Fei, Nio's vice-president for power management.
Pentru acest studiu, oamenii de ştiinţă au analizat 19 studii publicate anterior. Ei au combinat date obţinute în urma a 17 studii în care au fost implicate peste 560.000 de persoane cu aproape 37.000 de evenimente cardiovasculare majore, precum infarct sau accident vascular cerebral.Cercetătorii au utilizat, de asemenea, date din şase studii, efectuate pe un număr de peste 750.000 de participanţi, cu aproape 86.000 de decese în decursul unei perioade medii de 10 ani.Conform constatărilor cercetării, în comparaţie cu subiecţii a căror dietă săptămânală era cea mai săracă în alimente prăjite, persoanele care au consumat cantitatea cea mai mare prezentau un risc sporit cu 28% de a suferi evenimente cardiovasculare majore. Totodată, acestea din urmă aveau un risc cu 22% mai mare de boli de inimă şi cu 37% mai mare de insuficienţă cardiacă.Aceste riscuri au crescut substanţial cu 3%, 2% şi respectiv 12%, cu fiecare porţie suplimentară săptămânală de circa 110 grame, după cum au notat Pei Qin de la Centrul pentru Ştiinţe Medicale din cadrul Universităţii Shenzhen şi colegii săi.Studiul a fost publicat marţi în jurnalul ştiinţific Heart.Nu este clar modul în care alimentele prăjite pot creşte riscul de apariţie a bolilor cardiovasculare, însă sunt posibile mai multe explicaţii, au menţionat autorii studiului într-un comunicat. Alimentele prăjite conţin aşa-numiţii acizi graşi trans, nocivi, din uleiurile vegetale hidrogenate utilizate adesea în procesul de prepare. Totodată, prăjirea stimulează producţia unor substanţe chimice secundare, ce pot declanşa un răspuns inflamator în organism.În plus, alimentele bogate în sare, cum ar fi puiul prăjit şi cartofii prăjiţi, sunt adesea servite împreună cu băuturi îndulcite cu zahăr, în special în restaurantele de tip fast-food, au notat cercetătorii.
Persons: Qin
Alimentele prăjite, factor important în apariţia bolilor de inimă şi a accidentului vascular cerebralConsumul de alimente prăjite este asociat cu un risc crescut de boli de inimă şi accident vascular cerebral, sugerează un nou studiu realizat în China şi citat miercuri de UPI. Probabilitatea de a dezvolta astfel de probleme de sănătate creşte cu fiecare porţie suplimentară de circa 110 grame de alimente prăjite pe săptămână, au mai constatat cercetătorii. Totodată, acestea din urmă aveau un risc cu 22% mai mare de boli de inimă şi cu 37% mai mare de insuficienţă cardiacă, scrie Agerpres. Nu este clar modul în care alimentele prăjite pot creşte riscul de apariţie a bolilor cardiovasculare, însă sunt posibile mai multe explicaţii, au menţionat autorii studiului într-un comunicat. Alimentele prăjite conţin aşa-numiţii acizi graşi trans, nocivi, din uleiurile vegetale hidrogenate utilizate adesea în procesul de prepare.
Persons: Qin Organizations: Agerpres Locations: China
Chinezii din provinciile Hunan, Jiangxi (centru) şi Zhejiang (est) sunt afectaţi de aceste restricţii atât acasă, cât și la muncă, potrivit presei şi autorităţilor locale. Lifturile, oprite pentru economie de curentLa începutul lunii decembrie, provincia Hunan a decretat stingerea, timp de mai multe ore pe zi, a iluminatului clădirilor şi a limitat încălzirea în locurile de divertisment. În provincia Zhejiang, uzinele au primit ordinul de a opri producţia, iar sistemul public de iluminat a fost oprit pe perioada nopţii pentru a reduce emisiile, susţin mass media şi internauţii. Obiectivele de mediu ale ChineiAceste incidente ilustrează provocările cu care se confruntă o China în plină dezvoltare, constrânsă să realizeze un echilibru între nevoile populaţiei sale şi angajamentele în materie de mediu. Însă tensiunile dintre China şi Australia au declanşat îngrijorări pe pieţele de materii prime, ceea ce a dus la creşterea preţului cărbunelui în China”, susţine Yan Qin, analist la Refinitiv.
Persons: Lauri, Autorităţile, Celsius, susţine Yan Locations: Hunan, Jiangxi, Helsinki, Zhejiang, China, Chinei, Beijing, Canberra, Australia
The cruise ship is the biggest cluster of infected people outside China, with some 285 confirmed cases out of 3,500 passengers and crew. 6:00 pm: First coronavirus death confirmed in Europe, French health minister saysAn 80-year-old Chinese tourist has died of the new coronavirus in a hospital in France, French Health Minister Agnes Buzyn said Saturday, confirming the first fatality from the fast-spreading respiratory virus in Europe. watch nowThe cruise ship is the biggest cluster of infected people outside China, with some 285 confirmed cases out of 3,500 passengers and crew. — Feuer1:21 pm: CDC concerned with report of infected health workers in ChinaA U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official said the notice from China's National Health Commission about 1,716 health workers infected with the coronavirus was "concerning." Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters during a press briefing that there are currently no U.S. health workers infected with the virus.
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