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Gordon Sondland said MAGA "sycophants" don't know how to deal with Trump. People have to stand up to a "guy like Trump" to earn his respect, Sondland wrote in his new book. "None of the politicians in office, from Ted Cruz to Josh Hawley to Taylor Greene to Tom Cotton, know how to adopt this approach. They're sycophants who built careers on dissembling and playing roles that aren't authentic," Sondland wrote. People do it too infrequently," Sondland wrote.
Hawley says GOP leaders should make banning congressional stock trading their top priority. Congressional Democrats have floated various trading bans but haven't found a unifying fix. How about Congress pass an actual stock trading ban?" Fellow stock trading ban advocate Sen. Jeff Merkley announced a few weeks earlier that Senate Democrats were punting their own compromise bundle into the lame-duck session. Hawley's stock trading proposal, which only applies to congressional members and their spouses, currently has no cosponsors and is less comprehensive than many of the languishing Democratic proposals.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband is making massive stock trades as Congress mulls whether to ban lawmakers and their spouses from trading. Insider compiled each of Paul Pelosi's trades that the speaker has reported since 2021. As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options. When asked in December 2021 whether members of Congress should even be allowed to trade stocks, Pelosi answered in the affirmative. Here are all of the trades reported by Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2021 and 2022:
The text comes after months of back-and-forth between Pelosi and lawmakers, and a vote may come this week. Interest in lawmakers' stock trades rose after Insider's "Conflicted Congress" investigation. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who himself does not trade stocks, said earlier this year that he'd consider barring members of Congress from trading stocks if the GOP wins the House in November. Here's what the bill includes:The bill would ban top officials across all three branches — as well as the spouses and dependent children of members of Congress — from owning or trading stocks, as well as cryptocurrencies. Members of Congress would also be required to file financial disclosures electronically, eliminating a long-standing problem with lawmakers submitting illegible information about their personal finances.
Some have proposed age limits for elected officials amid concerns about America's gerontocracy. The history of the contemporary movement for term limits largely dates back to the early 1990s, when dozens of states enacted term limits not just for their own legislatures but for their federal representatives in Washington. "Put it this way: I'm a little more interested in term limits than age limits," Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland told Insider. "There's a logic to term limits, because the principle of democracy is taking turns," Raskin, 59, said. "If there were to be term limits, the legislature certainly should have more terms than the executive," he offered.
MIAMI — In a luxury Miami resort earlier this month, leading conservative politicians, influencers and academics gathered to formulate a grand path forward for the American right. Meanwhile, the broader American left was repeatedly denounced as the “enemy” and a “regime” with “evil” ideas. The conference was backed by substantial donations from conservative advocacy groups and think tanks that included the Common Sense Society, The Heritage Foundation and the Conservative Partnership Institute. One panel featured a presentation titled “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Christian Nationalism,” though some attendees saw a more clear distinction between the two nationalist ideologies. “Sometimes people get swept up in the ideas of Christian nationalism,” Jordan Esrig, a senior at Vanderbilt University who attended the conference, said.
Democrats teed up a procedural vote Thursday on a bill to disclose dark-money groups' donors. Super PACs, on the other hand, are subject to federal campaign finance disclosure laws, but their funding often comes from dark money groups. "Unfortunately, the Republican party has become as dependent on dark money as a deep-sea diver is on his air hose," said Whitehouse. Win McNamee/Getty ImagesA bipartisan problemSince the Citizens United ruling 12 years ago, dark money spending has exploded in elections. Nonprofits have poured around $2 billion into elections, most of which can be linked to dark money groups, OpenSecrets found.
Sen. Josh Hawley introduced a bill to hold colleges accountable for student debt borrowers take on. Hawley said the schools have gotten endowments while "teaching nonsense like men can get pregnant." "For decades, universities have amassed billion-dollar endowments while teaching nonsense like men can get pregnant. Instead, it's time to put universities on the hook and give students the information they need to make informed decisions." On the same day that Biden announced his relief, Hawley bashed the policy while once again expressing his concern that "wacky professors" are teaching that "men can get pregnant."
Tech companies are worried an aging Congress can't meet or even understand their demands. Younger members of Congress are beginning to take the lead in conversations on tech issues. Hawley said younger members are generally more critical of big tech. However, he added, new technologies are more widely used by younger people, and users tend to understand technology better. Meanwhile, major tech companies continue to ramp up their federal lobbying spending, together spending more in 2021 than in any other year in history.
Circuit Court of Appeals, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in her confirmation hearing in Washington that she would follow the June ruling despite having fought to preserve abortion rights. read more"Dobbs is now the law of the land, and I will follow it, as I will follow all Supreme Court precedents," Rikelman said, referring to the Supreme Court case by its name, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. Democrats are seeking to highlight Republican opposition to abortion rights ahead of the Nov. 8 midterm elections in which control of Congress is at stake. The conservative-majority Supreme Court overturned its landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that had legalized abortion nationwide. But Rikelman said her personal views do not matter because as a lower court judge, she would be bound by U.S. Supreme Court precedent, including its decision in the Dobbs case, which she promised to "absolutely" follow.
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., wrote Monday asking Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to "ensure" that the social media giant TikTok fully cuts its ties with China. "This shocking testimony calls for action," Hawley wrote in his letter, asking Yellen "to exercise your responsibilities as [chair of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States] to ensure that the Chinese company ByteDance fully divests TikTok and that TikTok sever any connections with any other Chinese company." "Does any employee who has access to U.S. user data, are they members of the Chinese Communist Party?" Lawmakers and regulators have raised concerns that ByteDance could provide U.S. user data directly to the Chinese government. The legislation would also prohibit TikTok from accessing U.S. citizens’ user data from within China.
TikTok won’t commit to stopping US data flows to China
  + stars: | 2022-09-14 | by ( Brian Fung | )   time to read: +4 min
“Will TikTok commit to cutting off all data and data flows to China, China-based TikTok employees, ByteDance employees, or any other party in China that might have the capability to access information on US users?” Portman asked. TikTok does not operate in China, Pappas said, though it does have an office in China. She also reiterated that TikTok has said it would “under no circumstances … give that data to China” and denied that TikTok is in any way influenced by China. “Again, we take this incredibly seriously in terms of upholding trust with US citizens and ensuring the safety of US user data,” Pappas said. TikTok previously said it has moved its US user data to cloud servers managed by Oracle, from servers that TikTok controlled in Virginia and Singapore, and that it would eventually delete backups of US user data from those proprietary servers.
Here's the full timeline of Trump's known phone calls as recorded in official White House records. Trump speaks to lawyer Kurt Olsen, who played a key role in legal efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Hawley said he never returned Trump's calls on January 6, when he objected to election results at the joint session of Congress. Hawley said he never returned Trump's calls on January 6, when he objected to election results at the joint session of Congress. AP Photo/John MinchilloTrump spoke at the "Save America" rally at the Ellipse at noon and returned to the White House at 1:19 pm, according to White House records.
Virginia Sen. Mark Warner says members of Congress shouldn't be allowed to trade individual stocks. "The ability to trade, and particularly on a day trade basis, even if you're not doing anything wrong, it looks bad," said Sen. Warner. Nancy Pelosi's argument for allowing stock trading is that federal representatives should not be restricted from participating in the economy. His transactions took place just a week before the House Judiciary Committee advanced its slew of antitrust bills aimed at Big Tech. As he leaned back in his chair in his Washington DC office, Sen. Warner, a seasoned investor, brought the point home.
Biden signed a bill into law that addresses the spike in anti-Asian hate crimes over the past year. The bill, called the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, directs the Department of Justice to expedite the review of coronavirus-related hate crimes, provide guidance to state and local governments to improve public reporting on hate crimes, and raise awareness about hate crimes during the public-health crisis. The federal government has faced pressure to respond to the spike in anti-Asian hate crimes during the pandemic. The House passed the legislation on Tuesday, with 364 lawmakers supporting the bill and 62 Republicans opposing it. "Hate can — I mean this from the bottom of my heart — hate can be given no safe harbor in America.
Senatul american l-a confirmat, vineri, pe generalul în rezervă Lloyd Austin în funcția de Secretar al Apărării, una dintre primele nominalizări confirmate în cabinetul președintelui Biden, transmite Lloyd Austin este prima persoană de culoare care ocupă funcția de șef al Pentagonului, aceasta fiind o nouă nominalizare istorică pentru guvernul Statelor Unite. Austin a scris, ulterior, pe Twitter că „este o onoare și un privilegiu” să conducă departamentul Apărării și că este mândru să fie primul afro-american în această funcție. În vârstă de 67 de ani, Lloyd Austin a condus Comandamentul Central al SUA (CENTCOM) în perioada 2013-2016, după care a trecut în retragere. Ca vicepreședinte, Biden avea această zonă de responsabilitate și a lucrat îndeaproape cu generalul Austin.
Persons: Lloyd Austin, Biden, Statelor Unite . Austin, Mike Lee, Josh Hawley, . Austin, Austin, Avril Haines Organizations: Apărării, Trump, Stat Islamic Locations: american, Statelor Unite, SUA, Orientul Mijlociu, Irak
Tot ce s-a întâmplat în SUA de la intrarea susținătorilor lui Trump în Capitoliu până azi. Patru persoane au murit și 52 persoane arestateCongresul SUA s-a întrunit miercuri pentru validarea rezultatelor alegerilor prezidenţiale. O femeie inițial a fost rănită, apoi aceasta a murit din cauza rănilor. Primarul capitalei SUA a instituit starea de urgenţă în DC timp de 15 zile până pe 21 ianuarie, după ziua inaugurării. Contestaţia depusă de echipa lui Donald Trump, care nu recunoaşte numărătoarea voturilor din Pennsylvania, a fost respinsă.
Persons: Trump, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, Mike, Donald Trump susținîtorilor, AFP, Cannon, Dan, Reuters, Jens Stoltenberg, Congresmeni, Muriel, Pentagonul, George W . Bush, Aaron Blake, exerciţiu, Melania Trump, Stephanie Grisham, Barack Obama, Robert Contee, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley Organizations: SUA, Congresului, Congresului SUA, Statelor Unite, NATO, Reuters, MediaFax, Garda Naţională, Facebook, Casei Albe, Albă, CNN, Congresul,, Trump, Washington DC Locations: SUA, Capitoliu, Washington, Californiei, Statelor, Garda, District, Columbia, american, exerciţiu, Capitoliul, Congresul Statelor Unite, prezidenţiale, Arizona, Pennsylvania
Donald Trump va reveni astfel la Casa Albă mai devreme decât se anticipase, deşi invitaţilor, care au început să sosească la reşedinţa sa din Palm Beach, li s-a comunicat că vor fi primiţi de către preşedintele SUA. Donald şi-a ieşit din minţi când Melania i-a prezentat planurile sale de redecorare a caseiConform CNN, în zilele petrecute în Florida, Trump a fost obsedat de rezultatul alegerilor şi procesul de certificare a victoriei lui Joe Biden în Congresul american, eveniment programat pe 6 ianuarie 2021. După ce a înregistrat eşec după eşec în contestarea în justiţie a rezultatelor alegerilor din SUA, Trump vede în evenimentul de pe 6 ianuarie cea mai bună şansă de a întoarce în favoarea sa alegerile pierdute. Pe 6 ianuarie, la ceremonia din Congresul SUA, urmează a se certifica rezultatul votului alegerilor prezidenţiale din SUA. La final, este nevoie ca ambele Camere să voteze, separat, în favoarea obiecției (adică, în cazul de faţă, negarea victoriei lui Joe Biden).
Persons: Donald Trump, SUA, Trump, Melania, Donald, CNN, Joe Biden, Mo Brooks, Josh Hawley, Mike Pence, Biden, Mark Pence Organizations: Albă, american, SUA, Senatului Locations: Palm Beach, Florida, SUA, Statelor Unite, Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin, Missouri, senatorilor, Congres
Total: 18